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Alphabet Soup (28) Crossword Puzzle

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A double pangram where every letter appears at least twice in the grid
Author: leith90 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. French mustard city
      4. Apple variety (pl)
      7. Wonder
      8. Poison
      9. Species of Podolsk blind mole rat
      11. Sudden storm at sea
      13. Russian poet (1880-1921) or DC comics superhero
      15. Starchy tuber
      17. Previous name for an oxide or powdery remains after heating an ore
      19. Swan constellation
      21. Shout of approval
      24. Stone city of Jordan
      25. Sub-machine gun
      26. Resided
      27. Underground vault


      1. Birds of peace
      2. Daffodil's cousin
      3. To be specific
      4. Moroccan headwear
      5. Scout's brother in Harper Lee's novel
      6. Small lizard
      10. Wane
      12. Varnish ingredient
      14. Protracted
      16. Shortsighted
      17. Diced
      18. Sun God: Louis___
      20. Mine passage
      22. Chopper
      23. Not in