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Rhymes With (Great, 8) Crossword Puzzle

Home» Crosswords» For Children
Number eight in this series for those who are learning to solve crosswords. Each clue has both a definition of the answer, as well as a word that it rhymes with. Just right for grandparents and grandchildren, or elementary classrooms. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Wait on; rhymes with nerve
      4. Type of broom OR kitchen mixer; rhymes with brisk
      7. Triumphant cry; rhymes with chutzpah
      8. More sickly; rhymes with painkiller
      9. Speak slowly; rhymes with stall
      10. Foot part; rhymes with go
      11. Flashlight or lamp; rhymes with scorch
      14. Toboggans; rhymes with spreads
      17. Hints; rhymes with news
      20. Cooked; rhymes with flaked
      23. Kind of party; rhymes with glee
      24. Majestic bird of prey; rhymes with regal
      25. Angler's basket; rhymes with meal
      26. Antlered animal; rhymes with whelk
      27. Less polite; rhymes with Tudor
      28. Impudent; rhymes with lassie


      1. Tee or polo; rhymes with curt
      2. King or queen; rhymes with cooler
      3. Our planet; rhymes with worth
      4. Walks in the water; rhymes with aids
      5. Picture; rhymes with scrimmage
      6. Scottish garb; rhymes with quilts
      12. Lubricate; rhymes with gargoyle
      13. Signal; rhymes with shoe
      15. Meadow; rhymes with spree
      16. Stain; rhymes with apply
      17. Shout of approval; rhymes with yeah
      18. Coaxed; rhymes with merged
      19. Drive; rhymes with here
      20. Drives in reverse; rhymes with max
      21. Collapses (with over); rhymes with reels
      22. Hinder; rhymes with freeway