MWG has been a FunTrivia author since Feb 27 01 and has written 15 quizzes.
MWG strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Television, and
has earned 848 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Here are some more of my favorite classic films. This might be a bit tough unless you're a real film buff! I'll describe the plot, name the stars and the year of the film. You just have to name it. Good Luck!
Here are some questions about some of those old tv western heroes and their faithful sidekicks. These are really old series from the 50's so be prepared to ponder hard.
Here are some general trivia questions about classic films and actors from the 30s, 40s and 50s. I hope they'll present an interesting challenge to the real film buffs out there.
These are TV series whose locales were all in warm and sunny climates (as opposed to say Chicago or New York). I'll supply the names of the stars and the year(s) the show aired and you name the show.
Here's a little quiz celebrating those wonderful character actors of the 30's and 40's. We all recognize their faces but how many of you remember their names?
Robert Mitchum was one of the most underrated leading men of his era. Below are some descriptions of movie plots. Name the film or the character Mitchum portrayed in each film.
A quiz about some of the more popular movie 'couples' over the years. Careful! They're not all man-woman teams! To answer: Type last names only with 'and'. Have fun!