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Secret Series Trivia Quizzes

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  7. Blyton, Enid

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Enid Blyton's first full-length adventure novel, "The Secret Island", featured Peggy, her younger twin siblings Mike and Nora, and the orphan Jack (later to be adopted into their family). They were joined in the second book of the series by Paul, who turns out to be a prince of Baronia.
4 Secret Series quizzes and 40 Secret Series trivia questions.
  The Secret of Moon Castle    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Prince Paul's family rents Moon Castle for the holidays but when the children go to live there, strange things begin to happen. 'The Secret of Moon Castle' is another spine-tingling adventure involving Jack, Mike, Peggy, Nora and Paul.
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Dec 24 11
zorba_scank gold member
305 plays
  The Secret Island    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
'The Secret Island' is a delightful book by Enid Blyton about Jack, Mike, Peggy and Nora and their adventures on the secret island.
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Dec 24 11
zorba_scank gold member
435 plays
  The Secret Mountain    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When the children's parents get lost in Africa, they don't think twice about flying there to rescue them. Follow Jack, Mike, Peggy, Nora and Paul right into the heart of "The Secret Mountain".
Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank, Dec 24 11
zorba_scank gold member
357 plays
  "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Its a quiz on Enid Blyton's book, "The Secret of Spiggy Holes".
Average, 10 Qns, karthik127, Dec 24 11
368 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Where do the children go with Prince Paul?

From Quiz ""The Secret of Spiggy Holes""

Secret Series Trivia Questions

1. What did Prince Paul get as a birthday present from his father?

From Quiz
The Secret Mountain

Answer: His own aeroplane

The children were very excited and decided to use Paul's plane to rescue their parents from Africa. Paul even had his own pilot, Pilescu.

2. Why were Peggy, Mike and Nora forced to live with their Aunt and Uncle?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: Their parents were thought to be dead.

Their parents had set off to fly to Australia two years ago and had got lost. The children were united with their parents at the end of the book though.

3. Who was going to look after the four children, Mike, Peggy, Nora and Jack?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: Miss Dimity

According to Captain and Mrs Arnold she was a very nice lady.

4. What was the name of the Arnolds' plane?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: White Swallow

Captain and Mrs. Arnold were very fine pilots and the children were very proud of them. They were always breaking and creating new records.

5. Which country was Prince Paul from?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: Baronia

The children had rescued Prince Paul when he had been kidnapped by enemies in an earlier adventure. They were now firm friends and Paul went to the same school as Jack and Mike.

6. Whom did Jack live with?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: His grandfather

Jack was an orphan who lived with his grandfather. He had befriended the other children who lived on the neighbouring farm with their Aunt and Uncle.

7. Who was the farm lad who came to do Dimmy's garden?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: George

George had a brother, Jim who was very helpful.

8. What was the name of the town closest to Moon Castle?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: Bolingblow

They had lunch at a hotel in Bolingblow on their way to see the castle. The waitress told them that Moon Castle was an eerie place where strange things happened but this only added to the children's excitement.

9. Where did the children hide the stuff that they wanted to take to the secret island?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: In a hollow tree

The children hid their stuff in a hollow tree by the lakeside. By the end of the week, the tree held a collection of strange things from a sack of potatoes to a saucepan and the children's clothes.

10. Who had bought the Old House?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: Mr Felipe Diaz

Mr Diaz's friend's name was Luiz.

11. What was the name of the tribal boy who accompanied the children to the Secret Mountain?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: Mafumu

Jack had saved Mafumu from being beaten up by his uncle and Mafumu was now devoted to him. He was of great help as he knew the best ways to reach the Secret Mountain unseen.

12. What was the name of Prince Paul's bodyguard?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: Ranni

Ranni had promised to be devoted to the little Prince since the day he was born. He was a friend and guardian to Paul.

13. What was the name of the house built by the children on the secret island?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: Willow House

It was named Willow House since willow twigs were used to build it. The children lived in the Willow House during bad weather.

14. In the chapter,"The Light in the Tower",Mr Felipe Diaz, Mr Luiz and woman got down from the tradesman's van. What was the colour of the woman's hair?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: Yellow

She was Mr Diaz's wife.

15. How did Mafumu and Jack enter the Secret Mountain?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: Through the waterfall

Mafumu realized that there must be an entrance into the Secret Mountain from where the waterfall gushed out. He soon found a way in and managed to take Jack with him.

16. How many caretakers looked after Moon Castle?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: 3

They were three sisters- Miss Edie Lots, Miss Hannah Lots and Mrs. Brimming. They kept the huge castle in an excellent condition.

17. Who or what scared away the trippers that had come to the island?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: Bats

One of the trippers named Eddie wanted to explore the island. However the women got scared of the bats and forced the others to leave at once.

18. Which country was Prince Paul from?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: Baronia

He was kidnapped because people did not want him to be the next king.

19. Why were Paul's mother and brothers unable to come to Moon Castle as planned earlier?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: His brothers had got measles.

His brothers were quarantined and so his family would be arriving a week later. Since Mrs. Arnold also had to go to see off her husband, the children were sent to Moon Castle with the housekeeper, Miss Dimmity and Ranni.

20. When the hens escaped from the yard, where did they lay their eggs?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: Willow House

The hens escaped through a hole in the fence around the yard. Mike found the eggs when he went to fetch something from Willow House.

21. Who was George's brother?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: Jim

He is of great help to the children during their adventure.

22. What did Captain Arnold threaten to do if the Chief of the Mountain Folk didn't set them free?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: Kill their Sun God

Captain Arnold had found out that there was to be a solar eclipse at the time Paul was to be sacrificed. He threatened to kill the Sun God and hoped this would scare the Mountain Folk into setting them free.

23. How many caves were there on the secret island?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: 2

There were three entrances on the island but when the children explored the caves they found that the largest cave and the smallest one were connected. Thus there were only two caves.

24. How did Ranni and Pilescu escape from the Secret Mountain?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: They disguised themselves as the Mountain Folk.

Both the Baronians had flaming red beards like the Mountain Folk. They used the pigment found by Jack to paint their bodies yellow and could thus escape from the Mountain.

25. Whose room had an entrance to a secret passage leading to the locked tower?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: Paul

The children found an old book in the library at Moon Castle showing a secret passage from Paul's room leading to the locked tower.

26. Where do the children go with Prince Paul?

From Quiz "The Secret of Spiggy Holes"

Answer: "The Secret Island"

They had run away to the Secret Island the previous year.

27. Who nearly got left behind when everyone was escaping from the Secret Mountain?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: Paul

He had gone to get the beautiful clothes and headdress he was made to wear when he was about to be sacrificed to the Sun God. Ranni and the others were most annoyed with him for being so irresponsible.

28. What metal used to be found in the deserted mines near Moon Castle?

From Quiz The Secret of Moon Castle

Answer: Tin

The mines also belonged to Lord Moon. They had been deserted for many years following a strange disease that afflicted the miners.

29. What did Jack give Daisy, the cow, each time he led her to the inner cave?

From Quiz The Secret Island

Answer: A turnip

Jack made it a habit to take Daisy through the large cave once a week, so that she wouldn't make a fuss when they had to hide her if people came to search the island.

30. Who gave Mafumu a photograph of all the children as a parting gift?

From Quiz The Secret Mountain

Answer: Mrs. Arnold

All of them gave Mafumu something as a parting gift. They had grown very fond of him and were very sad that they had to leave him behind.

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