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It's Elementary: Group 1 Crossword Puzzle

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November is a month when people emphasise writing: novels, quizzes, verse, questions and even crosswords. "It's Elementary" is my November 2022 crosswording theme. The elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table are all highly reactive and are found only as salts in nature. This puzzle investigates further. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. 5A + 1A: Type of nerve signal pathways involving metal cations (2nd word, 8)
      5. 5A + 1A: Type of nerve signal pathways involving metal cations (1st word, 6)
      9. Counteractive agent (8)
      10. One with nothing original to say? (6)
      12. Group 1 element, atomic number 19 (9)
      13. English chemist and physician William ____ (1785-1850), stimulated atomic theory research (5)
      14. Soap ____ results when calcium and magnesium ions in hard water replace 5A in soap stearates (4)
      16. Group 1 element whose Cs-137 radioisotope is used in radiotherapy (IUPAC spelling, 7)
      19. Not tied down; not part of a chemical or physical combination (7)
      21. Qualitative method, such as flame photometry, to identify a Group 1 element (4)
      24. Type of chemical bonding found in Group 1 salts (5)
      25. Minute amount (9)
      27. Words from a witness to the violent reaction of a Group 1 element (1,3,2)
      28. Squid, in Italian cuisine; as with many fried foods, salt can enhance its flavour (8)
      29. 22D + 29A: Common synonym for the Group 1 elements (2nd word, 6)
      30. Radioactive Group 1 element, named after a European country (8)


      1. Painful spasmodic muscular contractions, which can be helped by eating bananas, high in 12A (6)
      2. Shrewd (6)
      3. Network connections (5)
      4. The lightest metal (7)
      6. Residents, like electrons in the outermost s-orbitals of Group 1 elements (pl., 9)
      7. Adjective for different forms of an element, like K-39, K-40 and K-41 (8)
      8. Connected with the sea, whose salts include naturally-occurring Group 1 elements (8)
      11. Apple product since 1998 which may have a (4D) battery (4)
      15. British statesman and leader during World War II (9)
      17. Group 1 element, atomic number 37, named after the Latin word for "red" or "dark red" (8)
      18. Plentiful, such as 5A ions in sea water (8)
      20. Circular shape that Group 1 elements may exist in (4)
      21. What something might appear out of or disappear into (4,3)
      22. 22D + 29A: Common synonym for the Group 1 elements (1st word, 6)
      23. The Latin name for 12A and the reason for its chemical formula (6)
      26. Prepare (5)