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Meatless Monday Crossword Puzzle

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This quiz is dedicated to my vegan wife. Most of the questions are on plants from growth to consumption. Bon appetit!
Author: BigTriviaDawg - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Exterior faces (pl.)
      5. A plant's way to absorb water from the soil.
      9. Large Indian fruit with a meaty texture
      10. Earthy, aromatic spice often used in chili
      11. Metal plate; Indian meal with 6 types of flavors (i.e. sweet, salty, bitter, etc.)
      12. Over the rainbow perhaps
      13. To enjoy a pleasant taste or smell (British spelling)
      15. Fiber to thicken food or help with constipation
      17. Thickening agent from fermented sugar; Xanthan ___
      18. Soft whey Italian cheeses (pl)
      19. Remove adornments (transitive verb)
      22. Southern Vietnamese noodle soup (usually in beef broth) (6,3)
      24. Could be used to store flour (pl.)
      26. Stew named after a pepper
      27. Spicy South African tomato and onion relish
      28. Mild pepper often stuffed in an olive. (alt. spelling)
      29. Written plans to outline meetings (pl.)


      1. Onions and peppers on a sizzling skillet with tortillas
      2. Hot sweet drink
      3. Maintaining a vegan lifestyle can be this.
      4. A "gourdious" yellow vegetable
      5. A feeling that all will be well
      6. Long-tailed naturally vegan parrot
      7. A restaurant's wine expert
      8. A solar glimmer; or a white bread brand
      14. Genus of blueberries and cranberries
      15. Liquid that oozes from an infection.
      16. Visual design of a vegetable garden
      17. Cold Spanish vegetable soup
      18. Portland car race named after Aphrodite's flower (4,3)
      20. Grape variety often used for making raisins (pl.)
      21. Second word in a popular coconut and rum drink
      23. Allium bulb frequently used in cooking
      25. Mediterranean leafy vegetable