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East Timor History Trivia

East Timor History Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
  Return to East Timor    
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As promised, further questions on the history of East Timor's path to nationhood.
Tough, 10 Qns, shady_shaker, Apr 28 21
Apr 28 21
385 plays
  East Timor : New Nation in a New Century    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know of East Timor's path to nationhood? Hopefully this quiz, and a second one in the pipeline, will be helpful in understanding more of this tiny country's history.
Tough, 10 Qns, shady_shaker, Aug 17 05
656 plays
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East Timor History Trivia Questions

1. What colour is the star on the East Timorese flag?

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Return to East Timor

Answer: white

The star consists of five ends and means "the light that guides". Natalino Leitao is credited with designing the flag in November 1975, following the end of Portuguese rule.

2. Until 1975, East Timor was a colony of which European country?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Portugal

Portugal's "ownership" of East Timor dates from the 16th century. In April 1974 Portuguese dictator, Marcelo Caetano, was overthrown. Those who replaced him set in motion the wheels of independence of several Portuguese colonial outposts, including Angola, Mozambique and East Timor. Portugal continued to maintain an interest in East Timorese affairs.

3. What is the title of Xanana Gusmao's 1994 autobiography?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: To Resist is to Win

The book was written secretly while Gusmao was in jail.

4. What was the name of the main Timorese resistance movement?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Fretilin

Fretilin (Revolutionary Front for the Independence of East Timor) was formed originally to fight Portuguese occupation. The other major political presence at the time of release from Portuguese rule was The Timorese Democratic Union (UDT). Early in 1975 the two movements joined forces to prepare for what appeared to be imminent statehood.

5. Who was elected first Prime Minister of East Timor?

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Answer: Mari Alkitari

Mari Alkitiri entered politics when he was twenty. He was a founding member of Fretilin. He lived in political exile during the Indonesian occupation, returning to East Timor in time for the vote for independence.

6. Which country invaded East Timor in December 1975?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Indonesia

Acting under the pretext of restoring peace and security, Indonesian forces landed in East Timor on December 7, 1975. Annexation followed in 1976.

7. How many seats were there in the first East Timorese Parliament?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: 88

The unusually high number of seats was due to this being East Timor's first Parliament. There is provision in the Constitution for the number in future Parliaments to vary from 52 to 65. The Constitution has also set down five year periods for each Parliament.

8. Which world leader visited East Timor in October 1989?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Pope John Paul II

The Pope's visit was seen as a major Indonesian concession towards the predominantly Catholic East Timorese. Any hopes that he would be the catalyst in bringing about self determination were soon dashed however. Instead, when a pro-democracy scuffle broke out during the Pontiff's speech, authorities dealt with it in their usual un-compromising style.

9. On 24 July, 2000 a soldier from the UN Peace Keeping Force in East Timor was killed. Which country was he from?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: New Zealand

The soldier died following a clash with a rebel group near the West Timor border. It was the first combat related death in East Timor since independence.

10. What was the site of the 1991 massacre of un-armed pro-democracy supporters, leaving many dead?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Santa Cruz Cemetery, Dili.

Several Western journalists watched Indonesian troops fire on the demonstrators. A British cameraman caught the carnage on video. Two US journos, Allan Nairn and Amy Goodman later testified about the killings before Congress. A local organisation, "Peace is Possible in East Timor" reportedly identified 271 victims by name.

11. Which UN group succeeded UNTAET in East Timor?

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The mandate of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) ended when East Timor gained independence. Because of the fragile nature of the country's law and order, a continuing UN presence was deemed essential. The UN Mission for the Support of East Timor (UNMISET) was put in place to protect East Timor's borders, and take responsibility for the UN Police Force and UN Peacekeeping Force.

12. Name the Fretilin leader arrested by the Indonesians in Dili in November 1992.

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Xanana Gusmao

Xanana Gusmao became Fretilin leader in 1978 and Commander-in-Chief of Falantil, the Movement's military wing, in 1981. Through his Policy of National Unity, Gusmao played a pivotal role in propelling his people toward independence.

13. Which Indonesian General was indicted by the UN for crimes against humanity during East Timor's vote for independence?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: Wiranto

General Wiranto was the highest ranked officer to be indicted. He, like the other Indonesian military figures called to give account of their actions during the struggle for independence, has not been handed over by Indonesia to face prosecution.

14. The 1996 Nobel Peace Prize was shared by two East Timorese. Who were they?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: Jose Ramos- Horta and Bishop Carlos Bela

Jose Ramos-Horta, a radio and television journalist was previously exiled by the Portuguese for agitating for independence. He placed himself in self-imposed exile only days before the Indonesian incursion, but continued to fight for East Timor from Australia. Carlos Belo became Bishop of Dili in 1983. He used his position to heighten international awareness of his people's plight. The Peace Prize Citation read: "For their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor."

15. East Timor's official name is the Democratic Republic of ...?

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Answer: Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste - which means "east-east" is the Portuguese name for East Timor, and was chosen in recognition of Portugal's long occupation of East Timor and its contribution to the advent of independence.

16. Name the United Nations group set up to conduct a referendum in East Timor concerning the question of limited autonomy.

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: The United Nations Mission in East Timor

In 1998, Indonesia decided upon offering limited autonomy for East Timor within Indonesia. In 1999, Indonesia and Portugal agreed to allow the Secretary-General of the United Nations to hold a referendum in East Timor on the issue of limited autonomy.

17. Who was Xanana Gusmao's only rival for the Presidency of East Timor?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: Francisco da Amaral

The election was held on April 14, 2002. Gusmao won in a landslide with 82.7% of the vote.

18. Who was Indonesian President in August 1999 when the referendum was held on the issue of limited autonomy?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: B.J. Habibie

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie became president in May 1998, when Suharto resigned amidst allegations of corruption and human rights abuses. Those charges had helped focus attention on East Timor. The referendum overwhelmingly rejected limited autonomy (21.5% in favour; 78.5% against.) (

19. East Timor has had a dispute with which country over oil and gas resources in the Timor Sea?

From Quiz Return to East Timor

Answer: Australia

East Timor accused Australia of stalling on negotiations on sharing natural oil and gas deposits located off the south-east corner of East Timor while at the same time raking in millions of dollars in revenue. The disputed field - the Laminaria-Corallina oil field les closer to East Timor and is operated by Woodside, BHP Billiton and Shell.

20. In the period leading up to, and following the referendum pro- integration militias operating out of West Timor began a campaign of violence, looting and arson in East Timor. What did the UN Security Council do about this?

From Quiz East Timor : New Nation in a New Century

Answer: authorised a multi-national force to maintain law and order

Recognising that the situation was becoming increasingly untenable, Indonesia agreed to accepting international help. The Security Council reacted by authorising a multi-national force (INTERFET) to establish and maintain law and order.

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