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Frequently Asked Questions

Email Daily Trivia

How do I subscribe to the daily trivia emails? sends daily trivia emails to users who have specifically signed up to receive them.

    You can get onto our email list here:

    You should receive emails starting the next day.

    Please keep in mind that if our mail server has problems delivering mail to you, you may be removed from the list. You are free to sign up again using the link above.

How do I unsubscribe to the daily trivia emails?
    At the bottom of your daily trivia email you will see a link telling you to click it to unsubscribe.

    Click it, and you will be removed from our daily trivia list.

I did not get my 'Trivia Today' or 'Brain Candy' emails recently

    If you are looking for help on "Trivia Today" or Brain Candy, unfortunately, we don't know, because neither of them is a service run by The trivia emails sent by have a subject of " Daily Email Trivia".

    However, since you are here and interested in trivia, why not have a look around? You could sign up for a daily trivia email like you are used to - if that's what you want, head to this page, enter your address and submit. You will have to click a confirmation link emailed to you before the subscription starts.

    But, wait, there's more. If you sign up for a free account at our homepage, you can play over 140,000 curated quizzes, take part in hourly and daily games, join teams, compete in leagues, earn over 300 achievement awards, many of them available in different upgrade tiers and, maybe, someday even complete the ultra-difficult Ascension Quest.

    If you're however actually subscribed to daily emails and your messages have stopped, please try this guide for reactivating your messages.

I no longer receive the daily trivia emails. What can I do?
    READ ME FIRST: It has come to our attention that trivia services called "TRIVIA TODAY" and "Brain Candy" are no longer working, and people are submitting complaints to us.

    The website you are now on is NOT RELATED to "trivia today" or "Brain Candy".. We are

    If your problem is with either of those two services,then we cannot help you -- you will need to inquire at the website

    While you're here, check out our daily trivia emails! Thanks

    If your issue is with Daily Trivia (which is a 10 question emailed quiz that you can play on the web by clicking in the mail):

    There is a variety of reasons that trivia emails might no longer arrive. Please check them in the following order:

    Step 1: Please check your spam folder. Even if you did not make any changes to your spam settings, spam filters might suddenly pick up a word or two in a question and classify the daily message as spam. Ideally, you should whitelist in your spam settings.

    Step 2: If you have not actually played the game for some time (that is, you did not click through on the website link, fill in the answers and submit, the mails will stop. Use any of your older mails to access the daily game and play (note you must submit - just calling up the question page is not enough); mails should resume on the next day.

    Step 3: Confirm that you are still subscribed. Go to, enter your address and choose "I was a subscriber but am no longer receiving emails. Please re-add me."
    You should hopefully see messages again on the next day.

    Step 4: If step 3 does not help (you get the message "This address is set to receive e-mails" but still do not get any), your subscription might be stuck. Please unsubscribe using the link in an older email you received, then go to to resubscribe.

    If you just played for yourself, use the "I am a new subscriber" option. If you were part of a group, you will need to rejoin that group. Check an older message and look at the play link. There is a number (usually five or six digits) after "egroup=". That is your group number. Check the "My friends already play" option and input the number in the box. Then send your subscription request.

    Once you have resubscribed, you should receive a confirmation email in which you will have to click the confirmation link to activate your subscription. Messages should resume on the next day.

    Step 5: If you did everything up to step 4 but still get no daily mails or never receive your confirmation mail when resubscribing, the mails from do get sent but they do not arrive in your inbox. Please check with your Internet Provider to see if they have possibly blocked for some reason.

    Please note that we cannot troubleshoot the emails for you. If you contact us with "I am not receiving my emails", the only thing we can do is redirect you here.
    Steps 1 to 4, once properly followed, guarantee that you do have an active subscription and mails are being sent. Email is an unreliable medium and not guaranteed to arrive. We cannot track mails once they leave our system.