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Teens' Triple Treat (5) Crossword Puzzle

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[I] Puzzle. [II] Grid game. [III] Double ____ play. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this CROSSWORD has three separate clues. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. [I] Arctic deer. [II] Reindeer relative. [III] Large North American reindeer
      5. [I] Giveaway. [II] Handout. [III] Something for nothing (All: inf., var.)
      9. [I] Stunned. [II] In a daze. [III] Blew away
      10. [I] Keen. [II] All fired up. [III] Raring to go
      11. [I] Decision maker. [II] Voter, e.g. [III] Picky sort?
      12. [I] Tweety with a toehold. [II] Rooster? [III] Pole sitter?
      13. [I] Burlap bags. [II] Fires. [III] American football statistics
      15. [1] Defeat. [II] Swamp. [III] Steamroller
      17. [I] Benefits. [II] Qualities. [III] Longest English word with just one vowel
      19. [I] Makes level. [II] Odds partner. [III] Gets in line
      21. [I] Flower-shaped decoration. [II] Leopard spot. [III] Prize ribbon feature
      23. [I] Sun block. [II] Backdrop. [III] Stage direction
      25. [I] More refined. [II] Less contaminated. [III] Closer to perfection
      26. [I] Swimmer. [II] Sunbather. [III] Paddler (All: 9 or 5-4)
      27. [I] Time waster. [II] Laggard. [III] Procrastinator
      28. [I] Kings and queens. [II] Right or prerogative. [III] Writer's payment


      1. [I] Odds. [II] Risks. [III] Probabilities
      2. [I] Mathematical comparison. [II] 2:1, for example. [III] Proportion
      3. [I] Bumps' partners. [II] Wounds. [III] Leaves black and blue
      4. [I] Hindering progress. [II] In the way. [III] How things get trampled
      5. [I] Sick and tired. [II] Disgusted. [III] Exasperated (All: 3,2)
      6. [I] Tweezer target. [II] Plucking place. [III] It can be pencilled in
      7. [I] Influential person. [II] Head honcho. [III] Top dog. (All: inf., 3,6)
      8. [I] Tympanic membrane. [II] Vibrating body part. [III] Hearing instrument?
      14. [I] Spiral. [II] Wine bottle opener. [III] Twist
      16. [I] Recliner. [II] Comfy spot. [III] Sit back and enjoy it (All: 4,5)
      17. [I] Zebralike. [II] Banded or barred. [III] Like pedestrian crossings
      18. [I] Untouched. [II] Artificial's antonym. [III] Blackjack, in blackjack
      19. [I] Of this planet. [II] Terrestrial. [III] Conceivable
      20. [I] Cooperative interaction. [II] Working well together. [III] The sum equalling more than its parts
      22. [I] Hot coal. [II] Smouldering remnant. [III] Old flame?
      24. [I] Coral island. [II] Reef ring. [III] Bikini, for one