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Vietnam History Trivia

Vietnam History Trivia Quizzes

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7 Vietnam History quizzes and 70 Vietnam History trivia questions.
  History of Vietnam in the 20th Century    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Vietnam went through a turbulent history in the 20th century.
Average, 10 Qns, sw11, Aug 08 24
sw11 gold member
Aug 08 24
146 plays
  Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz consists of questions on key dates in Vietnamese History prior to direct American involvement in the Vietnam War. It's the story of a of long struggle for liberation.
Tough, 10 Qns, aureliajay15, Jun 05 13
362 plays
  Survey of Vietnamese History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is a pretty difficult quiz about Vietnamese history. The questions are somewhat random, but an attempt to cover the general history of the last 2000 years has been made...enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 17 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
950 plays
  Ancient Vietnamese History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will cover Vietnamese history from its earliest stages until the end of Chinese occupation in what we would term in the West, the 'Middle Ages'. Enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 17 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
681 plays
  Medieval Vietnamese History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Another in my wildly popular series of quizzes on southeast Asia...this quiz will cover Vietnamese history between the period of approximately 1000 AD and 1800 AD. Please enjoy!
Tough, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 17 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
489 plays
  Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will cover the history of Vietnam from the 18th to the 19th century, leading up to the French takeover that occurred in the 1800s. Please enjoy and learn!
Difficult, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Aug 17 05
thejazzkickazz gold member
432 plays
  Vietnam 1940-1960    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz covers the years that the French and Japanese occupied Indochina and when America's involvment was just beginning.
Tough, 10 Qns, steve20, Apr 26 06
772 plays
trivia question Quick Question
The Later Ly Dynasty, which ruled Vietnam from 1010 to 1225 was initiated by Ly Thai To. Where did he establish his capital?

From Quiz "Medieval Vietnamese History"

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Vietnam History Trivia Questions

1. When was the first known Chinese invasion of Vietnam?

From Quiz
Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions

Answer: 100 BC

In 100 BC China invaded the land that was known as Nam Viet, making it a province and renaming it Annam.

2. This man was Emperor (1925-45) and Premier (1949) of Viet Nam, in collaboration with the Japanese and then the French.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Bao Dai

Bao Dai was at best a nominal leader of the Vietnamese people.

3. Beginning in 1775, a peasant revolution began against the ruling Nguyen families of the Tran Dynasty in Vietnam. From which village did the rebellion begin?

From Quiz Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History

Answer: Tay Son

Led by three brothers named Nguyen Nhac, Hue and Lu, the rebels were able to destroy the Nguyen army by 1776 and establish themselves as the new ruling dynasty at Do Ban.

4. The first known kingdom to exist in what is now North Vietnam was called what?

From Quiz Ancient Vietnamese History

Answer: Van Lang

In legend, Van Lang was established in 2879 BC, but it probably wasn't established until around 500 BC. The rulers of Van Lang were the Hung kings, of which the legendary Hung Vuong was the first.

5. In 968 AD, Vietnam was once again reunited following a brief warlord period. Who was this venerated leader that re-established Vietnamese unity?

From Quiz Medieval Vietnamese History

Answer: Dinh Bo Linh

Dinh established the Dinh Dynasty (go figure huh?) which lasted from 968 until 980 (he was murdered in 979 along with his brother). His kingdom was called Dai Co Viet which essentially means 'great Vietnam'.

6. According to mythology, what was the name of the first ruler of Vietnam?

From Quiz Survey of Vietnamese History

Answer: Hung Vuong

It is said that Hung Vuong founded the Vietnamese nation in 2879 B.C. He was the first of the legendary 'Hung Kings'...though his existence is highly questionable.

7. In AD40, a succesful rebellion was led by a group of women, and for a while China was kept at bay. These famous women were called the ______ sisters. What was the name that they were known by?

From Quiz Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions

Answer: Trung

They resisted for three long years, but finally the Trung Sisters committed suicide after being defeated. These women are still famous today in Vietnam for their bravery. For years following this rebellion, there were many further attempts to gain independence, often led by peasants.

8. Ho Chi Minh collaborated with this agency, helping them to oust the Japanese. This organization later became the CIA.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Ho and his people actually helped to rescue downed American pilots who were fighting the Japanese.

9. In 1788, the Chinese were summoned into Vietnam by the remaining members of the recently deposed royal family. Which of the Manchu (Qing) emperors was responsible for sending 200,000 troops south to conquer Vietnam for the Chinese?

From Quiz Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History

Answer: Qian Long

Qian Long's forces failed miserably in their efforts to capture Vietnam. They were easily defeated by the Nguyen brothers, who then split the country into three segments, each ruling a third of the country.

10. In 258 BC two states, Tay Au and Lac Viet, merged to form what new kingdom in the north?

From Quiz Ancient Vietnamese History

Answer: Au Lac

Au Lac was a state created via the merger of Lac Viet and Tay Au, and its beginning marked the end of Van Lang.

11. What was the name of the first verifiable culture in Vietnam?

From Quiz Survey of Vietnamese History

Answer: Dong-Son

The Dong-Son culture was the neolithic culture of Vietnam, existing there prior to the invasion of the Yue people of southern China.

12. Ho Chi Minh wrote several letters to this American president, asking him to recognize Viet Nam's independence from France.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Harry Truman

Because of virulent anti-Communism in the State Department Ho Chi Minh was condemned and a potential ally was lost.

13. In 208 BC the state of Nam Viet was founded by a Chinese official of the foundering Qin Dynasty. What was this official's name?

From Quiz Ancient Vietnamese History

Answer: Trieu Da

The state of Nam Viet included the Red River homeland of the Vietnamese along with parts of southern China and central Vietnam.

14. The Later Ly Dynasty, which ruled Vietnam from 1010 to 1225 was initiated by Ly Thai To. Where did he establish his capital?

From Quiz Medieval Vietnamese History

Answer: Thang Long

Ly, a monk's disciple, was born Ly Cong Uan. His capital at Thang Long was named 'rising dragon' after a dream he had which symbolized his power ascending into heaven.

15. In 111 B.C., Vietnam was invaded and conquered by China, a rule that would last over a thousand years. What was the name of the Chinese dynasty that conquered Vietnam at that time?

From Quiz Survey of Vietnamese History

Answer: Han

The Han Dynasty was the 4th major dynasty of Chinese history, after the Shang, Zhou and Qin. The Han were the first 'outward looking' Chinese dynasts. Vietnam was one of their earliest conquests.

16. In the fifteenth century China again took control of Vietnam but it was soon liberated. By whom?

From Quiz Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions

Answer: Le Loi

Le Loi was a fisherman who used guerilla tactics to defeat the Chinese. He founded the Vietnamese dynasty and made Hanoi the capital.

17. France's attempt to recolonize Viet Nam, from 1946-54, is sometimes called this.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: The First Indochina War

Much like America's involvment in Viet Nam, the war was very unpopular in France.

18. Where was the new capital of Vietnam established by the new Nguyen Dynasty kings?

From Quiz Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History

Answer: Hue

Hue remained the imperial capital of Vietnam until Bao Dai, the last Vietnamese emperor, abdicated in the 1950s.

19. In the fifteenth century another victory was achieved. Champa, a kingdom in Central Vietnam, was defeated and its people pushed out. What country did the people of Champa originally come from?

From Quiz Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions

Answer: Malaya-Polynesia

Many centuries before Indians had migrated to Vietnam.

20. In 1941 Vietnamese nationalists established the League for the Independence of Viet Nam. During the war against France it was called the ___ ?

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Viet Minh

The Viet Cong arose from the Viet Minh.

21. The French established an official foothold in Vietnam by capturing which city in February of 1859?

From Quiz Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History

Answer: Saigon

Prior to this, the French had to be satisfied with the southern port of Tourane (now Danang) and the Poulo Condor Islands (now Con Dau). There attempts to capture Hue at this time met with failure.

22. What was the Chinese name for Vietnam during its 1,000 year rule?

From Quiz Ancient Vietnamese History

Answer: Annam

Annam literally means 'pacified south' and was borrowed by the French as the name of its central province in Vietnam. The modern Chinese name for Vietnam is 'Yuenan'.

23. The Vietnamese once again found themselves colonized by the Chinese from 1406 until 1427. Under which Chinese Dynasty were the Vietnamese subdued during this 21 year period?

From Quiz Medieval Vietnamese History

Answer: Ming

This period was one of the low points in Vietnamese history, as the Ming rule was particularly repressive and cruel. Fortunately the Vietnamese were able to once again assert their independence after a relatively short time.

24. Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries domestic squabbles prevented the country from being united. This changed when Gia Long united Vietnam, who became emperor. In what year was this?

From Quiz Key Dates in Vietnamese Rebellions

Answer: 1802

As in many countries, there were domestic squabbles between high-ranking aristocratic families.

25. This nation gave considerable support to the French as they started their campaigns in Viet Nam. There were as many as 26,000 of this nation's troops in the country in 1945.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Great Britain

The 20th Indian Division, seasoned jungle fighters, aided the French intitially.

26. Which Vietnamese king officially handed possession of the southern portion of Vietnam in 1861?

From Quiz Pre-Colonial Vietnamese History

Answer: Tu Duc

The French not only got several new provinces in the south of Vietnam, but also won treaty port rights in other parts of Vietnam, much as the British and later the other western powers had done in China.

27. Which Vietnamese hero led the Vietnamese resistance and eventual ejection of the Chinese that occurred in 1427?

From Quiz Medieval Vietnamese History

Answer: Le Loi

Le Loi is another one of those venerated heroes in Vietnamese history. It was during this struggle for independence from China and the early years of the Le Dynasty that true Vietnamese nationalism, in a modern sense, began to develop.

28. Vietnam was reunited again by 1887, under the governance of a European country. Which European country conquered Vietnam?

From Quiz Survey of Vietnamese History

Answer: France

The French reign in Vietnam was quite brutal. It ended in the mid-50s after the disastrous French defeat at Dien Bien Phu.

29. Defeats by the Viet Minh at these two places in the fall of 1950 brought French Army morale to an all time low.

From Quiz Vietnam 1940-1960

Answer: Dong Khe and Cao Bang

Superior numbers, mobility and communications were critical to the Viet Minh successes against the French in these northern outposts.

This is category 14234
Last Updated Oct 19 2024 5:47 AM
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