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Barney Series Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Barney Series Quizzes, Trivia

Barney Series Trivia

Barney Series Trivia Quizzes

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  7. Blyton, Enid

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The six titles in this series all start with a word that begins with the letter "R", so they are sometimes called 'the "R" mysteries'. They feature siblings Roger (aged 14) and Diana (13), and their cousin Snubby (11), who meet Barnabas, known as Barney (15) in the first book. Snubby's dog Loony and Barney's monkey Miranda play significant roles in solving the mysteries.
6 Barney Series quizzes and 60 Barney Series trivia questions.
  The Rubadub Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you remember the fourth in Enid Blyton's series of "Barney" books?
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
344 plays
  The Ragamuffin Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Ragamuffin Mystery" is the sixth and final book in Enid Blyton's series all about Roger, Diana, Snubby and their friend Barney.
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
304 plays
  The Ring O' Bells Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Ring O'Bells Mystery" is the third of Enid Blyton's series all about Barney and his friends Roger, Diana, and Snubby.
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
353 plays
  The Rockingdown Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the first book in Enid Blyton's "Barney" series, also sometimes called "The 'R' Mysteries"
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
315 plays
  The Rilloby Fair Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Rilloby Fair Mystery" is the second of Enid Blyton's six books featuring Barney and his friends Roger, Diana, and Snubby.
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
322 plays
  The Rat a Tat Mystery    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Rat a Tat Mystery" is the fifth book in Enid Blyton's series about Barney, his monkey Miranda, and their friends Roger, Diana, and Snubby.
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Dec 24 11
Rowena8482 gold member
302 plays
trivia question Quick Question
It is in "The Ring O'Bells Mystery" that we find out Miss Pepper's first name; what is it?

From Quiz "The Ring O' Bells Mystery"

Barney Series Trivia Questions

1. At the last minute, Mr. Lynton cannot go on holiday with Roger, Diana, and their mother. Why not?

From Quiz
The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: He has to go to America on business

Mr. Lynton was going to do all the driving, towing the new caravan, but he is called away to America for an important business trip. Mrs. Lynton agrees to drive instead, even though she is nervous of towing the caravan.

2. In "The Rat a Tat Mystery" we meet Barney's family for the first time. His grandmother has a pet monkey of her own; what is its name?

From Quiz The Rat a Tat Mystery

Answer: Jinny

Barney's grandmother is a 'proper' loveable sweet granny and loves Jinny like Barney loves Miranda. When Barney finally tracked down his long lost father he found a whole family too, he has uncles, aunts and cousins, who were all overjoyed when he was found.

3. Right at the beginning of "The Rubadub Mystery", Loony dog is in big trouble with Mrs. Lynton. What has he done?

From Quiz The Rubadub Mystery

Answer: Chewed Mr. Lynton's newspaper up

Loony is a little black spaniel and is very naughty at times. On this occasion he got to the newspaper before Mr. Lynton had read it, and chewed and tore it up.

4. Why do Roger, Diana, and Snubby go to stay at Ring O' Bells village?

From Quiz The Ring O' Bells Mystery

Answer: They are recuperating from illness

The children have had a nasty bout of flu, so Miss Pepper takes them to her cousin Miss Hannah's house, in the country village of Ring O' Bells, to relax while they recover completely before going back to school.

5. Snubby and Loony are spending the Easter holidays with the Lyntons, but Snubby must share Roger's room rather than having the guest room. Which relative is staying in the guest room?

From Quiz The Rilloby Fair Mystery

Answer: Great Uncle Robert

Great Uncle Robert is elderly and likes peace and quiet. Unfortunately, in any house with Loony and Snubby in it, peace and quiet tend to be in very short supply...

6. Who does Miss Pepper employ to give the children extra coaching and lessons during their holiday?

From Quiz The Rockingdown Mystery

Answer: Mr. King

Roger and Diana missed a term of school when they had scarlet fever, and Snubby always gets a bad report because of his tricks at school, so Mr. Lynton decides they need extra lessons over the summer. Originally Mr. Young was going to be coaching them, but when he gets appendicitis, Miss Pepper advertises for someone else, and Mr. King gets the job.

7. As Roger, Diana, and Mrs. Lynton set off on holiday, Snubby is not with them. Who is he staying with?

From Quiz The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: Aunty Pat

Snubby is an orphan, so he spends his school holidays with various relatives in turn. At the start of the story he is at Aunty Pat's house, with Loony his dog.

8. Rat a Tat House is so called because of the legend that the enormous door knocker will 'boom' if there is a traitor in the house. What shape is the knocker?

From Quiz The Rat a Tat Mystery

Answer: Lion's head

The door knocker is a lion's head with the actual knocker ring held in its mouth. It makes a tremendous noise and really scares everyone when it suddenly booms out in the middle of the night, yet no-one is there when they look out...

9. Roger gives poor Miss Pepper a dreadful shock while they are preparing to leave for Rubadub. What does he do?

From Quiz The Rubadub Mystery

Answer: Slides a big trunk down the stairs with a noise like thunder

The house is in chaos as Mr. and Mrs. Lynton are leaving for America and the children and Miss Pepper are leaving for Rubadub. Roger tries to 'help' by sliding the big trunk down the stairs, but only succeeds in scaring Miss Pepper half to death with his antics.

10. Loony the dog finds a 'partner in crime' in the village. Who is his new doggy friend?

From Quiz The Ring O' Bells Mystery

Answer: Loopy

The two spaniels Loony and Loopy have a great time teaching each other new ways to get into mischief. Once Miranda arrives too there is no stopping them!

11. Loony has an ongoing 'feud' with the Lynton's pet cat. What is her name? (English name from later editions, not her original name)

From Quiz The Rilloby Fair Mystery

Answer: Sardine

Sardine, so called because of her fondness for the fish, has a habit of lying on one of the stair treads, near the top, to catch the unwary as they pass... She was originally called Snoek, a type of fish similar to tuna and sold in tins in Britain in the 40s and 50s.

12. What is Snubby's real first name?

From Quiz The Rockingdown Mystery

Answer: Peter

Everyone calls him Snubby because of his snub nose. Snubby is Roger and Diana's cousin, and is an orphan. He spends all his school holidays staying with various relations, but likes being with the Lyntons best.

13. Mrs. Lynton is called away by an emergency in the first week of the holiday. What is the nature of the emergency?

From Quiz The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: Her sister is very ill in hospital

Mrs. Lynton's sister, Aunty Pat, falls from a ladder and hits her head on the ground. She is very ill indeed, and calls for her sister, so Mrs. Lynton is found via a message on the radio news. She leaves immediately to be with Pat, leaving Roger and Diana with Miss Pepper at the caravan.

14. Who is the Housekeeper who goes to stay at Rat a Tat House with the children?

From Quiz The Rat a Tat Mystery

Answer: Mrs. Tickle

Mrs. Tickle is a wonderful cook and feeds the children marvellous meals. She even puts up with the mad antics of Loony and Miranda, and is soon a firm friend of the children.

15. The children and Miss Pepper must catch two trains and a taxi on their journey to Rubadub. Where do they leave the train and take a taxi for the last part of their journey?

From Quiz The Rubadub Mystery

Answer: Rockypool

They go from home to Woodlingham, then from Woodlingham to Rockypool. Snubby, of course, gets into a scrape and almost misses the train, but the time he spends observing the two men in uniform in his carriage comes in very handy later on...

16. The children meet "Old Grandad" who lives with his daughter, in the village. He is a descendant of the family who used to live in Ring O' Bells Hall years ago; what was the family name?

From Quiz The Ring O' Bells Mystery

Answer: Dourley

Everyone called Old Grandad "Button" when he was young because of the shape of his nose, but his real name is Hugh Dourley. Although he is very old and often gets confused, when something jogs his memory, he tells the children some interesting bits of information that get them involved with a new adventure...

17. Snubby spins a wild story to his travelling companion on the train to the Lynton's house. What name does he make up for his imaginary gang of thieves?

From Quiz The Rilloby Fair Mystery

Answer: Green Hands

Snubby has a whale of a time adding lurid details to his imaginings. Unfortunately they come back to 'haunt' him when a green glove is found at the scene of a crime nearby...

18. When the children meet Barney, almost the first thing he asks them is if they can lend him some of Shakespeare's plays to read. Which one has he already read?

From Quiz The Rockingdown Mystery

Answer: The Tempest

Barney is alone in the world apart from his pet monkey Miranda, since his mother died. He is wandering the country looking for his father. He knows his father is alive, and that he used to act in Shakespeare's plays in the theatres. He wants to read Shakespeare to get to know what his father does.

19. What is the 'catchphrase' of Mrs. Jones at the Penrhyndendraith Inn?

From Quiz The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: Cooking good, very good cooking!

From the moment the party meet Mrs. Jones she constantly manages to get the phrase "Cooking good, very good cooking!" into everything she says to them. Luckily the food at the Inn is indeed "very good cooking".

20. Which unusual item at Rat a Tat House frightens Loony dog?

From Quiz The Rat a Tat Mystery

Answer: A bear skin rug

The bear skin rug is complete with its 'stuffed' head and realistic glass eyes, and gives poor Loony quite a shock when he first sees it.

21. One of the fellow guests at the Three Men in a Tub inn upsets Diana by referring to her as a "little girl" - who is this annoying person?

From Quiz The Rubadub Mystery

Answer: Miss Twitt

Miss Twitt is soon put in her place by Miss Pepper, and so is Snubby who cannot resist being cheeky and calling her Miss Twitter.

22. The caretaker at Ring O'Bells Hall shows the children a hidden "Priest hole" hiding place; where is it?

From Quiz The Ring O' Bells Mystery

Answer: Up the chimney in the drawing room

By standing right in the fireplace, they can see two steps up the chimney. The hiding place is little more than a man sized gap in the brickwork of the chimney, and Roger thinks that if there was a fire in the grate, anyone hiding would be "suffocated or cooked".

23. The children are delighted when they find out that Barney is working at the fair. What job is he doing there?

From Quiz The Rilloby Fair Mystery

Answer: Running the Hoop-la stall

Barney is running the Hoop-la stall in the fair which is owned by the fierce Frenchman Tonnere. Miranda helps him take the money and collects the hoops after the people have thrown them.

24. When Barney climbs up to the window of the Hall, how is the room inside furnished?

From Quiz The Rockingdown Mystery

Answer: A children's nursery complete with toys

They realise the window behind the bars is broken when Miranda goes inside and throws down a book and a child's handkerchief. The children get a rope for Barney to climb up, and he finds everything in the room left exactly as it was when it was locked up and abandoned years before.

25. The little boy Dafydd, who lives at the hotel, has an unusual pet - what is it?

From Quiz The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: Goose

Dafydd is a strange child who seems to get into mischief constantly. His pet goose Waddle goes everywhere with him, and isn't afraid of anyone or anything. Dafydd found Waddle as a gosling with a broken leg. He nursed it back to health and Waddle is devoted to Dafydd.

26. The children find a clue in the snow beside their snow house. What is it?

From Quiz The Rat a Tat Mystery

Answer: A single glove

The glove is very large, and made of black wool, so the children know it cannot be one of theirs. It must belong to one of the mysterious baddies who are lurking around.

27. Snubby wins the Talent Contest at the end of the pier Pierrot Show. What does he do for his 'turn'?

From Quiz The Rubadub Mystery

Answer: Plays his imaginary banjo and zither

Snubby has been driving everyone mad by pretending to play the banjo and zither all week. He enters the talent contest and brings the house down. He gets a prize of five shillings, which was a lot of money when the book was first published.

28. It is in "The Ring O'Bells Mystery" that we find out Miss Pepper's first name; what is it?

From Quiz The Ring O' Bells Mystery

Answer: Becky

Miss Pepper's cousin Hannah calls her Becky when they are discussing Barney's impending arrival. Miss Hannah says that she cannot possibly have Miranda in the house as she is terrified of monkeys.

29. What are the names of the two performing chimpanzees who live at the fair?

From Quiz The Rilloby Fair Mystery

Answer: Hurly and Burly

Hurly and Burly do all kinds of tricks; they can even ride bicycles. Burly has a collection of stuffed toys which he loves, and Hurly has a weakness for sweeties; he will pick people's pockets to get them if he knows they are there!

30. Snubby ends up being the recipient of a strange letter. Who was it supposed to be delivered to?

From Quiz The Ragamuffin Mystery

Answer: Morgan the cripple

A sinister man mistakes Snubby for Morgan's nephew and snatches Snubby's own letter away. The children spot the 'real' nephew, Dai, waiting for the man, and Snubby persuades him to hand over the real letter.

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