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Turtles and Tortoises Trivia Questions and Answers
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1. André is a giant tortoise, but does not hail from the Galápagos Islands. Where else on earth do giant tortoises live?
Answer: Aldabra Atoll (Seychelles)
Interesting Information:While the tortoises on the Galápagos Islands have more fame, there exists another branch of giant tortoises that live in the Seychelles, on the Aldabra Atoll as well as on Fregate Island. While the two colonies share many similarities, the Seychelles tortoises are related to to the tortoises of Madagascar whereas the Galápagos giant tortoises are related to the South American tortoises.
The Aldabran Atoll is the second-largest coral atoll in the world in terms of dry land. It is also a protected site, being the home to over 150,000 giant tortoises and several other vulnerable species, is one of the few islands in the world that has been largely protected from human interference and development. The tortoises live upon the raised coral island and find everything they need there.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: André the Giant Tortoise
Some incorrect choices:
Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands), Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Islas Canarias (Canary Islands)
2. It's obvious where the "red-eared" part of their name comes from, but why is "slider" included in their name?
Answer: They can quickly dislodge from rocks and logs and slide into the water.
Interesting Information:They are part of the order Testudines along with more than 250 other species. Among those species they can slide into water the quickest of all of them, to avoid predators or just to go for a swim.
This may or may not be part of the reason they were chosen to mutate into ninjas in the comics and other media. The red-eared portion is why all four members of the team wore red masks initially though.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Some incorrect choices:
When cooked the meat is slippery, They can retract, or slide, into their shells, They were once used as pucks in ice hockey
3. Where does a female loggerhead usually lay her eggs?
Answer: In a nest that she digs at an elevation above high tide.
Interesting Information:The female crawls onto the beach during the night and digs her nest well above the high tide line. Sometimes, she will not find a suitable spot and will return to the sea without depositing eggs. This is called a "false crawl."
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Loggerheads on the Beach
Some incorrect choices:
She drops them into the shallow surf and allows the wave action to carry them onshore., In the first sand castle she comes to on the beach., Under a sand dune vegetation.
4. The leatherback sea turtle can be found in waters nearly everywhere around the world, but where would you NOT find one?
Answer: Arctic Ocean
Interesting Information:The leatherback sea turtle has the largest distribution range of all reptiles, and possibly of all vertebrates. They have what is called a "cosmopolitan" range, which means they can be found everywhere in the world a suitable environment can be found. Adult specimens can sometimes be found as far north as Alaska, and as far south as New Zealand. You would be most likely to find one in the tropical or subtropical waters of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans. The three largest distinct populations of the turtle can be found in the Atlantic, and the east and west of the Pacific.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Endangered: The Leatherback Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean
5. The top part of a tortoise shell is called the carapace. What is the underside called?
Answer: Plastron
Interesting Information:The shell is made up of many bones joined together. It was once thought that the age could be determined by the number of rings but this is not so as the rings can vary according to the conditions in which the animal lives.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Tortoise and Turtle Trivia
Some incorrect choices:
Base, Undershell, Lower Shell
6. As a hatchling, you have just fought your way through a ping-pong ball sized egg. You notice you and the majority of your siblings from the clutch are males. Why did this happen?
Answer: Temperatures in the nest during the incubation period determine sex of the hatchlings.
Interesting Information:The Mediterranean loggerhead, like many sea turtles and some other reptiles, are born with Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). In the loggerhead the temperature in the second third of incubation determines the sex of the eggs. Between 28 and 30 Celsius the hatchlings will be close to 50/50 male/female. Above 30 they will be majority female; below 28, the hatchlings will be majority male.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: At Loggerheads: Life of a Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
Males have a lower rate of survival, so more males than females are born, Male loggerheads are born earlier than females., Sea turtles lay eggs in two clutches: one for males, one for females.
7. What is the fat layer found under the turtle shell called?
Answer: Calipee
Interesting Information:This is what the green sea turtle used to yield in turtle soup
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Sea Turtle Anatomy
Some incorrect choices:
Scutes, Placenta, Plastron
8. Which gender of the red-eared slider turtle is generally larger?
Answer: Female
Interesting Information:When red-eared sliders are young, it is hard to tell their gender apart as both genders look nearly identical. As the turtles age, however, the females tend to grow larger than the males of the same age. Males are generally in the 10 centimeter range, and females around 15 centimeters at full growth. The males also tend have longer claws which help in the mating process.
The exact opposite of this played out with the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in the live action show "The Next Mutation". The show introduced a female turtle who was significantly smaller than the original four male turtles.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Some incorrect choices:
Male, They are asexual, It depends on environment, neither gender is generally larger
9. When might a loggerhead nest be moved by turtle conservationists?
Answer: If the eggs are laid lower than high tide.
Interesting Information:Sometimes, the female loggerhead will establish her nest too close to the shoreline. If the nest gets inundated by surf periodically, the embryos will not develop.
When this happens in an area monitored by authorized turtle conservationists, they will carefully relocate the eggs to a new nest at higher elevation.
In the US, the active nests are marked with signs and caution tape to warn off the general public.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Loggerheads on the Beach
Some incorrect choices:
When the nest is inconvenient to observers., When close to recreation areas., If the neighbors complain.
10. The leatherback sea turtle is the only surviving member of a group which has existed for many millions of years. In fact, it has its origins right back in which Mesozoic period?
Hint: the tyrannosaurus could also be found at this time.
Answer: Cretaceous
Interesting Information:The leatherback sea turtle is the only surviving member of the Dermochelyidae family. This family has existed in some form since the Cretaceous Period, 110 million years ago. Their closest living relatives are the Chelonioidea, which includes the other sea turtles, and the Protostegidae, which died out in the Mesozoic Period but included some other leatherbacks.
The first to name the species was Domenico Agostino Vandell in 1761, who gave it the name "Testudo coriacea". This was changed to "Dermochelys coriacea" (as it is now) after Henri Blainville created the term "Dermochelys". Then in 1843 they were moved to their own family, Dermochelys, by Leopold Fitzinger.
The Jurassic and Triassic periods were both earlier in the Mesozoic Era than the Cretaceous Period, while the Holocene began in the Cenozoic Era and still continues today.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Endangered: The Leatherback Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
Jurassic, Triassic, Holocene
11. Some individual sea turtles can be identified by the unique markings on what part of their anatomy?
Answer: Flippers
Interesting Information:The flippers have a unique pattern which does not change with time so individual turtles can be identified. Adult turtles use their flippers to swim but hatchlings can use them to cross the sand to the sea.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Tortoise and Turtle Trivia
Some incorrect choices:
Wings, Fins, Rudders
12. Unfortunately, you and your newly born sea turtle hatchling siblings are up to 18 inches (45cm) deep in the sand at birth. How will you get out of this nest?
Answer: You and your siblings work as a team to dig your way out.
Interesting Information:You and your siblings must work in unison clawing your way toward the top of the sand. Once you are near the top, you wait for nightfall and then dig the last bit to the beach.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: At Loggerheads: Life of a Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
You wait for mom to return and dig you out., At high tide the sea will fill the nest with water and carry you out to sea., Beech martens will dig up the nest eventually.
13. What is a leatherback's main food source?
Answer: Jellyfish
Interesting Information:A leatherback feeds almost solely on jellyfish. Unfortunately, it can often mistake a floating plastic bag for the silhouette of a jellyfish, a leading cause for the turtle's status as an endangered species. So never throw your plastic bags in the ocean!
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The World of Leatherbacks
Some incorrect choices:
Small fish and plankton, Insects, Sea grasses and sea weeds
14. What is reported to be a softshell turtle's favorite food?
Answer: Crayfish
Interesting Information:They love crayfish but they aren't always easy to catch. Crayfish hide in rocks so the spiny softshell turtle has a long neck.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Facts on the Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
Tadpoles, Fish, Frogs
15. Besides through the lungs, how else can a turtle receive its oxygen?
Answer: Cloaca
Interesting Information:Tiny blood vessels called capillaries flow very close to the thin skin of the cloaca, allowing for gas exchange into and out of the bloodstream. They contain large sacs with finger like projections which take in oxygen, although this can't be classed as breathing.
Turtles are air breathers, however, and must periodically surface to take in air.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: What Do You Know About Turtles?
Some incorrect choices:
Tongue, Between the toes, Shell
16. How many species of sea turtles are there in the world?
Answer: 7
From Quiz: Sea Turtle Anatomy
Some incorrect choices:
5, 10, 12
17. André showed me that there are no fresh water sources on his island. Where does the giant tortoise get water from?
Answer: They get it from the food they eat
Interesting Information:Giant tortoises feed on plant matter like grass, stems, leaves, and fruit (although no fruit is native to the island of Aldabra). They also eat insects, worms, and are also opportunistic meat eaters, when they come across other dead animals (even other dead tortoises). They are able to get enough water from the moisture contained in the food they eat though an occasional rainfall is also a welcome treat to drink.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: André the Giant Tortoise
Some incorrect choices:
They are able to store rain in their shells, They know how to puncture succulents for water, They are able to desalinate the ocean water
18. Why do red-eared slider turtles lie out in the sun a lot?
Answer: They can't regulate their own body temperature
Interesting Information:Red-eared Sliders have no internal body temperature regulators. For that reason they are mostly found in temperate to warm climates. They sit out in the sun when they are cold and dive in the water when they are hot.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Some incorrect choices:
They need sun rays to clean their shells, They put food on their shells and cook it in the sun, They typically don't lie in the sun much as it's bad for them
19. What determines the sex of loggerhead hatchlings?
Answer: The incubation temperature in the nest.
Interesting Information:Eggs are dropped during the summer months when the weather is warm.
Hotter temperatures favor the formation of females, while cooler temperatures will produce a higher percentage of males.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Loggerheads on the Beach
Some incorrect choices:
All nests naturally contain 60% females., Turtles don't decide their gender until later in life., No one yet knows how the sex is determined.
20. What is the general shape of the mata mata's head?
Answer: Triangular
Interesting Information:It has a flat head. The head has many protrusions and flaps. There is a horn like appendage on its snout. It has a number of barbels on its head, three on the chin and four on the upper jaw.
A fully grown mata mata can weigh up to 15 kilograms.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Mata Mata Matter
Some incorrect choices:
Rectangular, Oval, Globular
21. On St. Helena there lives a large tortoise called Jonathan. What species is he?
Answer: Seychelles giant tortoise
Interesting Information:Jonathan lives in the grounds of the Governor's residence with some other tortoises. He is reputed to be over 175 years old.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Tortoise and Turtle Trivia
Some incorrect choices:
Aldabra tortoise, Pancake tortoise, Karroo Cape tortoise
22. Leatherbacks lay two types of eggs within their nests. While the majority are fertile and able to develop into turtle hatchlings, the rest are infertile. What are these eggs commonly called?
Answer: Yolkless eggs
Interesting Information:These eggs indeed contain no yolk, which is needed in order to grow a turtle embryo. They are also much smaller and harder in texture than the fertile eggs. While many theories exist, their exact purpose remains unknown. (Gastroliths are actually stones swallowed by some animals - dinosaurs to begin with - to aid digestion of food).
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The World of Leatherbacks
Some incorrect choices:
Dud eggs, Softshell eggs, Gastroliths
23. Why are they called spiny softshell turtles?
Answer: They have little spines on the front of the carapace
Interesting Information:They have small spines near the head.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Facts on the Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
The shell is full of spines, Its neck has spines on it, It keeps its eggtooth all its life
24. What is most likely to differentiate turtles from tortoises?
Answer: Turtles are primarily water based while tortoises are mostly land based
Interesting Information:The order Testudinata, which contains all turtles and tortoises, contains 66 genera and at least 221 species. In this order, the turtles are more likely to live a largely aquatic lifestyle. In general, more aquatic members of the order are likely to be carnivores rather than herbivores.
The order Testudinada led to the University of Maryland naming Testudo the Terrapin as its athletic mascot.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: What Do You Know About Turtles?
Some incorrect choices:
Tortoises are primarily water based and turtles are mostly land based, Torotises are generally much larger than turtles, Turtles are generally much larger than tortoises
25. What is the correct name for the ventral shell of the sea turtle?
Answer: Plastron
From Quiz: Sea Turtle Anatomy
Some incorrect choices:
Carapace, Calipee, Maxilla
26. As far as tortoises go, André is pretty middle-aged. However, his great uncle, Adwaita, lived to a ripe old age. How old is the estimated lifespan for a giant tortoise?
Answer: Over 100 years
Interesting Information:The life expectancy for a giant tortoise is estimated to be over 100 years. An accurate number, however, is difficult to pin down; giant tortoises live longer than the people who are observing them! Adwaita, an Aldabran giant tortoise, lived in a zoo in Kolkata and, when he died in 2006, his age was estimated to be 255. However, this was not verified. The longest verified age for a tortoise was, in 2020, taken over by Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise (closely related to the Aldabran giant tortoises) when he reached the ripe old age of 188, and was still going strong.
Difficulty: Very Easy.
From Quiz: André the Giant Tortoise
Some incorrect choices:
88 years, 27 years, 52 years
27. Red-eared sliders don't hibernate. Instead they do something similar known as what?
Answer: Brumate
Interesting Information:To brumate, or be in the act of brumation is to go into a period of dormancy. While it physically appears to be similar to hibernation, the metabolic processes involved are different. During brumation the turtle can still function, albeit it much slower than usual.
Burninate is what the internet comic character Trogdor does!
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Some incorrect choices:
Burninate, Hyphenate, Hydrate
28. After the loggerhead eggs are laid, how long does it take before they hatch?
Answer: 6-11 weeks.
Interesting Information:The incubation period is variable, and is affected by the mother's biological make-up and the climate during incubation.
It can also vary by the latitude of the nesting area.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Loggerheads on the Beach
Some incorrect choices:
3-4 weeks., 20-22 weeks., Two years.
29. The carapace of the mata mata can be black or brown. What is a carapace?
Answer: Shell
Interesting Information:Carapace is the shell of the turtle and what we would call the belly is called the plastron.
The mata mata has a large carapace which can be either black or brown. This greatly enhances the ability of the turtle to camouflage with its surroundings by looking like bark. The rest of the turtle's body tends to be grey. Mata matas have a long neck which have a few skin flaps on them. They have webbed claws.
They say you can tell if the mata mata is from the Amazon or the Orinoco from the shape of their shells. Amazon locals have rectangular shaped shells while those from the Orinoco have more oval shaped ones.
Sometimes, algae grows on the shells of these turtles.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Mata Mata Matter
Some incorrect choices:
Neck, Belly, Claws
30. As you fight your way toward the sea, you and the other hatchlings must watch out for predators such as martens and gulls. But, what man-made obstacles might also hinder your progress toward the sea?
Answer: all of these
Interesting Information:Many turtle hatchlings will run into issues upon the beach on their way to the sea. Some of these are part of the circle of life. Yet, being trapped in the moats of sandcastles and stuck behind the legs of sunbeds are things humans can help ameliorate. Remember to knock down your sandcastles and stack up your sunbeds.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: At Loggerheads: Life of a Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
sandcastles, sunbeds, soda bottles and other rubbish
31. When the temperature in a nest is slightly lower than normal, hatchlings are more likely to be:
Answer: male
Interesting Information:Leatherback nests vary in temperature; a cooler nest will tend to produce more males, whereas a warmer nest is more likely to produce females. Long-lasting temperature changes can be dangerous, as they may skew the gender balance in the species.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The World of Leatherbacks
Some incorrect choices:
female, temperature has no effect; they can be either, killed or damaged from lack of sufficient heat
32. What is the carapace?
Answer: the top shell
Interesting Information:All turtles have a top shell which is named the carapace.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Facts on the Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
the bottom shell, the tail, there's no carapace
33. What feature sets soft-shelled turtles apart from all others?
Answer: Their fleshy lips
Interesting Information:Soft-shelled turtles are the only kind of turtle that have lips, like mammals. However, these lips still cover the sharp, toothless beak characteristic of turtles. The leatherback sea turtle has a pliable, leathery shell similar to that of the soft-shelled turtles.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: What Do You Know About Turtles?
Some incorrect choices:
A different number of toes, Their many teeth, Their disproportionately small heads
34. Where do sea turtles lay their eggs?
Answer: In the sand on the beach
From Quiz: Sea Turtle Anatomy
Some incorrect choices:
In the mud in shallow water, Free floating, Near Coral Reefs
35. André often visits with his siblings. How many eggs does a typical female giant tortoise lay in one clutch?
Answer: Between 9 and 25
Interesting Information:The female Aldabran giant tortoise lays between 9 and 25 eggs. Half (or more) of these eggs are often infertile and will not produce a baby. The female can lay the eggs between the months of February and May and the eggs will hatch about eight months later. The babies are born independent and self-sufficient, though, obviously, more vulnerable than adult tortoises. They reach full maturity after about fifty years.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: André the Giant Tortoise
Some incorrect choices:
Between 130 and 150, Between 2 and 4, Between 70 and 80
36. How old are red-eared sliders when they reach sexual maturity?
Answer: 5 years
Interesting Information:The males of the species will court females before they reach sexual maturity, but they can't produce offspring before they are at or near five years old. Some are closer to six years old before they are able to reproduce. When held in captivity, males may appear to be courting other males or other pets, but it is generally thought to be a sign of dominance and not homosexuality within the species. These displays often lead to fights if not prevented by the pet owner.
Several times in the "TMNT" comics, movies and television shows they are shown to have an interest in female characters. Of course they are also almost always depicted as teenagers unless there is a flashback or flashforward segment.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Some incorrect choices:
6 months, 18 months, 1 year
37. How large is a newly-hatched loggerhead?
Answer: About two inches long.
Interesting Information:People wanting to observe the tiny hatchlings in their crawl to the sea must be careful not to step on them.
Difficulty: Average.
From Quiz: Loggerheads on the Beach
Some incorrect choices:
Over six inches long., They hatch nearly fully grown., Less than one-quarter inch long.
38. Turtles are found in every continent except one. Which one?
Answer: Antarctica
Interesting Information:As far as is known there are no living turtles in Antarctica but ancient turtle fossils have been found on Seymour Island.
Difficulty: Easy.
From Quiz: Tortoise and Turtle Trivia
Some incorrect choices:
Africa, Asia, Australia
39. As a hatchling, you have avoided the pitfalls of the beach and made it to the sea. The next three to seven years are termed by scientists as the "lost years." Where are you, as a young loggerhead turtle, likely to be found during these years?
Answer: floating along ocean currents eating small animal and plant matter
Interesting Information:While no major study has been conducted of these lost years, biologists hypothesize - based on anecdotal evidence - that the young sea turtles are staying atop the waters eating until they are large enough to face larger predators.
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: At Loggerheads: Life of a Sea Turtle
Some incorrect choices:
near the shoreline, heading back and forth between coral reefs and the shore, partying in Cancun
40. Leatherbacks nest most commonly in central America. What are they called in Spanish?
Answer: Baula
Interesting Information:A 'lora' is an olive ridley sea turtle; a 'Negra' is a black sea turtle (also known as green Pacific).
Difficulty: Hard.
From Quiz: The World of Leatherbacks
Some incorrect choices:
Lora, Negra, Pacifica
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