Author Biography: iceicebabyrockz
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iceicebabyrockz has been a FunTrivia author since
Apr 27 02 and has written
12 quizzes.
iceicebabyrockz strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
Movies, and
- has earned 722 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Bio: WOW I have a really outdated "blurb" So now this is more up-to-date.
My favorite movies are: Grease, Dirty Dancing, Practical Magic, The Breakfast Club, and Chicago.
My favorite music artists: Nsync, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, and the Spice Girls.
My favorite TV shows are: One Tree Hill, Paradise Hotel,RW & RR, Survivor, I Love The 80s, Boy Meets World, Saved By The Bell, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, and Full House.
Favorite Books: The Gossip Girl series, The Sound and the Fury, Crime & Punishment, Little Women, Harry Potter series