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Teens' Triple Treat (15) Crossword Puzzle

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[I] Owns; [II] Contains; [III] Suffers from. Targetted towards high school students, each answer in this crossword HAS three separate clues. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. I Most honourable II Most illustrious III Brutus, "the ____ Roman of them all" [Shakespeare]
      5. I Minsk's country II E. European republic, currency: rouble III The Dnieper flows through it
      9. I Professional stuff? II Work in wildlife preservation? III Art involving stuffing
      10. I Bolivian capital II Nice sugar III Former Ecuadorian currency (until 2000)
      11. I Long-grained Asian rice II Fragrant Indian rice III Gourmet rice variety
      12. I Get back together II Prepare to start over III Organise anew, as after a setback
      13. I Trade shows, briefly II World's fairs III Montréal baseballers (1969-2004)
      15. I Banish II Shun III Exclude from society (All: U.K. spelling)
      17. I Very observant II Like an eagle III Having very keen vision (All: 5-4)
      19. I Heavenly messenger II Halo wearer III Financial backer
      21. I Best achievable II Most desirable III As good as it gets
      23. I Iridescent II Having a range of colours III Resembling October's birthstone
      25. I Host II Run the show III Master of ceremonies
      26. I As a final resort II Extremely desperate III Like some efforts (All: 4-5)
      27. I Toy bears II Skimpy sleepwear III One-piece undergarments
      28. I New York ballplayers II Certain Americans III New Englanders


      1. I Eye-catching II Significant III Worthy of mention
      2. I Spars II Moving day need III Packages
      3. I Charms II Makes beloved III Wins affection
      4. I Area II State III Country
      5. I Customer II Seller's need III Word before "beware!"
      6. I Layered pasta dish II Garfield's favourite food III Trattoria treat
      7. I Calculating II Itemised bill or its settlement III Dead ____
      8. I Church spire II Skyline highlight III Bell site
      14. I Experienced II Engaged in III Repeated to perfection
      16. I Mindlessly II Boringly III Tiresomely
      17. I Next available II Quick as can be III At the earliest opportunity
      18. I Ill-fated Roman city II Vesuvius victim III Disaster site of 79 C.E.
      19. I Fictional lamp owner II Wishful one? III "Arabian Nights" hero
      20. I Bloodsuckers II Hangers on III Freeloaders
      22. I Slow times II Soothes to sleep III Stills
      24. I Genesis beginning II "Singin' ____ Rain" (1952 film) III "____ Mood" (Jazz hit) (All: 2,3)