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Easy Peasy Crossword Puzzle

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A fairly easy general knowledge crossword in which every answer includes at least one letter 'P'.
Author: misstified - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Thick liquid brushed onto surfaces to colour them
      4. Very impressive
      7. Small snake
      8. The top part of a shoe
      9. Protective garment
      10. Receptacle used for cooking
      12. Friends
      15. Large vessel to go to sea in
      17. Small abnormal growth in some bodily organs eg the colon
      18. River in eastern Scotland
      20. High mountains
      23. Download this onto mobile phones etc to do a specific task (abbrev)
      25. A contribution to something, for instance, of ideas or data
      26. A fruit
      27. Choose
      28. Exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles (3,2)
      29. According to Shakespeare in 'Macbeth' this 'knits up the ravell'd sleave of care'


      1. Chubby
      2. Force
      3. Waterproof protective cover (abbrev)
      4. Small argument
      5. The fronts of some houses have this small covered area
      6. Bowlers in cricket often take this (3,2)
      11. Lowest deck of a multi-decked sea-going vessel
      13. Unit of electric current (abbrev)
      14. Secret agent
      15. Hot bath
      16. Mischievous child
      18. Turns rapidly
      19. Someone now living in a country other than the one they were born in (abbrev)
      21. One-off reversion to previous bad habit
      22. Brush a surface to clean it
      23. Being above something else
      24. Hits very gently