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Chronos and Company Crossword Puzzle

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A coterie of characters and contexts from Greek mythology. Another puzzle written for a November QueWriMo challenge. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Clobber, old-style
      4. Counterpart of Diana, Artemis (Apollo's twin) had three different ones, including Selene and Hecate
      7. Charon ferried the souls of the dead across this river of Hades
      8. Calm or stormy, Poseidon's temper was akin to the ____ he ruled (sing.)
      9. 14D and 9A: Cyclopes, helpers of Hephaestus, each had ____ ____ (second word)
      10. Confident: Artemis was a ____-willed goddess
      13. Called Helios by the Greeks, this god's Roman name
      15. Cerberus who guarded Hades was a ferocious three-headed ____
      17. Cheat, con
      19. Confused, flustered state
      22. Choose not to prevent
      24. Chunk of history
      25. Cowed, shamefaced
      26. Cries in a loud wailing manner
      27. Crows, lions, wolves, ____ (male deer) and dolphins were animals that Apollo liked


      1. Certain trumpeters which drew Apollo's golden chariot
      2. Core fluid, blood of the gods
      3. Chore: for Hermes it was delivering gods' messages to mortals
      4. 4D and 5D: Calliope, Clio et al. were the ____ ____, goddesses of the arts (first word, numeric)
      5. 4D and 5D: Calliope, Clio et al. were the ____ ____, goddesses of the arts (second word)
      6. Champion of ____ (diminutive) animals, Artemis took an interest in protecting all wildlife
      11. Child's plaything: minutes after his birth, Hermes made a lyre from a tortoise shell
      12. Chronos was the ____ of empirical time
      14. 14D and 9A: Cyclopes, helpers of Hephaestus, each had ____ ____ (first word, numeric)
      16. Cyclopes (see 14D/9A) were these abnormally large creatures
      17. Chief of the ____ pantheon was Zeus
      18. Costumed as mortal men, Zeus and Hermes sought a ____ in Phrygia to stay the night
      20. Chopping off each head from the Lernaean ____ saw two more regrow
      21. Conducts with intense anger, characteristic of some gods
      23. Consequently