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Add and Scramble (1) Crossword Puzzle

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Add a letter to the first part of each clue, then anagram to find the answer to the second part. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      8. Unifier: statuette
      9. Lease: raptors
      10. Sop: chooses
      11. Into: mixer
      12. Nag: work crew
      13. Areolae: medicinal plant (4,4)
      16. Aimed: visualised
      18. Sin: ain't right? (contraction)
      20. Kiln: compare
      21. Way: off
      22. Conga: French brandy
      23. Wickets: most bonkers
      26. Bat: attempt
      28. Dire: dentist's request
      30. Sat: fine things
      31. Guile: more atrocious
      32. Oppress: mall visitors


      1. Idles: get rid of
      2. Sup: drinking containers
      3. Title: on the small side
      4. New: in stitches
      5. Certain: response
      6. Gag: all excited
      7. Needier: Dancer's partners
      14. Neat: corroded
      15. Weak: crooked
      17. Acai: you can count on them
      19. Gathers: deficit
      20. Warlock: wedding gown trim
      24. Scour: desktop arrow
      25. Irate: ridicule
      27. Bit: entice
      29. Ode: recommended amount
      30. Pal: Heidi's home