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Checkmate! Crossword Puzzle

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A crossword themed around chess, including the names of each piece.
Author: AdamM7 - Diff: Harder



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      1. Chess piece that initially occupies b1
      6. Abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence
      7. A Greek letter; or, an abbreviation for "pound per square inch"
      8. Wrote down a chess move
      10. "Rank" is the chess term for this
      11. A genus of snake that includes a "constrictor"
      12. Prefix meaning "contemporary"
      14. Definite article
      15. Abbreviation for toilet
      17. Abbreviation for positions held by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
      18. Chess piece that initially occupies a1
      20. Simpsons character with the surname Szyslak
      22. A chess game is divided into the opening, middlegame and ___game
      24. Between orange and green in the rainbow
      28. To be indebted
      30. Along with "pen" and "ni-wom", what Knights say in Monty Python
      31. When a king is in check and has no means of escape
      32. Chess piece that initially occupies d1


      1. Chess piece that initially occupies e1
      2. A whole number
      3. "Top", "bowler" and "pork pie" are types of this
      4. Synonym for 9 down; or, part of a suit
      5. Chess piece that initially occupies c1
      7. Chess piece that initially occupies a2
      9. A chess game result that nets you a half-point
      11. Abbreviation for a branch of science, or a piece of writing about a person
      13. The night before a holiday
      14. What a chess clock keeps track of
      16. The lowest FIDE-awarded title, given at 2200 ELO
      19. Describes the square where a king helps a pawn promote, or a door-opening object
      21. A liquid fossil fuel
      23. A point or spot
      25. Abbreviation for a certain title of nobleman
      26. The number of kings each player has
      27. Chess result that nets you a full point
      29. Myself and other people, collectively