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More Than Seven Cees Here Crossword Puzzle

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This is a mainly easy crossword and every answer contains at least one letter 'C'.
Author: misstified - Diff: Average



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Running contest
      4. Approach
      7. Mountain pass
      9. Base eight number system
      10. Relationship of your cousin's father to you
      11. Appear in a play
      12. Measure of gold purity
      15. Pile
      18. Barrier protecting a piece of land
      21. Young member of a noble family
      24. Rank above a private in the army (abbrev)
      25. Drink made from processed cacao beans
      26. Describes a round tapered shape
      27. Celluloid on which animated cartoon objects are drawn
      28. Can describe someone from Wales, Scotland etc
      29. Engrave using acid


      2. Thespian
      3. Flair
      4. Clumsy people (slang)
      5. Muslim holy city
      6. Necklace made from twisted metal
      8. Old measure of dry volume
      13. Highest card
      14. Curved line
      16. Private investigator or plain clothes police officer (abbrev)
      17. Sound a dove makes
      18. Opposite of fiction
      19. Mother-of-pearl
      20. Put into operation or law
      21. Plain block supporting a column
      22. Style of Ancient Greek architecture
      23. French city on the Mediterranean coast