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The R's have it Crossword Puzzle

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Another CW that morphed from something else. The only common theme is that as many of the words contain the letter "R" as I was able to fit in. Several Biblical references are to be found herein.
Author: ceetee - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Noah's Ark needed to have this property
      6. What the Magi followed
      10. Board used in seances
      11. Behind in payments (2,7)
      12. 1965 movie about Jesus "The ___ Story ever told"
      13. Subatomic particle named for the weak force (1,5)
      15. A room where artists work
      16. In Greek mythology, son of Agamemnon
      18. Elephant bearing avian
      19. The least
      21. Love-lorn count from "Twelfth Night"
      24. Eve found the serpent hard to ___
      25. City where Paul founded first Christian church
      27. James Garner role in "The Great Escape"
      28. Boudicca's tribe
      29. William Booth founded the Salvation ___
      30. Bladder specialists


      1. Rights (antonym)
      2. Weapon of the Sea God
      3. Saul's life changed dramatically on this journey (4,2,8)
      4. What Noah's Ark was built to resist
      5. Forerunner of the charismatic movement, ___ Roberts
      7. What Venus did in 1769
      8. Haste, impetuosity: Ecclesiastes 5,2 cautions against this
      9. Those who do crosswords are good at this (7,7)
      14. A form of vitamin E
      17. Nectar of the gods
      20. Remedy of questionable efficacy
      22. Big crabs have claws, so do little crabs have these?
      23. Bright star with astronomical title Alpha Canis Majoris
      26. Hunch-backed character associated with mad scientists; Pratchett insists that he "lithpth"