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Trivia Questions and Answers
photo of Rhyming Words

180 Rhyming Words Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about Rhyming Words? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Rhyming Words (For Children). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
1 There was a boy that was SMART.
Answer: part

Part and smart rhyme with each other. Wart and sort rhyme, and dirt rhymes with squirt.
    Your options: [ wart ] [ part ] [ sort ] [ dirt ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate 3
2 You'd better eat your _______ BEAN.
Answer: green

Green is a mixture of the colors blue and yellow. Green also rhymes with clean and seen. It is the "een" sound that makes them rhyme.
    Your options: [ green ] [ blue ] [ red ] [ purple ]
  From Quiz: Color Rhymes
3 Timothy's shoe was TORN because he stepped on a _____.
Answer: Thorn

Timothy's shoe was TORN because he stepped on a THORN. TORN and THORN rhyme.
    Your options: [ Born ] [ Mourn ] [ Thorn ] [ Morn ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 4!
4 There was a MAN who went snowboarding.
Answer: ban

Man and ban rhyme because they both sound the same. Bin can rhyme with tin, sun can rhyme with bun, and pain can rhyme with main.
    Your options: [ bin ] [ ban ] [ sun ] [ pain ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate
5 The car wouldn't GO, so a truck had to ___ it.
Answer: Tow

The car wouldn't GO, so a truck had to TOW it. GO and TOW rhyme.
    Your options: [ Mow ] [ No ] [ Low ] [ Tow ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 3!
6 When playing golf, you must hit the ball FAR to get an average score, or a ____.
Answer: Par

When playing golf, you must hit the ball far to get an average score, or a par. FAR and PAR rhyme.
    Your options: [ Are ] [ Tar ] [ Par ] [ Car ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 2!
7 The point of the GAME is to have good ___!
Answer: Aim

The point of the game is to have good aim!
GAME rhymes with AIM.
    Your options: [ Lame ] [ Aim ] [ Game ] [ Same ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme!
8 Fill in the missing rhyming word: The fat CAT _____ on the mat.
Answer: sat

The fat cat sat on the mat. It rhymes!
    Your options: [ stood ] [ slept ] [ played ] [ sat ]
  From Quiz: Animal Rhymes
9 Which word rhymes with TRAY, HEY, and NEIGH?
Answer: sleigh

I hear a neigh. "Hey, Lady," I say, "D'you want some hay?" "OK," Lady neighs.
    Your options: [ sight ] [ sly ] [ sleigh ] [ sigh ]
  From Quiz: What Rhymes with Slime?
10 WHERE should this book be set?
Answer: chair

Chair rhymes with where.
  From Quiz: The Rhyming Game
11 What rhymes with CAT?
Answer: at

The CAT is AT the vet.
  From Quiz: ABC Rhymes
12 Cat rhymes with _______?
Answer: flat

A fat cat sat on a rat...and squashed him flat.
  From Quiz: A Fat Cat Sat on a Rat
13 The boy, Nick, was NOW ready for a test.
Answer: how

How and now rhyme, tow and know rhyme, and law and saw rhyme.
Other words that rhyme with now are wow, cow, and pow.
    Your options: [ tow ] [ how ] [ law ] [ all of these ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate 3
14 There once was a FELLOW who liked the color ________.
Answer: yellow

Yellow is one of the three primary colors. It rhymes with a lot of words, such as cello, hello, and jello. It is the "ello" sound that makes these words rhyme.
    Your options: [ yellow ] [ green ] [ red ] [ violet ]
  From Quiz: Color Rhymes
15 Horton's picture in ART class was of the human ______.
Answer: heart

Horton's picture in ART class was of the human HEART. ART and HEART rhyme.
    Your options: [ smart ] [ fart ] [ heart ] [ tart ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 4!
16 A snowboarder asked the man to GET aboard.
Answer: vet

Get and vet sound the same which means that they rhyme. Root can rhyme with shoot, meet can rhyme with seat, and gut can rhyme with cut.
    Your options: [ meet ] [ vet ] [ root ] [ gut ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate
17 When little Jimmy DROPPED a pin on the balloon, it _______!
Answer: Popped

When little Jimmy DROPPED a pin on the balloon, it POPPED. POPPED and DROPPED rhyme.
    Your options: [ Flopped ] [ Stopped ] [ Mopped ] [ Popped ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 3!
18 At the start of a race an official fires a GUN, which tells you when to ___.
Answer: run

At the start of a race an official fires a gun, which tells you when to run. GUN and RUN rhyme.
    Your options: [ none ] [ done ] [ run ] [ ton ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 2!
19 The race by the BAY was cancelled because the skies were ____ and it was raining.
Answer: Gray

The race by the bay was canceled because the skies were gray and it was raining. BAY and GRAY rhyme.
    Your options: [ May ] [ Gray ] [ Yay! ] [ Tray ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme!
20 During the winter a MOUSE may come into your _______.
Answer: house

It wouldn't be nice to have some mice.
    Your options: [ barn ] [ car ] [ room ] [ house ]
  From Quiz: Animal Rhymes
21 Which word rhymes with KEY, FLEA, and TREE?
Answer: fee

"What's your fee for a flea bath, Kiki?" "Three dollars," said she.
    Your options: [ feat ] [ feel ] [ fee ] [ feed ]
  From Quiz: What Rhymes with Slime?
22 Can you come over HERE?
Answer: steer

Steer rhymes with here.
  From Quiz: The Rhyming Game
23 What rhymes with LOOK?
Answer: book

Let's LOOK for a recipe in this COOKBOOK.
  From Quiz: ABC Rhymes
24 Toad rhymes with _______?
Answer: rode

Did the toad fly? No, the toad rode.
  From Quiz: A Fat Cat Sat on a Rat
25 Nick said, "I am ready to take the test." ("I" is the word in capitals for this sentence.)
Answer: eye

Eye and I rhyme. Note that if you ever need help with rhyming say the word out loud. Test each one until you find the one that matches correctly. Hey and hay rhyme and dime and mime rhyme.
    Your options: [ hey ] [ eye ] [ dime ] [ all of these ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate 3
26 Ahh, you look so ______. You must have the FLU.
Answer: blue

Blue is one of the primary colors. Clue also rhymes with it. It is the "lu" sound that makes these words rhyme.
    Your options: [ blue ] [ gray ] [ violet ] [ black ]
  From Quiz: Color Rhymes
27 The TUNE will be over _____.
Answer: Soon

The TUNE will be over SOON. TUNE and SOON rhyme.
    Your options: [ Coon ] [ Moon ] [ Soon ] [ Goon ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 4!
28 The market across the STREET was selling hot chocolate.
Answer: beat

Street and beat rhyme even though they both have a different amount of letters. Streak can rhyme with leak, reach can rhyme with peach, and bet can rhyme with met.
    Your options: [ streak ] [ beat ] [ reach ] [ bet ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate
29 Since Tom was TALL, he could see over the ____!
Answer: Wall

Since Tom was TALL, he could see over the WALL! WALL and TALL rhyme.
    Your options: [ Fall ] [ Paul ] [ Mall ] [ Wall ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 3!
30 The CAR drove very ___ to the ocean!
Answer: far

The car drove very far to the ocean! CAR and FAR rhyme.
    Your options: [ tar ] [ far ] [ par ] [ bar ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme!
31 The FROG jumped into the water from the ______.
Answer: log

Frogs like to hop and plop into the water. Hop and plop rhyme.
    Your options: [ lilypad ] [ tree ] [ shore ] [ log ]
  From Quiz: Animal Rhymes
32 Which word rhymes with FLY, SIGH, and PIE?
Answer: eye

"What's that speck on your slice of pie?" "A fly," I sighed.
    Your options: [ eek ] [ egg ] [ eye ] [ eel ]
  From Quiz: What Rhymes with Slime?
33 What rhymes with SCRATCH?
Answer: catch

Can your dog play CATCH? Does your kitten SCRATCH?
  From Quiz: ABC Rhymes
34 Cry rhymes with _______?
Answer: sigh

Please don't weep or sigh or cry. Eat a piece of pumpkin pie!
  From Quiz: A Fat Cat Sat on a Rat
35 Nick's parents don't like the new violent video GAME.
Answer: all of these

Other words that rhyme with game are lame, shame, and fame.
    Your options: [ blame ] [ all of these ] [ same ] [ tame ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate 3
36 Which pair of words rhyme? A. hike, lake B. pile, strike C. style, steak D. scares, pairs
Answer: D

Scares and pairs rhymes. Lake rhymes with steak, pile rhymes with style, and hike rhymes with strike.
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate 2
37 Oh no! I dropped my ______ ring down the SINK.
Answer: pink

Pink is a mixture of the colors red and white. It is the "ink" sound that makes these two words rhyme.
    Your options: [ pink ] [ orange ] [ brown ] [ blue ]
  From Quiz: Color Rhymes
38 The QUEEN of Antarctica was very ______.
Answer: All of these make sense!

The QUEEN of Antarctica was very GREEN, CLEAN, or MEAN. All of them work, and all of them rhyme!
    Your options: [ Mean ] [ Green ] [ All of these make sense! ] [ Clean ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 4!
39 The snowboarders went to the SHOP and drank coffee and hot chocolate.
Answer: pop

Shop and pop rhyme. Rhymes can have different definitions. Flip and ship rhyme and rot can rhyme with slot.
    Your options: [ flip ] [ pop ] [ ship ] [ rot ]
  From Quiz: It's Great Like a Mate
40 When Sean's dad asked him what he ATE, he said it was the fish ____.
Answer: Bait

When Sean's dad asked him what he ATE, he said it was the fish BAIT. BAIT and ATE rhyme. Yuck!
    Your options: [ Gate ] [ Kuwait ] [ Mate ] [ Bait ]
  From Quiz: It's Time to Rhyme 3!
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Rhyming Words Quizzes