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Synonym Crossword Puzzle

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Find the synonym from the one word clue.
Author: sw11 - Diff: Harder



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      1. Prank
      4. Sensitive
      7. Garment
      8. Desk
      9. Minimum
      12. Grief
      14. Lion
      15. Space
      18. Price
      19. Zone
      22. Macaroni
      24. Majestic
      27. Period
      29. Dot
      31. Omit
      34. Seeped
      35. Story
      36. Alike


      1. Perfomer
      2. Forbidden
      3. Seamen
      4. Skilled
      5. Tiny
      6. Advances
      10. Beside
      11. Entire
      13. Single
      16. Egg
      17. Rug
      20. Rodent
      21. Equipped
      22. Assume
      23. Chair
      25. Lamprey
      26. Suitable
      28. Notion
      30. Base
      32. Moose
      33. Eagle