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An Awful Lot of As Crossword Puzzle

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General knowledge crossword in which every answer contains at least one letter 'A'.
Author: misstified - Diff: Average



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      1. Cautious
      4. Rise high
      7. Have a meal
      9. Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet
      10. Female singer who sang the theme tune to the James Bond film 'Skyfall' (2012)
      11. Droop
      12. French revolutionary politician who was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday in 1793
      15. Put into operation, pass into law
      18. Natural oil used in perfumes and often made from rose petals
      21. Flood
      24. Eggs
      25. A traditional Cornish ___ is filled with meat, potato and vegetables
      26. In 1986 the band Queen had a hit with 'A kind of ___'
      27. Robe worn by priests
      28. Meat from a young calf
      29. A townland in County Antrim, Northern Ireland


      2. The fictional lady who Sherlock Holmes spoke highly of was Irene ___
      3. A rising agent used in bread-making
      4. To put on a play is to do this to it
      5. Usually a large place with seating around where spectators watch a game or musical show
      6. First man
      8. Achievement
      13. Liable
      14. Historic Muslim title for a commander or official
      16. Short sleep
      17. Comparatively small feline
      18. Cleopatra made use of one of these animals
      19. Sample a food or drink
      20. A shade of blue between sky and navy
      21. Dance originating in Brazil
      22. Portent or one who predicted by interpreting omens in ancient Rome
      23. Every one