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Duel! Crossword Puzzle

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FunTrivia's "Duel" daily quiz game features an ancient "Dueler's Path" with each step celebrating "an animal that best represents the ferocity with which one duels." This crossword contains a number of those animals, along with many "conflict" words associated with duelling (physically or mentally). Seven anagrams are provided to assist with some of the trickier answers. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Bactrian beast or dromedary; Step 14 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      7. Ultimate winner (abbr.)
      10. Injury or sickness arising from a physical duel (3,6)
      11. Leaving for (3,2) a duel
      12. Surprising RUN-IN to bury, as ashes (anag.)
      13. Engraved coffin plaque, bearing the occupant's identity
      14. Death's counterpart according to Mr. Franklin
      17. Largest Malagasy mammalian carnivore "Cryptoprocta ferox" like a small cougar; Dueler's Path wannabe
      20. Display
      24. Brawls, free-for-alls (with none of the etiquette of a duel)
      25. LURE IF exceptionally angry (anag.)
      26. Evergreen
      27. Desire (4,2)
      28. FAD ERA in a whirl, the bard's terrified (anag.)
      29. It's spotted in the wild; Step 26 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      30. Land chronicled by C.S. Lewis
      31. More irritable
      32. Birds of prey; Step 37 of the Dueler's Path
      36. Cat's quarry; collectively Step 6 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      39. A ____ of rhinoceroses; rhinos are Step 19 of the Dueler's Path
      42. UGLI ARIAS transformed into an "agile lizard" dinosaur (anag.); Step 31 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      43. Playing a two-ply prank that might lead to a duel (2-3, first word abbr.)
      44. Take over; is that the duel winner's prerogative?
      45. IN RESALES found suspicion and misgiving (anag., var.)
      46. Soothing ointment for wounds from a duel
      47. Blood (prefix, UK spelling)


      1. Influence OR body blow
      2. Roald Dahl's "Fantastic ____" (2,3); vulpine creature involved with Step 22 of the Dueler's Path
      3. They have their pride; Step 30 of the Dueler's Path
      4. Turning point (of a duel)
      5. Greek oracle site; possibly helpful in predicting a duel's outcome
      6. Acid's opposite is this soluble base
      7. Top dog
      8. Kick up ____ (1,4): be unruly OR complain bitterly
      9. Black-and-white bamboo muncher; Step 16 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      15. Espresso pick-me-up after a duel: Caffè ____
      16. Pachyderms that are some trumpeters; Step 20 of the Dueler's Path
      18. Persistently demanding
      19. "Sciuridae" rodents with large bushy tails; Step 7 of the Dueler's Path
      20. With A CLOSER look, why isn't the "snake mackerel" part of the Dueler's Path? (anag.)
      21. Fowl territory
      22. American bison from New York? Step 17 of the Dueler's Path
      23. Angry outbursts that might provoke a duel
      33. Creature; part of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      34. Fun facts which have become duelling weapons
      35. Bookworm; being one will help with FunTrivia duels
      36. Flame fanciers; Step 3 of the Dueler's Path
      37. Strangely, I LURE the archangel of repentance (anag.)
      38. Sharp-eyed bird that is an American symbol; Step 24 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)
      39. Trounce, in a duel
      40. Treat badly
      41. River horse, for short; Step 18 of the Dueler's Path (sing.)