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Harry Potter Wordplay Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
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Harry Potter Wordplay Trivia

Harry Potter Wordplay Trivia Quizzes

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TARRY, POTHER and enjoy playing quizzes with anagrams and other types of word play based on the Harry Potter books.
34 quizzes and 370 trivia questions.
  Hidden Harry Potter Names   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Find the names of characters from the Harry Potter books hidden in the sentences.
Average, 10 Qns, starz2000, May 20 05
20423 plays
  Character Rhymes   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I will give you a rhyme and you tell me which Harry Potter character I am describing. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, goblinqueen18, Aug 10 12
13816 plays
  Harry Potter Rhyme Game   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Figure out the missing word to form part of a rhyme using the clues below. For instance, "Potter's school vehicles" are "Hogwarts transports". This quiz uses American pronunciations.
Easier, 10 Qns, stingjc, Feb 24 07
12419 plays
  Harry Potter Gryffindor Student Anagrams   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz, unscramble the clues to find the name of a Gryffindor student from the Harry Potter series. Note the books go from Book One through to Book 6. Have fun!
Tough, 10 Qns, thegogga, May 13 07
11128 plays
  Harry Potter Teachers & Ghosts Anagrams   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This will be my fourth Harry Potter anagrams quiz. In this quiz, unscramble the words to get the names of either a teacher or a ghost. Note that the clues go from Book 1 through to Book 6, and no titles are used (e.g. "Professor.") Have fun!
Tough, 10 Qns, thegogga, Sep 23 14
8929 plays
  Hogwarts Hide And Seek!   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
While at Hogwarts, you and ten of your fellows play a game of Hide and Seek. You are the Seeker. Can you find your friends' and teachers' names in these sentences?
Average, 10 Qns, reeshy, Nov 28 09
reeshy gold member
6940 plays
  Harry Potter Character Anagrams 2   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The words in capitals can be rearranged to spell the names of characters in the Harry Potter books. Some of the other words give you a hint about the character. The number of letters in the names and some initials have been given to help you.
Tough, 10 Qns, minch, Oct 07 06
minch gold member
12291 plays
  Harry Potter Rhyme Game 2   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Figure out the missing word to form part of a rhyme using the clues below. For instance, "Potter's school vehicles" are "Hogwarts transports". This quiz uses American pronunciations.
Average, 10 Qns, stingjc, Jan 23 10
10807 plays
  Take this Harry Potter Anagrams Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are some very funny anagrams of a couple of Harry Potter characters. Mostly it's first and last name; capitalize them. Good luck and enjoy the quiz!
Difficult, 10 Qns, PearlQ19, May 13 07
PearlQ19 gold member
15491 plays
  Harry Potter Anagrams Test    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
These are characters from the Harry Potter books. Use the capital letters to make the character's name. (Not including people's names and the first letter of the first word.)
Average, 10 Qns, pippinlover7, Jul 25 07
11997 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Another student is NVLL LNGBTTM. Who is this young wizard, whose best subject was Herbology?

From Quiz "Ths Wzrds nd Wtchs Lst Thr Vwls"

  Ths Wzrds nd Wtchs Lst Thr Vwls    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
When I studied at Hogwarts, I invented the Removocali spell. It leaves the target deprived of all vowels. Can you decipher these students and teachers hit by the Removocali spell? All false options are fictitious. Warning: contains spoilers.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Dec 01 18
Very Easy
JanIQ gold member
Dec 01 18
629 plays
  Harry Potter Character Anagrams - 1   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The words written in capitals can be anagrammed into characters in the Harry Potter books.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, minch, May 13 07
Very Difficult
minch gold member
12415 plays
  Harry Potter Miscellaneous Characters Anagrams   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my fifth installment of Harry Potter anagrams. I've had lots of fun creating these! In the clues, unscramble the letters to find the name of a miscellaneous (i.e. not at Hogwarts) character in the series, however minor they may be. Have fun!
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, thegogga, Dec 16 13
Very Difficult
5692 plays
  Harry Potter Place Name Anagrams   best quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Unscramble the words below in order to make the name of places which appears in the Harry Potter books. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, thegogga, May 13 07
5520 plays
  15 Questions on Harry Potter Anagrams   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a quiz about Harry Potter anagrams. The two letters in the hint are initials and the numbers are the amount of letters in both names. Have fun and good luck!
Difficult, 15 Qns, Nick334, May 13 07
10238 plays
  Harry Potter Before and After    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz mixes knowledge of Harry Potter and other information. To get the whole answer, you mix the first and second answer, joined by a common word, eg: George Washington Irving, where the first is George Washington and the second is Washington Irving
Difficult, 10 Qns, CzarManx, Feb 02 06
11548 plays
  More Miscellaneous Harry Potter Character Anagrams   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
It's been a while since I last did an "HP Anagrams" quiz, and I figured it would be nice to start thinking and doing another one. This one is on some of the miscellaneous characters that appear in the books. Have fun!
Difficult, 10 Qns, thegogga, Jun 08 08
4071 plays
  Harry Potter Anagrams Quiz for Experts   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here are some of my favorite Harry Potter Characters in anagram form. Re-arrange the letters to discover the person's name. Have Fun!
Average, 10 Qns, goblinqueen18, May 27 07
5630 plays
  Harry Potter Riddle Mania    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
In this quiz, you will be given a riddle, poem, limerick, etc. describing a Harry Potter character/thing/place/creature. It is based entirely on the books, NOT the movies. This quiz is brought to you by team Harry Potter Fans. NOTE : Spoilers!
Average, 10 Qns, 123laura123, Dec 24 11
1283 plays
  Harry Potter Anagram Names    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Huller! The task is simple. Rearrange all the letters to form a character's name in Harry Potter. Questions range through all six Harry Potter books. Good luck!
Tough, 15 Qns, dayday_mamac, Nov 02 09
3140 plays
  Find The Name    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
These are the names of a few Harry Potter characters, but they are in anagram form. Try to solve them.
Impossible, 15 Qns, puklu, Apr 10 09
9289 plays
  Harry Potter Names    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
All you have to do here is find out which Harry Potter character matches the clues given. The clues pronounce the name. Remember, write the first letter of the name in a capital letter.
Average, 10 Qns, ananshenoy, Sep 18 19
Sep 18 19
632 plays
  Splls Wtht Vwls    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I've used the "Removocali" spell once again - which removes every vowel. Can you restore the vowels in the following spells? Don't look for the "Removocali" spell in the books - I've invented it in my last year at Hogwarts.
Average, 10 Qns, JanIQ, Nov 28 19
JanIQ gold member
Nov 28 19
244 plays
  Fractured Characters: Hare Reap Out Err    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Here's a quiz featuring characters from Harry Potter, but with fractured words. You have to sound out the clues in order to come up with the character. For example: "Hare reap out err" = Harry Potter. Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, Jordanar18, Jan 01 19
Jordanar18 gold member
Jan 01 19
201 plays
  Harry Potter Other Student Anagrams   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my third Harry Potter anagrams quiz. In this quiz, unscramble the letters to find the name of a Hogwarts student (no Gryffindors, though.) I used Book 1 through to Book 6. Have fun!
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, thegogga, May 13 07
Very Difficult
2357 plays
  What Words Are in the Magical Pensieve?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Swimming around in Albus Dumbledore's pensieve are some words concerning Hogwarts, people and magical things. Can you pick them out from the letters that swirl around them?
Easier, 10 Qns, CmdrK, Dec 22 13
Recommended for grades: 8,9,10
CmdrK gold member
505 plays
  Hogwarts in Hiding    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Oh no! Seamus messed up another spell and now everybody has turned into words in textbooks! Find them and enter their names into the boxes before the spell becomes permanent!
Easier, 10 Qns, MarkThames, May 17 15
330 plays
  Do You Know Harry Potter Anagrams?    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
How well do you know your Harry Potter Anagrams? Hi everyone! This quiz is created by the Harry Potter fans team. Let's see how well you know your Harry Potter characters, in Anagram form. Hope you enjoy it!
Difficult, 15 Qns, NessieR, Apr 13 10
748 plays
  Hidden Harry Potter Folk    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Can you find the HP folk from the fab J.K.Rowling series? Have fun and good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, oneof5, Dec 09 10
1040 plays
  Minor characters anagrams    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is a quiz on anagrams of some minor characters in the Harry Potter books. Have fun :)
Difficult, 15 Qns, edsrat, Jun 25 04
3601 plays
  Do You Know That Harry Potter Word?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Each question contains clues to help you guess the Harry Potter word. Answers include characters, every day wizard items, places, and more!
Tough, 10 Qns, SnowAngel16, Jun 01 15
784 plays
  Find the Character Name    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
You have to find the name of some "Harry Potter" characters in the given sentences. For example: I saw someone taking the bag manager. The given name is Bagman (Ludo Bagman). Remember that commas don't matter. Hope you will have fun. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, princess_tiana, Oct 23 17
240 plays
  Questions on Harry Potter Anagrams    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hey everyone. If you love JK ROwling's Harry Potter, then this is the place for you to test how much you know about it. Let's see if you can figure out what these words stand for in the series. Good Luck!
Difficult, 10 Qns, NessieR, Mar 13 10
605 plays
  Amazing Harry Potter Anagrams    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is based on the "Harry Potter" books by J.K. Rowling. Try to guess which minor character's name is hidden in each of the following scrambled words. Good luck!
Impossible, 15 Qns, LilyE, Jan 04 12
1053 plays
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Harry Potter Wordplay Trivia Questions

1. One night I saw from afar the red rays from a fight. So I used "Totalum Removocali" and sought what happened. Fleur tried to get our attention by yelling PRCLM. What does that mean?

From Quiz
Splls Wtht Vwls

Answer: Periculum

In normal circumstances, "Periculum" sends a group of red sparks high into the sky. Now Fleur's PRCLM did only ignite a few little red drops. The intention is to call out for help. This charm was used in "Goblet of Fire" during the third task of the Triwizard tournament, when Fleur had to quit the competition.

2. Head of the class: All based amble door

From Quiz Fractured Characters: Hare Reap Out Err

Answer: Albus Dumbledore

Professor Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts until his death at the end of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". However, most of his backstory was revealed in the 7th and final book: He was born and grew up in Godric's Hollow, and had two siblings, Aberforth and Ariana. After he graduated from Hogwarts, he was forced to stay at home to look after his siblings due to his mother's death and father's incarceration in Azkaban. Soon he met Gellert Grindelwald, with whom he developed a close friendship; they later had a falling out after a duel in which Ariana was killed. Due to his guilt from the duel, he felt he was not to be trusted with power and thus did not become Minister of Magic despite being offered the position many times.

3. "H, 'm HRMN GRNGR. Prfssr Slghrn hs sd 'm th brghtst wtch f r tm. Wht s my nm?" Well, she says she's been honoured by Professor Slughorn with the title "brightest witch of our time". What is her name?

From Quiz Ths Wzrds nd Wtchs Lst Thr Vwls

Answer: Hermione Granger

"The brightest witch of our time" should of course be Hermione Granger. You'll find her most often in the library, for she loves reading about everything that has to do with the magic world. Hermione started in Hogwarts in the same year as the world famous Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley. To the astonishment of these two youngsters, she knows it all - even though she was born to muggle parents (non-wizards). What is all this Removocali spell thing? Well, I never went to Hogwarts (as I'm not a character from the Harry Potter series). The Removocali spell is a pure invention of mine, based upon the names JK Rowling devised for the different spells used throughout all the books and movies. I thought a spell that removes all vowels could have its use sometimes. For instance, if you were to encounter Lord Voldemort, the worst he could do after being hit by the Removocali spell were to utter "VD KDVR" - nothing like the unforgivable killing curse.

4. The pot was kept beside an umbrella.

From Quiz Find the Character Name

Answer: Dean & Dean Thomas

The name is obtained from the last two and the first two letters of 'beside' and 'an' respectively. Dean Thomas was a boy in Harry's year who slept in his dormitory along with Seamus, Neville and Ron. He was Ginny's ex boyfriend.

5. At least the old hag rid the school of dragons!

From Quiz What Words Are in the Magical Pensieve?

Answer: Hagrid

"old HAG RID the school". Since Rubeus Hagrid was a half-giant, you could say that he was the 'big guy' at Hogwarts. He raised a dragon from an egg but had to give it away.

6. An excerpt from "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1": "To use a spell, you must pronounce the spell correctly." The first name of one of Harry's close friends can be found in the preceding excerpt. Who is hiding there?

From Quiz Hogwarts in Hiding

Answer: Ron

"To use a spell, you must pRONounce the spell correctly." Ron is Harry's best friend at Hogwarts, along with Hermione. Ron's full name is Ronald Bilius Weasley. He is in Gryffindor.

7. Unscramble the following to form the name of a Harry Potter character: Heroic Tic Toe.

From Quiz Amazing Harry Potter Anagrams

Answer: Ritchie Coote

Ritchie Coote was the Gryffindor Beater while Harry was in his sixth year.

8. Panda from "Kung Fu Panda" (2008) + Last four letters of a popular website that is a source of instantly updated information from members =

From Quiz Do You Know That Harry Potter Word?

Answer: Potter

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, survived Voldemort's Killing Curse as a baby while his parents were killed. He became famous for something he doesn't even remember. He then had to go and live with his only living relatives, the Dursleys, who were Muggles and tried to prevent Harry from becoming a Wizard. After he turned eleven, he went to school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After his education, he married Ginny Weasley and had three kids.

9. Find the hidden Harry Potter character: It is not likely that a magical memorandum bled oregano-scented tears unless commanded to by this great wizard.

From Quiz Hidden Harry Potter Folk

Answer: Dumbledore

It may be possible, but I'm not sure why Dumbledore would want a memo to bleed oregano scented tears!

10. Who am I? BALD CHALK RAP

From Quiz Do You Know Harry Potter Anagrams?

Answer: Alphard Black

Alphard Black is Sirius Black's and Regulus Arcturus Black's uncle. He is the brother of Walburga Black and Cygnus Black. Alphard Black was disowned from the Black family after he gave money to Sirius when Sirius ran away from home and went to live with his best friend's family, the Potters. Alphard Black was one of the few members of the Black family to be burnt from the family tree. Alphard is the son of Pollux Black and Irma Crabbe. This question was written by NessieR.

11. Who am I? I REIN CAMP

From Quiz Harry Potter Anagrams

Answer: Irma Pince

Irma Pince is a character in the Harry potter books who is very strict and is the librarian of the Hogwarts library. Students believe that she loves Filch bur it's unknown whether that's true or not. She is said to have an appearance of a hawk.

12. One of your hidden friends has red hair on his head.

From Quiz Hogwarts Hide And Seek!

Answer: Ron

You found Ron! (has red haiR ON his head): Ron Weasley is a Gryffindor, and is best friends with fellow Gryffindors Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. He comes from a large family who live in a house called "The Burrow". Unfortunately Ron's family are very poor, but this means that they appreciate values such as love and family. Ron is by Harry's side in most of the action - he even destroys one of the Horcruxes, Slytherin's locket, in Book 7: "The Deathly Hallows". Ron ultimately marries Hermione, and they have children together.

13. Try on a lemming?

From Quiz Harry Potter Teachers & Ghosts Anagrams

Answer: Moaning Myrtle

Moaning Myrtle is the ghost who haunts the girl's bathroom. We are first introduced to Myrtle in "The Chamber of Secrets," when Harry, Ron and Hermione are secretly brewing Polyjuice Potion in the bathroom. Myrtle was killed by the basilisk who lived in the Chamber of Secrets after she looked into its eyes. She was in the bathroom at the time because a girl called Olive Hornby had been teasing her about her glasses. Moaning Myrtle, in my opinion, is really quite a character, and pops up now and then in the Harry Potter books.

14. "A maroon twin of George" is "A red ______"

From Quiz Harry Potter Rhyme Game 2

Answer: Fred

Fred and George Weasley are Ron's older twin brothers who find themselves in trouble quite often.

15. "Frightening Potter" is "________ Harry"

From Quiz Harry Potter Rhyme Game

Answer: Scary

The "Harry Potter" book series is written by J.K. Rowling.

16. Don't BLEAT LIKE this character when she was touched by the cursed opals.

From Quiz Harry Potter Character Anagrams 2

Answer: Katie Bell

Katie Bell was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She was off the team when she was in hospital after touching the cursed opals in a necklace she was transporting for Madam Rosmerta.

17. A magical memorandum bled ore filled rocks that this great wizard made.

From Quiz Hidden Harry Potter Names

Answer: Dumbledore

MemoranDUM BLED ORE. Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and an extremely powerful wizard. "I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts...but you cannot deny he's got style."

18. He NERVOUSLY awaited the arrival of the Weasley family and was RENDered speechless when they came through the fireplace.

From Quiz Harry Potter Anagrams

Answer: Vernon Dursley

Vernon Dursley is Harry Potter's uncle. His wife's sister is Harry's mother and she, Harry's mother, is a witch.

19. Is this female character a GERMAN RHINE OGRE?

From Quiz Harry Potter Character Anagrams - 1

Answer: Hermione Granger

Smart girl who is one of Harry's closest friends.


From Quiz Find The Name

Answer: Antonin Dolohov

Antonin Dolohov is a death-eater who escapes from Azkaban with Bellatrix and company. He is the one responsible for injuring Hermione in the rib in the book "The Order Of The Phoenix".

21. 1) Harry's godfather -plus- 2) October 19, 1987, when the stock market fell 500 points

From Quiz Harry Potter Before and After

Answer: Sirius Black Monday

Black Friday was in 1869, rather than 1987, which was Black Monday.

22. Bellatrix turned to me and used one of her favourite spells But as it came out as CRC, it didn't hurt me at all. What spell did Bellatrix try to use but came out as CRC?

From Quiz Splls Wtht Vwls

Answer: Crucio

"Crucio" is one of the unforgivable curses. In its full form it causes intense pain in the victim. But as it came without vowels, I didn't feel intense pain - just a slight itch. The cruciatus curse is used repeatedly in the books from "Goblet of Fire" onwards. A group of Death Eaters used it on Frank and Alice Longbottom, Neville's parents, so often that Frank and Alice went insane. Contrary to many other curses, "Crucio" doesn't seem to lead to physical damage.

23. History buff: Both hill the backs hat

From Quiz Fractured Characters: Hare Reap Out Err

Answer: Bathilda Bagshot

Bathilda Bagshot was the author of "A History of Magic", and lived in Godric's Hollow. She lived near the Dumbledores and was the aunt of Gellert Grindelwald. After Dumbledore died, Rita Skeeter interviewed her for her book, "The Life And Lies Of Albus Dumbledore". Soon after, she was probably killed by Voldemort, and Nagini the snake posed as an impostor. When Harry and Hermione came to Godric's Hollow looking for the sword of Gryffindor, Nagini lured them into Bathilda's home and trapped the two there; they ultimately escaped.

24. Which witch carries the name CH CHNG? Oops, the Removocali spell has taken away all her vowels.

From Quiz Ths Wzrds nd Wtchs Lst Thr Vwls

Answer: Cho Chang

Cho Chang was a Hogwarts student sorted into the house of Ravenclaw. She was one year older than our heroes Harry, Ron and Hermione. In "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", Cho had a crush on Cedric Diggory, and thus refused Harry's invitation for the Yule Ball. After Cedric was killed by Peter Pettigrew, Cho joined the student's group Dumbledore's Army, led by Harry. She had a romantic encounter with Harry, but not one that led to a lasting affair.

25. Mia threw the ball up in the air.

From Quiz Find the Character Name

Answer: Lupin & Remus Lupin

Mia threw the balL UP IN the air. Remus Lupin was a werewolf and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. James, Sirius and Peter were his best friends when he was at Hogwarts. He taught Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts for a year in the book "Prisoner of Azkaban". He was later married to Nymphadora Tonks and had a child named Ted Lupin.

26. Maul I we silly?

From Quiz Harry Potter Names

Answer: Molly Weasley

Molly Weasley is Ron's mother who thinks of Harry as her own son and takes care of him very well when he goes to visit. She is very motherly and adept at baking. She sends all her kids sweaters as Christmas gifts and Ron's is always maroon. She also gives brownies and cakes as gifts.

27. Which Harry Potter character's name does this anagram make? A Scrambled Hag Rinks.

From Quiz Amazing Harry Potter Anagrams

Answer: Griselda Marchbanks

Griselda Marchbanks was the Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority. She was also the one who examined Dumbledore while he took his N.E.W.T.s.

28. Opposite of stop + The language of Bilen people =

From Quiz Do You Know That Harry Potter Word?

Answer: Goblin

Goblins are small magical creatures with abnormally long fingers and feet. They run Gringotts and are extremely smart.

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