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Michelle Pfeiffer Trivia Quizzes

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3 Michelle Pfeiffer quizzes and 30 Michelle Pfeiffer trivia questions.
  A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Michelle Pfeiffer is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, as well as being a talented and versatile actress. Here is a small sampling of some interesting facts about this marvelous woman.
Average, 10 Qns, agentofchaos, Apr 22 21
agentofchaos gold member
Apr 22 21
222 plays
  10 Questions on Michelle Pfeiffer    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's some trivia on Michelle Pfeiffer.
Tough, 10 Qns, blacksheep0, Feb 08 16
2767 plays
  Michelle Pfeiffer Test    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I think Michelle Pfeiffer is one of Hollywood's best actresses. Here is a fun quiz to get to know more about her! Enjoy!
Difficult, 10 Qns, o2bamaiden, Mar 06 07
1723 plays

Michelle Pfeiffer Trivia Questions

1. Michelle Pfeiffer's first major film role as the female lead nearly ruined her career! What was this critical and commercial flop in which she played the role of Stephanie Zinone?

From Quiz
A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Grease 2

Although the original "Grease" was a smash-hit, the sequel bombed. Pfeiffer received positive reviews for her role as leader of the Pink Ladies, Stephanie Zinone, with "The New York Times" stating that her performance was the "one improvement" on the original film. Despite this, her association with the film made it difficult for her to get work. For example, director Brian De Palma initially refused to let her audition for "Scarface", only backing down after the film's producer insisted. She would later garner acclaim for her role as Elvira in that film. Regarding her feelings on "Grease 2", Pfeiffer has stated that she, "hated that film with a vengeance and could not believe how bad it was."

2. Michelle Pfeiffer was born in what month?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: April

She was born on April 29, 1957 in Santa Ana, California.

3. What is Michelle's birthdate?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: April 29, 1958

4. Michelle was born to which set of loving parents?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Dick and Donna

5. What country was Michelle born in?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: United States

Michelle was born in Santa Ana, California.

6. Sometimes onscreen chemistry between actors spills over into real life. With which "Dangerous Liaisons" co-star did Michelle Pfeiffer have a love affair, even though both of them were married to other people at the time?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: John Malkovich

In the 1988 film, "Dangerous Liaisons", Michelle Pfeiffer played a French aristocrat, Madame Marie de Tourvel, who is seduced by the cynical Vicomte Sébastien de Valmont, played by John Malkovich. In the film, Malkovich's character inadvertently falls in love with Pfeiffer's character, but the affair ends badly, with Tourvel sickening unto near death and Valmont being killed in a duel. Perhaps in a case of life imitating art, Malkovich actually fell in love with Pfeiffer, despite being married to actress Glenne Headly, while Pfeiffer was married to Peter Horton. Like their onscreen romance, their affair also ended badly (although not quite as badly as for the characters in the film) and Malkovich has stated that he "cried for a year". Unsurprisingly, both Malkovich and Pfeiffer soon divorced their respective spouses and moved on with their lives. Keanu Reeves and Peter Capaldi also featured in "Dangerous Liaisons", while Sean Connery co-starred with Pfeiffer in "The Russia House". She is not believed to have had affairs with any of these.

7. How many sibling(s) does Michelle have?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: 3

She has one older brother and two younger sisters.

8. Who did Michelle marry in 1993?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: David E. Kelley

Michelle and David have been married since November 13, 1993.

9. In which 2000 thriller, does Michelle Pfeiffer's character Claire perform a necromantic ritual that results in her temporary possession by the ghost of a murdered woman?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: What Lies Beneath

"What Lies Beneath" starred Harrison Ford as Dr. Norman Spencer and Michelle Pfeiffer as his wife Claire. The film is a supernatural murder mystery in which the spirit of Madison, a woman with whom Norman once had an affair, repeatedly attempts to communicate with Claire. The film received mixed reviews from critics, although Roger Ebert described Pfeiffer's performance as "convincing and sympathetic". Pfeiffer was nominated for the Saturn Award for Best Actress and won the Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Actress - Suspense. Michelle Pfeiffer appeared in "The Witches of Eastwick" (1987) but did not appear in either "To Die For" or "The Dead Zone".

10. Her Oscar nomnation in 1993 was her ____ nomination?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: third

Michelle has recieved nominations for: 'Dangerous Liasons' (1988), 'The Fabulous Baker Boys' (1989), 'Love Field' (1992).

11. In one of her darkest roles, Michelle Pfeiffer plays a manipulative woman named Ingrid who murders her lover with a poison derived from a plant from the genus Nerium. What is the name of this 2002 film?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: White Oleander

In "White Oleander", Alison Lohman stars as the teenage girl Astrid, while Michelle Pfeiffer plays her scheming mother, Ingrid. Upon discovering her lover is cheating on her, Ingrid murders him with a poison derived from the oleander plant and is subsequently sentenced to life in prison. Despite being behind bars, Ingrid still manages to keep manipulating Astrid, who has gone into foster care. Pfeiffer and Lohman both received critical acclaim for their performances. A review in "The New York Times" by Stephen Holden described Pfeiffer's role as the "most complex screen performance of her career... at once irresistible and diabolical". Although in real life the oleander plant is highly toxic, it is so bitter that fatalities are quite rare. I guess that Ingrid was smart enough to figure out a way to use it successfully though. Michelle Pfeiffer has also appeared in "Murder on the Orient Express", "I Could Never Be Your Woman" and "New Year's Eve."

12. What movie was Michelle nominated for an oscar for best SUPPORTING actress?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Dangerous Liaisons

Michelle lost to Geena Davis for 'The Accidental Tourist'.

13. Michelle Pfeiffer is particularly famous for her role as Catwoman in the 1992 film, "Batman Returns". She returned to the superhero genre in 2018 when she played what character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Janet van Dyne (the Wasp)

"Ant-Man and the Wasp" is the sequel to "Ant-Man" (2015). The story concerns original Ant-man, Hank Pym's attempt to rescue his wife Janet van Dyne, the original Wasp, from the quantum realm, in which she had become lost 30 years earlier. The mantle of Ant-man has since been assumed by Scott Lang, and that of the Wasp by Janet's daughter, Hope. For flashback sequences in which Janet is shown as a young woman, Pfeiffer was digitally de-aged, as were some of the other characters including Hank Pym, played by Michael Douglas. Janet van Dyne was played by Hayley Lovitt in the first film, who was used as a body double for Pfeiffer in the sequel. The director, Peyton Reed, stated that Lovitt had been cast in the first film because of her "saucer-like, Michelle Pfeiffer eyes". He approached Pfeiffer personally to convince her to appear in the sequel. She warned him that she has tried to back out at the last minute of every single movie she has ever done, but fortunately, he succeeded in getting her to play the part. Pfeiffer reprised the role in a cameo in "Avengers: Endgame" in 2019.

14. Whom did Michelle replace as Catwoman in 'Batman Returns'?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Annette Bening

I loved her as Catwoman!

15. What two movies was Michelle nominated for an Oscar for best actress?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Love Field and The Fabulous Baker Boys

Michelle lost to Jessica Tandy for 'Driving Miss Daisey' (1989), and to Emma Thompson in 'Howards End' (1992).

16. Although better known for appearing in movies, Michelle Pfeiffer has appeared in a number of television shows. She returned to the small screen in 2017 in the film "The Wizard of Lies" about which high profile con man?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Bernie Madoff

The film focuses on the downfall of Bernie Madoff, who perpetrated what is believed to be the largest financial fraud in US history, and the destructive impact of his crimes on his family. Pfeiffer played Ruth Madoff, wife of Bernie, who was played by Robert de Niro. Pfeiffer actually met with Ruth Madoff, who agreed to help prepare for the role. Pfeiffer was nominated for, but did not win, several awards, including "Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie" in the Primetime Emmy Awards. Previously, Pfeiffer famously co-starred with Robert de Niro in "Scarface", which helped launch her to stardom.

17. Michelle Pfeiffer played a character simply known as "Woman" in what divisive 2017 film starring Jennifer Lawrence that involves an allegorical retelling of the story of the Garden of Eden?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Mother!

Written and directed by Darren Aronofsky, "Mother!" is a bizarre psychological horror film about a young woman known as Mother (Jennifer Lawrence) and her husband Him (Javier Bardem), whose lives are disrupted by a visit by a couple known as Man (Ed Harris) and Woman (Michelle Pfeiffer). These four characters represent mother nature, God, and Adam and Eve from the Bible, respectively. Although the film received mostly positive reviews from critics (with some notable exceptions: Rex Reed of "The New York Observer" described it as "Worst movie of the century"), it had the dubious distinction of receiving an extremely rare CinemaScore rating of "F" from audiences, with many viewers giving it half-star ratings on the review website "Rotten Tomatoes". Michelle Pfeiffer's performance received praise from critics, with Angelica Jade Bastién, in an otherwise mixed review for "Vulture" stating, "Whenever Michelle Pfeiffer is onscreen, the film becomes electric."

18. How much did Michelle make for the film, 'What Lies Beneath'?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: $10.5m

Not too shabby!

19. In 2019, Michelle Pfeiffer launched what line of fragrances named after her two children?

From Quiz A Miscellany of Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Henry Rose

Her children's names are Claudia Rose, who she adopted with her husband, David E. Kelley, and John Henry Kelley II, who she gave birth to and who is named after his paternal grandfather. She explains on the Henry Rose website that she wanted to create a range of fragrances that were safe and environmentally friendly, as many existing perfumes do not list all the ingredients used, so their safety is unclear. In conjunction with the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy group whose board of directors she is a member of, she developed a list of ingredients that were confirmed to be safe that were used to develop a range of products that she describes as hypoallergenic, cruelty free, and containing no known carcinogens. The bottles are made with 90% recycled glass and the packaging is made with recycled cardboard.

20. What are the names of her two precious children?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Claudia Rose and John Henry

She adopted Claudia Rose in March of 1993, and had John Henry August 5, 1994, with second husband David E. Kelly.

21. What movie was Michelle NOT in?

From Quiz Michelle Pfeiffer

Answer: Something to Talk About

'Something to Talk About' is a movie Starring Julia Roberts and Denis Quaid.

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