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Ingrid Bergman Trivia Quizzes

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3 Ingrid Bergman quizzes and 30 Ingrid Bergman trivia questions.
  Ingrid Bergman    
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Ingrid Bergman is my all time favorite actress. She was in wonderful films, playing memorable roles. Try this little quiz and see just how much you know about this fine actress and her films.
Average, 10 Qns, mnina, Sep 22 09
1853 plays
  Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress    
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 10 Qns
Some easy, and perhaps not so easy, questions about the life and screen career of Ingrid Bergman.
Average, 10 Qns, Jeanne31, Sep 21 09
1052 plays
  Ingrid Bergman, Baby!    
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 10 Qns
Here's a tribute to the greatest film star EVER!
Average, 10 Qns, Laura_Pie, Feb 18 07
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Ingrid Bergman was born on what date?

From Quiz "Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress"

Ingrid Bergman Trivia Questions

1. Ingrid Bergman was born on what date?

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Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: August 29, 1915

It is interesting to note that Ingrid was born on August 29, 1915 and died on August 29, 1982.

2. Ingrid Bergman was born in what city?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Stockholm

Born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1915, Ingrid Bergman's mother died when she was very young. Her father, who ran a photography shop, also died when she was twelve years old. For a short time Ingrid lived with her maiden aunt. When her aunt also died, she moved in with her uncle where she remained until she finished school.

3. What are the first names of Ingrid Bergman's four children?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Pia, Robertino, Isabella and Isotta

Ingrid had one daughter, Pia Lindtrom, by her first husband Petter. Next she had a son, Robertino Rossellini, in 1950 while having an affair with Roberto Rossellini. In 1952 Ingrid again gave birth, this time to twins, Isotta and Isabella Rosellini.

4. What was the name of Ingrid's last film?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Autumn Sonata

Her last film "Autumn Sonata" came out in 1978. She was nominated for the best actress academy award.

5. What was the first movie Ingrid Bergman starred in, in the United States?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Intermezzo

Ingrid Bergman starred in `Intermezzo' in 1939. She played the role of Anita Hoffman, a pianist in love with a married man. Leslie Howard played the male lead in this film.

6. Where did Ingrid die?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: London, England

Ingrid died of breast cancer on August 29th, 1982, her 67th birthday.

7. What film did Ingrid make in 1949 (completed in 1950) that led to a torrid affair between her and Italian director Roberto Rossellini?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Stromboli

This affair sparked so much outrage and controversy in the U.S. that she did not return to Hollywood until 1956. She bore her first child by Rossellini before their marriage in 1950.

8. Ingrid Bergman also starred in `Casablanca'. Who was the director of `Casablanca'?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Michael Curtiz

Casablanca was filmed in 1942. Ingrid Bergman played the role of Ilsa, a woman torn between her love for a nightclub owner, and her duty to remain with and assist her husband in the war effort. Humphrey Bogart was the male lead in this film. Some other noted actors in this film include Claude Rains, Peter Lorre, and Syndney Greenstreet. (This is my all time favorite film.)

9. After being denounced by the American Senate what movie made America welcome her back into their hearts and country?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Anastasia

Senator Edwin Johnson stated that she should never be allowed to set foot on American soil again after her affair with Italian film maker, Roberto Rossellini. However Ingrid's stirring performance in Anastasia made America change their minds and she then won her second Academy Award!

10. Ingrid won her first Oscar for what film?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: "Gaslight" (1944)

She won her first Oscar for "Gaslight" with Charles Boyer. I saw it again recently and found it as thrilling as the first time.

11. Bergman spoke more than one language. How many languages did she speak?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Five

Bergman was very quick to learn languages. She was fluent in Swedish, German, French, English, and Italian.

12. Which director, with a name similar to Ingrid's, directed Ingrid's final movie?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Ingmar Bergman

Ingrid received an Academy Award nomination for her part in this film. Although she did not win, Ingrid had already accumulated three other Academy Awards throughout her life.

13. Where was Ingrid born?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Stockholm, Sweden

Ingrid was born in Stockholm, Sweden. Her mother was German and her father was Swedish. She lost her mother at three years of age and her father at twelve. She first lived with an unmarried aunt, and after her death spent her teenage years with an uncle and his family.

14. David O. Selznick was the first American producer to sign Ingrid to a contract. What was the last film she made under David O Selznick?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Notorious

In 1939, Ingrid signed a seven year contract with the producer, David O. Selznick, to only star in his films and those films for which he lent his stars. `Notorious', her last film with O'Selznick, was filmed in 1946. Her romantic leading man in this film was Cary Grant. Alfred Hitchcock was the director.

15. What was the name of Ingrid's third husband?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Lars Schmidt

Ingrid met Lars in Paris and they fell in love. She soon divorced Roberto. Ingrid married Lars in 1958.

16. To whom was Ingrid first married?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Dr. Peter Lindstrom

She first married Peter Lindstrom in 1937. He was a dentist and later became a neurosurgeon. Her second marriage was to Roberto Rossellini in 1950.

17. How many Ingrid Bergman films from the 1940s did Alfred Hitchcock direct?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: 3

The three films Alfred Hitchcock directed, which Bergman starred in, were "Spellbound" (1945), "Notorious" (1946) and "Under Capricorn" (1949).

18. Ingrid and Peter Lindstrom had a daughter whose name is only three letters and had special meaning to them. What is the name?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Pia

Her daughter was named Pia. It stood for Peter, Ingrid, always.

19. Ingrid was already married when she starred in her first Hollywood film in 1939. Who was her first husband?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Dr Peter Lindstrom

Doctor Peter Lindstrom was a dentist when he and Ingrid married. He went back to school during the time of their marriage, and was a neurosurgeon by the time they divorced.

20. What was the profession of Ingrid's husband, Petter Lindstrom?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Dentist

Ingrid and Petter married on July 10th, 1937, when she was only 21 years old. Petter later became a neurosurgeon.

21. After Ingrid returned to Hollywood in 1956, for which film did she win an Oscar for best actress?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Anastasia

The film was "Anastasia", for which she not only won an Oscar, but also regained the love and admiration of her former fans.

22. How many times did Bergman marry and divorce?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: three

Her first husband was Doctor Peter Lindstrom. Her second husband was Roberto Rossellini, and her third husband was Lars Schmidt. She divorced from all three of them.

23. For what movie did Ingrid win her third Academy Award?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: Murder on the Orient Express

Ingrid won despite the small role that she had.

24. Who was Ingrid's last husband?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: Lars Schmidt

Lars Schmidt, the producer, was her last husband. The marriage ended in divorce in 1975. The other three men are directors.

25. Bergman had four children. What are the names of Ingrid Bergman's four children?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman

Answer: Pia, Roberto, Isotta, and Isabella

Okay, Isabella Rossellini was her daughter. Her children were born in the following order - Pia, the eldest, was the child of Doctor Peter Lindstrom. She was pregnant with Roberto when she married her second husband, Roberto Rossellini, the child's father. Her last two children, Isotta and Isabella were twins, and fathered by Roberto Rosellini as well. She had no children with her third husband, Lars Schmidt.

26. In what city did Ingrid die?

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman-Enchantress

Answer: London

She died in London August 29, 1982 of breast cancer. She was cremated and some of her ashes were scattered off the coast of Sweden. A small portion of the ashes were buried in a cemetery in Stockholm.

27. In which movie did Ingrid star in with her daughter? (Not her daughter Pia, but one of the twins)

From Quiz Ingrid Bergman, Baby!

Answer: A Matter of Time

This was in 1976, Isabella was now becoming a promising young actress herself. Ingrid Bergman rocks my socks!

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