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AdvENTurously ENTertaining EnjoymENT Crossword Puzzle

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For your amusemENT pay attENTtion to the potENTial ENTries where "ENT" is presENT. "ENTjoy!"
Author: BigTriviaDawg - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Lucifer's animal form
      5. A candlewaster; a scholar
      9. A Tolkien tree shepherd
      10. After dinner cordial
      11. Another name for a clam worm
      12. He said he was the greatest!
      13. Clearly seen; obvious
      14. Not allow
      15. Mega hit for the band U2
      16. Washington crossed the Delaware River to this city
      20. Shoulder cuff
      24. Cowboy hat brand
      28. Adriatic country with Zagreb as its capital
      32. Unsaturated fat
      33. Main course of the meal (pl.)
      34. Interweave
      35. Morello or Petty
      36. Go in again
      37. Conspicuous; distinguished
      38. A charged atom
      39. A stronghold
      40. Itsy bitsy


      1. A solute is added to this
      2. Cause to be necessary
      3. An essential feature of something
      4. One million megatons
      5. Maryland's state fish; linesider or rockfish
      6. A soothing or healing salve
      7. Something that weathers away something else
      8. A siren or enticer
      17. Bacterial decay
      18. Louse egg
      19. Special agent teddy bear from a kid's TV show
      21. "___ house, in the middle of ___ street" -Madness
      22. Actress Ortiz or de Armas
      23. Japanese demon known for murder and cannibalism
      24. Fatty acid found in cocoa and shea butter; ___ acid
      25. Beg or beseech
      26. Fragranced
      27. One of the orifices of the body
      28. Lenient and merciful
      29. Fantastic place for kids to play
      30. Neptune's spear
      31. Office or duties of a representative