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It's Elementary: Group 5 Crossword Puzzle

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November is a month when people emphasise writing: novels, quizzes, verse, questions and even crosswords. "It's Elementary" is my November 2022 crosswording theme. The names of Group 5 elements are largely drawn from mythology. There are three anagrams. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      3. Scoundrel with designs? (3)
      5. Sunday seat (3)
      8. World's biggest country by area and (after China) second largest producer of 22D (6)
      9. Sci-fi sighting (init., 3)
      10. Admits, with "up" (4)
      11. Feverish (3)
      12. Contaminants, which can cause Group 5 metals to become brittle (10)
      14. Thin sheet of a Group 5 metal (4)
      15. An unwholesome atmosphere (6)
      18. Group 5 element (#73), named after a villainous character in Greek mythology (8)
      20. Radioactive Group 5 element, (#105), named after a town in Moscow Oblast, 8A (7)
      21. Was of use; like some Group 5 elements (7)
      25. Lion-Hearted monarch (Name and regnal number; 7,1)
      28. LIONEL adjusted the decorative black metal work (anag., 6)
      31. Creative work (4)
      32. Giving concrete form to an abstract concept (10)
      35. Sort (3)
      36. Biblical deeds? (4)
      37. College website address ending (3)
      38. Functional; like how small amounts of 22D can significantly increase steel's strength (6)
      39. Conclusion (3)
      40. Closemouthed (3)


      1. Occultism less stoic produces coal dust and a potential source of chemical elements (4)
      2. USE A Biblical brother (anag., 4)
      3. Spells out uranium's chemical formula (7,1)
      4. Uncertainty sounding a bit like it's related to 20A (7)
      5. Toxin; 24D and some of its compounds have been tested as such with rats (6)
      6. FLEAWORT I'M manipulating as a tungsten source (anag., 10)
      7. Undisturbed, a term often used in relation to chemical reactions (Lat., 2,4)
      12. Suffix indicating metallic elements in the Periodic Table (-3)
      13. A small pellet of a Group 5 metal (3)
      16. Post-op stop (init., 3)
      17. Produce artificially, as with 20A from bombarding Am-243 with Ne-22 ions (UK spelling, 10)
      19. Wet dirt OR really bad coffee (3)
      20. ____ es Salaam, city in country the sole source of tanzanite, gemstone with traces of 22D (3)
      22. Group 5 element (#23) named after Freyja, goddess of beauty and fertility (8)
      23. Building addition (3)
      24. Group 5 element (#41), named after the daughter of that villainous character in Greek mythology (7)
      26. Influence (6)
      27. Smelled bad, like some chemical reactions (6)
      29. Caustic chemical (3)
      30. Choose (3)
      33. Average statistical calculation (4)
      34. Partner of void (4)