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Herman Hollerith Got Us into this Hole Mess! Crossword Puzzle

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Herman Hollerith was an American inventor and businessman who played a major role in the development of data processing through his use of punched cards and tabulating machines. This crossword looks at some aspects of his life and achievements. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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      1. Hollerith introduced these sets of columns on his punch cards, each recording a single item of data
      5. To such an extent, ____ as, because (2,2,4)
      10. Post-WWII nuclear org.
      12. Electromechanical device incremented to record data as part of Hollerith's machines
      13. Legendary password stealer (3,4) "Open sesame"
      14. Considerable, time-consuming; information processing before Hollerith's innovations
      15. Commission, responsibility
      17. Arduous
      18. 18A and 23A: Highly influential; Hollerith is seen as a ____ ____ in data processing (first word)
      20. Herman Hollerith's country of birth (init.)
      22. Support, as a cause
      23. 18A and 23A: Highly influential; Hollerith is seen as a ____ ____ in data processing (second word)
      26. As a minimum (2,3,5)
      28. Information processing acronym relating output integrity to input quality
      30. Small cables used to make temporary electrical connections
      31. Obtains information from someone or something
      33. Apple co-founder's nickname
      34. In 1924, Hollerith's company was renamed "International ____ Machines" (IBM)
      35. Nationality of Herman's father, Georg Hollerith


      1. Something designed and created to serve a particular function
      2. Semiannual astronomical events
      3. Hollerith was a leapling, his ____ of birth: February 29, 1860
      4. Picture
      6. "Clever thinking!" (4,4)
      7. Systematic, technological
      8. Employment
      9. As proof of concept, Hollerith automated Baltimore's ____ (medical) records
      11. Two dimensional data analysis: ____ tabulation
      16. Not anticipated or predicted; the effect of Hollerith's work on the future of information processing
      18. U-turn from NNW
      19. Light, silvery metal extracted from bauxite (Brit. spelling)
      20. Country (init.) and 10-yearly population survey that motivated Hollerith's inventions (1,1,6)
      21. Concentrates on, focuses one's attention on (6,2)
      24. "Don't quit your ____!" (3,3) Hollerith's was teaching engineering at MIT
      25. Out of whack
      27. Census counting by hand in 1850 resulted in excessive processing ____ (plural)
      29. Hollerith's punch card was the same ____ as the then current dollar bill
      32. Record