Author Biography: choc_chick
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choc_chick has been a FunTrivia author since
Apr 09 08 and has written
5 quizzes.
- has earned 324 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: i LOVE reading (as i already mentioned, i think) and will read jsut about anything... but here's the current list : Twilight (i know, cliche, but still... it's cute), the Lauren Holbrook series (He proposes with OREOS, for goodness sake - what's not to love??) and Stephanie Plum (cus Morelli's cool). Tv wise - Bones, TGYH, Spicks and Specks, M*A*S*H, Doctor Who (OMG I LOVE it... woah... all the acronyms made love not that big a deal there... sorry), Smallville... whatevers on, to an extent. Music - well, it depends what's on the radio. atm, i'm into 80s, but also boom boom pow, Taylor the Latte Boy, time to say goodbye and breakeven - i know, odd mix, but hey, that's me :P and then chatting with friends, especially over chocolate, coffee and a good game... or arguing with my besties over chocolate and coffee, i'm negotiable...
Hobbies: READING!! TV!!! MUSIC!! APOSTRAPHES!!! eating junk food, hanging with friends, drinking coffee...