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Connection Collection Crossword Puzzle

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Created for a November QueWriMo challenge, this crossword combines concepts from various religions and the Bible. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Cud-chewing rabbit's fur (Leviticus 11:6 [NIV]); or the male animal's French name
      4. Commandment recipient (Exodus 24:12 [NIV]); he took two tablets
      7. Constituent part of a biblical book, further divided into verses
      8. Chi preceder naming a Chinese martial art involving meditation
      9. Certain snake in Kipling's "The Jungle Book"
      10. Christians, Jews and Muslims revere this biblical prophet with two O.T. books bearing his name
      13. Contrivance for catching fish (John 21:6 [NIV])
      15. Creator
      17. Chance beginning
      19. Confused, doubting apostle (John 20:24-29 [NIV])
      22. Cause trouble to (Job 16:3 [NIV])
      24. Chronologically, the Bible's earlier Testament
      25. Cutting off Malchus's right ear, did Peter damage this tympanic membrane? (John 18:10 [NIV])
      26. Culpability: a common biblical and religious theme (John 9:41 [NIV])
      27. Colourless, visibly frightened (Luke 24:37 [NIV])


      1. Centre of any event or action (and not quite a biblical plague animal)
      2. Composition, one of 150 in the Bible's Old Testament
      3. Christmas eggnog spice
      4. Contributor of the Bible's second gospel
      5. Chief evil and tempter (Mark 1:13 [NIV])
      6. Canonised person
      11. Chronological number: "Will Sarah bear a child at the ____ of ninety?" (Genesis 17:17 [NIV])
      12. Character whose wife ignored warnings and looked back (Genesis 19:26 [NIV])
      14. Chunk of history
      16. Cosmic law and order in Buddhism
      17. Cutlery (fork) feature (1 Samuel 2:13 [NIV])
      18. Circle measures
      20. Christmas gift from the Magi (Matthew 2:11 [NIV])
      21. Called Peter, he was a fisherman and Andrew's brother (Matthew 4:18 [NIV])
      23. Carnival follower (Matthew 6:16-18 [NIV])