PhilipStevens has been a FunTrivia author since Jun 01 05 and has written 8 quizzes.
PhilipStevens strongly focuses on quizzes in the fields of
History, and
has earned 640 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
Here is a quiz on "The Arabian Nights," its incredible stories and as incredible history. Note: the questions refer to the traditional version of the stories and not any TV, film or stage adaptations.
Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. During her time in Downing Street she changed the face of British politics and left an indelible mark on world history.
An international team of scientists and military personnel travel through the Stargate to the Pegasus Galaxy where they discover the Ancient city of Atlantis in this "Stargate SG-1" spin-off.
"Stargate: Continuum" is the second film based on the "Stargate SG-1" TV series. After Ba'al changes history to make himself ruler of the galaxy, SG-1 have to restore the timeline before he destroys Earth.
An international team of scientists and military personnel travel through the Stargate to the Pegasus Galaxy where they discover the Ancient city of Atlantis in this "Stargate SG-1" spin off.