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Crocodiles Trivia Questions and Answers

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1. Once found all over China, the Chinese alligator's habitat has now been restricted to a small pocket of which river in east China?

Answer: Yangtze River

Interesting Information:
Originally, the Chinese alligator could be found across a large portion of China, but its distribution has steadily declined. In fact, its geographical range has reduced by a staggering 90%. The Chinese alligator's habitat has now been restricted to small ponds, ditches and swamps situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in east China (specifically, in the Anhui Province and small parts of neighbouring provinces). In 1998, the biggest area in which the alligator lived was a small pond of just 11 alligators. The biggest reason for this dramatic decrease is the conversion of the wetlands they love and live in into rice paddies and farmland.

The other answers are also Chinese rivers. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Chinese Alligator
Some incorrect choices:
Yellow River, Mekong River, Songhua River

2. How many chambers do crocodiles have in their heart?

Answer: Four

Interesting Information:
Their internal anatomy resembles a bird's. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodiles #2
Some incorrect choices:
Two, One, Eight

3. One of the more well-known differences between alligators and crocodiles is the shape of their snouts. Another difference, however, is their teeth. How can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator based on its teeth?

Answer: A crocodile shows its top teeth and some bottom teeth when its mouth is closed, but an alligator doesn't show any teeth

Interesting Information:
Crocodiles actually don't use their teeth for chewing. They use their sharp teeth to catch their prey. Part of the reason crocodiles don't chew is because they cannot move their tongue freely around. Another reason is that they purposely swallow stones to grind up their food in their stomachs. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilian Craze
Some incorrect choices:
A crocodile shows only top teeth when its mouth is closed, but an alligator shows top and bottom teeth, A crocodile shows only top teeth when its mouth is closed, but an alligator shows top and some bottom teeth, A crocodile doesn't show any teeth when its mouth is closed but an alligator shows top and some bottom teeth

4. Found in Australia, freshwater crocodiles lay their eggs in August. In which month do the eggs begin to hatch?

Answer: November

Interesting Information:
A few days before hatching, the babies start to squeak. This induces a synchronized hatching and also stimulates an adult to open the nest. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
October, September, They won't hatch until the following year

5. The local name for the Chinese alligator is "T'o" or "Yow-Lung" (or another variation), which translates in to which English word?

Answer: Dragon

Interesting Information:
The scientific name of the Chinese alligator is Alligator sinensis, while its local name is "T'o", 'Yow-Lung" or "Tu Long" (or another variation), which in English translates to "dragon" or "muddy dragon". Some writers speculate that the Chinese alligator likely inspired the creation of the mythical Chinese dragon, which is deeply engrained in Chinese culture, playing an important part in Chinese legends and appearing as one of the animals of the Chinese zodiac amongst other things. Dinosaur bones may also have inspired the Chinese dragon. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Chinese Alligator
Some incorrect choices:
Crocodile, Dinosaur, Monster

6. Who or what was Cabulitis?

Answer: An American alligator that lived in a Latvian zoo for 72 years

Interesting Information:
Cabulitis, whose name translates in English to "sweet and gentle creature", resided at the Riga Zoo in Latvia from 1935 until his death in 2007. He was believed to be between one and three years old when he arrived there. In the wild, alligators are believed to live up to 50 years. As the Romans had no contact with the new world, alligators would not have fought in the Coliseum, and while Saddam had exotic pets, alligators were not among them. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
An American alligator that resided in Saddam Hussein's palace, An American alligator that killed lions in the Roman Coliseum, An Aztec god of war depicted as an alligator

7. What is the biggest species of crocodile?

Answer: Indo-Pacific

Interesting Information:
They get up to 30 feet long! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodiles #1
Some incorrect choices:
Indian, Orinoco, Cuban

8. Two crocodilians face each other. One's throat is puffed out and both are making grunting and bellowing noises. What is going on here?

Answer: These crocodilians are courting each other

Interesting Information:
Crocodilians always court each other before mating. They mate once a year, in spring or early summer. Oftentimes the female will lay her eggs in a hole in a sandbar or in a nest, depending on the type of crocodilian. As the baby crocodilians near hatching time, they will call out to their mother. Mother crocodilians can hear their hatchlings even when they are inside their eggs! Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilian Craze
Some incorrect choices:
These crocodilians are going to fight each other, These crocodilians are greeting each other, The crocodilian with the throat puffed out is a female protecting her babies from the other crocodilian.

9. About how big is a newly-hatched American crocodile?

Answer: eleven inches

Interesting Information:
When they hatch, American crocodiles measure roughly eleven inches long and weigh sixty grams. Males will grow to around four metres and weigh 382kg while females reach a length of three metres and weigh 173kg. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
seventeen inches, six inches, twenty-four inches

10. There are two species of alligator. One is the American alligator. What is the name of the other species?

Answer: Chinese Alligator

Interesting Information:
The Chinese alligator is not quite as large as its cousin the American alligator. American alligators have been known to grow to 14 ft. (4.4m), while the Chinese alligator only grows to about 5 ft.(1.5m). Found in the far eastern areas of the Yangtze River, these beautiful animals are critically endangered, with estimates of fewer than 200 individuals left in the wild. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
Australian Alligator, French Alligator, Canadian Alligator

11. From what materials do crocodiles usually build their nests?

Answer: mud and vegetation

Interesting Information:
Crocodiles usually build their nests on riverbanks, using mud and rotting vegetation. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
mud and rocks, vegetation and sand, mud and sand

12. Why does the average American alligator carry 10-15 pounds of rocks in its stomach?

Answer: To help with digestion

Interesting Information:
The proper term for these rocks is gastroliths and they help with digestion. They are used by animals that lack grinding teeth (molars) to break down the food that has been eaten. Many dinosaurs used them, as do modern alligators, crocodiles, seals and some types of birds. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
For buoyancy, They absorb minerals from the rocks, They eat them to sharpen their teeth

13. Gastroliths are commonly found in the stomachs of alligators. What are they?

Answer: Stones

Interesting Information:
Gastroliths are smooth stones that alligators swallow to aid in digestion. They may also help give alligators buoyancy in water. Fish, turtles, mammals, waterfowl and other reptiles have been found inside alligator stomachs. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
Parasites, A species of turtle, A species of fish

14. What is a group of hatchlings called?

Answer: a pod

Interesting Information:
Some hatchlings stay in a pod together for years.

Information from "The Untamed World: Alligators & Crocodiles" Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilians
Some incorrect choices:
a clutch, a clop, there is no special name

15. For some reptiles, the temperature of a nest can determine the gender of the unborn offspring. Is this true for crocodilians?

Answer: Yes, higher temperatures produce males and lower temperatures produce females

Interesting Information:
Higher temperatures produce males while lower temperatures produce females. Generally, anything below 31 degrees Celsius will produce a female, while anything over 33 degrees Celsius will produce a male. However, temperatures can not be too high or too low, or the egg will die. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilian Craze
Some incorrect choices:
Yes, higher temperatures produce females and lower temperatures produce males, No, the temperature does not affect the gender, Yes, the higher the temperature, the more random the gender is

16. What would a baby freshwater crocodile eat?

Answer: small fish, crustaceans and insects

Interesting Information:
Hatchings eat mostly insects, small fish and crustaceans. As they grow, they move onto larger prey such as birds, other reptiles and small mammals. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
birds, other reptiles, mice and rats

17. In the wild, alligators live for how long, on average?

Answer: 30-50 years

Interesting Information:
Both species of alligator have a life span of between thirty and fifty years on average, although some much older examples have been found. In captivity, they fare rather better, with eighty years being the average. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
Under 10 years, Over 100 years is common, Most die in their first year of life

18. Still touring the Crocoseum, you come to the next display. The star of this show is Sierot the sarcosuchus. However, he is slightly different than the others you have seen so far. How?

Answer: He is a skeleton

Interesting Information:
Sierot isn't actually a member of the order Crocodilia at all. He is, however, a distant relative of the crocodile.

Sadly, the sarcosuchus became extinct long ago, and Sierot is one of the few fossilised specimens left.

As well as being extinct, the sarcosuchus is noted for being one of the largest crocodile-like reptiles that has ever lived, growing up to twice the length of modern day saltwater crocodiles (the largest living crocodile).
Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: A Visit to the Crocoseum
Some incorrect choices:
He is albino, He is the smallest species of crocodile, He is vegetarian

19. What was allegedly found on Marsh Island, Louisiana, by Edward McElhaney of the Tabasco sauce company during the early 1900's?

Answer: An alligator measuring 19' 2"

Interesting Information:
If McElhaney's claim is true, then this would be the largest alligator ever found. Unfortunately, there is no existing documentation, such as photographs, skin, or skeleton to verify this. The official Everglades website states that the largest alligator found in the reserve was 17'5, while the Florida Wildlife Commission claims the largest ever in the state was 14'5. There are no tree dwelling crocodiles. White, or albino alligators are known to exist, primarily in captivity. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
The first white alligator found in America, A skeleton of a 40' long alligator, A single specimen of tree dwelling dwarf alligator

20. What family do crocodiles belong to?

Answer: Crocodylidae

Interesting Information:
Tomista and Crocodylus are the genuses. Reptile means it is cold blooded. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodiles #2
Some incorrect choices:
Crocodylus, Reptile, Tomista

21. What is the name of the brave bird that picks things out of crocodiles' mouths?

Answer: crocodile bird

Interesting Information:
The Latin name is Pluvianus aegypticus, they are mostly called Egyptian Plovers. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodiles #1

22. Where does an alligator lay its eggs?

Answer: A mounded nest of fresh vegetation

Interesting Information:
A female alligator will lay her eggs in a large mounded nest of vegetation that has been freshly dug up. They take great care to build the nest in an area that is not prone to flooding. If a nest gets flooded, the eggs will die within 12 hours of being submerged. The average gator nest rises 3.5 ft. (just over 1 meter) and is twice as wide. It usually holds about 40 eggs. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
In the sand, In the water, The don't lay eggs, they give birth to live young

23. What does an alligator do that is of great benefit to other wildlife?

Answer: Create a "gator hole"

Interesting Information:
Alligators dig holes to reach deeper ground water. In times of drought, these become an oasis for other reptiles, birds and mammals. Without these gator holes, many other animals would perish. In addition, alligators create peat moss while digging their nests, which creates nesting sites for birds. While being extremely protective of their own nests, alligators do not protect other species, and they do not create tunnels. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
Fertilize the swamps with its guano, Create tunnels for wild life passage, Protect nesting sites of other wildlife

24. While Chinese alligators do not "hibernate" exactly, they do enter a hibernation-like state called "brumation". For approximately how many months do they brumate for?

Answer: 5-7

Interesting Information:
Hibernation is a state that endothermic (warm-blooded) animals like mammals and birds enter. As ectothermic (cold-blooded) animals like reptiles cannot control their own body temperature they cannot enter a true hibernation state like endotherms but may enter a state known as brumation. Brumation differs from hibernation in the metabolic processes involved. While they do remain dormant like hibernating animals, they do not "sleep" but just remain inactive. Their metabolism also slows considerably and they usually do not eat (though they will consume water).

Chinese alligators usually brumate during the cold, dry months of winter (about October-March, give or take). They spend this time in complex systems of underground tunnels and burrows. These systems are unique to them amongst the crocodilian species. As the temperatures gradually increase, they will leave these systems and bask in the sun to raise their body temperatures, though they may still use the burrows occasionally. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Chinese Alligator
Some incorrect choices:
1-3, 11-12, 9-10

25. In 2006 "National Geographic" magazine showed a photograph of an alligator that had been eaten by which other reptile, possibly causing the latter's death?

Answer: Burmese python

Interesting Information:
The photo showed a 13 ft.(4.0m) long Burmese python which had eaten a 6 ft. (2.0m) long alligator. The photo appeared to show that this mighty meal was too much for the snake and it burst open. Alternate theories have purported that the snake itself had become a meal for an even larger alligator who observed it lying motionless while it tried to digest its huge meal. While what exactly occurred is still debated, what is obvious is that the head of the snake was bitten off or popped off when it exploded. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
Komodo dragon, American cobra, Nile crocodile

26. In most of the American alligator's territory, which animal is considered the apex predator?

Answer: American alligator

Interesting Information:
Alligators are known to prey on adult members of the other species listed. The adult American alligator does not have a natural predator. Juvenile alligators are vulnerable to other predators, such as herons, raccoons, snakes and some fish. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
Black bear, Florida panther, American crocodile

27. How many eggs does a female American crocodile usually lay?

Answer: between 30 and 70

Interesting Information:
When it comes time for them to breed, male American crocodiles attract females with low-frequency bellows. After mating, the female will dig a large hole in the riverbank, laying anywhere between thirty and seventy soft-shelled eggs. She will then viciously guard her nest until the eggs hatch. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
between 20 and 30, less than 20, more than 90

28. Poisons set to eliminate which pest have contributed to the decline in Chinese alligator population?

Answer: Rats

Interesting Information:
Rat poison has been blamed as a contributing factor to Chinese alligator population decrease. Alligators may eat the traps set for the rats and thus they become poisoned themselves, or they may eat rats that have been poisoned as small mammals are part of the alligator's diet. The overuse of fertilisers by local farmers has also contributed, as it affects the alligator's breeding and egg laying. Extermination due to fear, consumption or the threat to livelihood (the burrows the alligator makes can cause drainage and irrigation problems on farms and the alligator is frequently blamed for the disappearance of livestock or waterbirds by farmers) is also a major threat. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Chinese Alligator
Some incorrect choices:
Foxes, Feral cats, Rabbits

29. Why do alligators like to lie in the sun?

Answer: Temperature regulation

Interesting Information:
Alligators, like all reptiles, are cold blooded. That is, they rely on the sun to help with temperature regulation. When too hot they will retreat to the water to cool themselves again. They are most active when the temperatures are between 82-92 degrees Fahrenheit. They will become dormant when temperatures dip below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
Hardens their hide, Aids reproduction, Allows sun birds to pick mites from their skin

30. What happened between May 10 and May 14, 2006, that is unprecedented in documented alligator history?

Answer: Three people were killed in three separate alligator attacks

Interesting Information:
Three women were killed in three separate attacks in three different counties in Florida during that five day period. As the Florida Wildlife Commission documented only 25 fatal attacks between 1948 and 2005 (less then 1 every two years)this was definitely a rare and unprecedented situation. Alligators, unlike some species of crocodile, tend to avoid humans. Most attacks occur when a human stumbles into an alligator. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
Over 60 alligators escaped from a farm during a hurricane, An alligator in the Everglades was observed using a branch as a tool, A massive die off of over 300 alligators occurred in Texas

31. In today's society, the phrase 'crocodile tears' is used to describe fake or phony tears. However, what most people don't know is that crocodilians actually do shed tears, particularly during a certain activity. What is this activity?

Answer: Eating

Interesting Information:
The phrase 'crocodile tears' came about because it seemed as though crocodilians cry over their prey. Actually, the reason the crocodilians cry is due to the air being pushed up through their sinuses while they eat. The air is forced through tear ducts and results in somewhat bubbly tears. Some scientists also believe that the tears may serve the additional purpose of cleaning or moistening the eye. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilian Craze
Some incorrect choices:
Mating, Fighting, Sleeping

32. At what length does a male Nile crocodile reach sexual maturity?

Answer: three metres

Interesting Information:
Male Nile crocodiles don't reach sexual maturity until they've grown to a length of around three metres. Females reach sexual maturity at a length of between 2 and 2.5 metres. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
six metres, two metres, five metres

33. In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese alligator meat is thought to prevent which disease?

Answer: Cancer

Interesting Information:
Human consumption is a major threat to the Chinese alligator's survival as a species. In China, the meat is considered a delicacy and is often available in restaurants and markets. To combat this, small amounts of alligator meat have been legally sold by breeding centres to restaurants and markets when captive populations are high enough, with the money collected used to fund the continual research efforts of these centres. In traditional Chinese medicine, the meat of the alligator is thought to prevent cancer and cure the common cold and the organs are also sold as cures for a number of ailments. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Endangered: The Chinese Alligator
Some incorrect choices:
HIV/AIDS, Cardiovascular disease, Tuberculosis

34. Where did the word 'alligator' come from?

Answer: A corruption of the Spanish term for the lizard

Interesting Information:
The early Spanish explorers encountered these creatures, which they considered to be giant lizards. Their term of el lager would, over time, become alligator. The Spanish term for the devil is el diablo. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: American Alligator Tales
Some incorrect choices:
A corruption of the Spanish term for the devil, Adapted from the French term "ale gastric", From Doctor Allie Gator, who first described them as a separate species

35. A smaller species of Indo-Pacific crocodiles called Swamp Crocodiles has a nickname, what is it?

Answer: Muggers

Interesting Information:
They are called Muggers because they take fish out of nets without the fisherman knowing. They are in the coastal areas of India. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodiles #2
Some incorrect choices:
Thiefs, Buggers, Frogs with attitude problems.

36. Unlike other reptiles, crocodilians have an extremely complex circulatory system, including a four chambered heart. One unique part of a crocodilian's circulatory system is known as the Foramen of Panizza. What is the Foramen of Panizza?

Answer: A hole connecting the left and right aorta

Interesting Information:
The Foramen of Panizza is a hole only found on crocodilians. It allows for an easy exchange between oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood coming from the left or right aorta. This isn't the only thing that makes the crocodilian circulatory system unique, either. Besides the fact that crocodilians are the only reptiles to have four chambers in their heart, the crocodilian circulatory system is also designed to help them stay completely underwater for long periods of time. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Crocodilian Craze
Some incorrect choices:
A chamber connecting the left and right ventricle, A large blood vessel that travels down the spine, An intricate web of capillaries spreading out from the heart

37. When looking at adult saltwater crocodiles, what's the easiest way to tell the difference between males and females?

Answer: body size

Interesting Information:
Male saltwater crocodiles can reach a length of around seven metres, although the average length is around five metres. Females reach a length of around three metres. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Born in the Wild: Crocodile
Some incorrect choices:
colouration, tail markings, counting scales

38. How do the snouts of alligators and crocodiles differ?

Answer: Alligators have broader snouts

Interesting Information:
Alligators have much broader snouts. They are also slightly flatter on top. This is the quickest way to tell the two animals apart if you run into one. This is usually not a problem as the only place that they both live is Everglades National Park in Florida. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: See You Later, Alligator!
Some incorrect choices:
Crocodiles have broader snouts, Crocodiles have large green warts on their snouts, Alligators have much shorter snouts

39. What crocodile glands are used for perfume?

Answer: Musk

From Quiz: Crocodiles #2
Some incorrect choices:
Salivary, Mammary, None of these
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