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Mayhem Pt 1: The May-bees Crossword Puzzle

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Inspired by the Trio challenge, most of the clues in this quiz have a link to the word "May" or the answers will contain those letters. Best of luck.
Author: pollucci19 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. The colour of the beryl gemstone that is the birthstone for the month of May
      4. Arizona senator, lost 1964 Presidential election, passed away May 1998; ___ Goldwater
      7. Released May 1977, it was a hit for Graham Bonnet; "It's ___ Over Now, Baby Blue"
      8. Born in May 1925 is this New York Yankee baseball catcher; Yogi ___
      9. Permit (Yes, you may)
      10. A less formal term for permission than "may"
      11. In May each year the country of Cameroon holds a festival named for this ovine
      14. What competitors must do in the Giro d'Italia, held in May each year
      17. Tree planting holiday celebrated in Nova Scotia on Thursday, first full week in May; ___ Day
      20. Brand name of a scented soap sold by Unilever
      23. May and June are the breeding months for this, Australia's largest, bird
      24. An aboriginal person of New Zealand
      25. Related to an indigenous peoples of Mexico
      26. Released the album "Fear of Flying" in May 2000
      27. Greek singer, released his final album in May, 2009; ___ Roussos
      28. Appointed to Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel in 2007; ___ Danziger


      1. Australian author, created the "Snugglepot & Cuddlepie" series; May ___
      2. Born 3 May, 1874 was this US Navy Rear Admiral; Ralph ___
      3. Organisation, was the successor of the National Negro Committee, formed May 1910 (Acronym)
      4. Courmayeur is one of 3 towns servicing this alp on the French/Italian border; Mont ___
      5. Curio or a 2011 single, "A ___" by Derrick May
      6. Mythological ape-like creature, reportedly from outback Australia
      12. Paul Simon song, performed on "Saturday Night Live", May 1986; "Diamonds on the Soles of ___ Shoes"
      13. Their single "Eldorado" was released in the UK in May 1978 (Acronym)
      15. Peruvian coloratura soprano; ___ Sumac
      16. Born May 1961, was Marty's girlfriend in the "Back to the Future" series; ___ Thompson
      17. In the USA, the third Saturday in May is celebrated as "___ Forces Day"
      18. Hawthorn is called the May Tree because, in that month its flowers will ___
      19. Germany signed their WWII surrender in this French town in May 1945
      20. Small tree or shrub (Zschokkea arborescens) of the family Apocynaceae of the Amazon valley
      21. In England, the head of a town or borough
      22. One of the four districts of the Union Territory of Puducherry, India