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Casteel Series Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Casteel Series Quizzes, Trivia

Casteel Series Trivia

Casteel Series Trivia Quizzes

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  7. Andrews, V.C.

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This series about the lives of a West Virginia family starts with 'Heaven', featuring the young girl of that name, who has a troubled relationship (to put it mildly) with her father.
19 Casteel Series quizzes and 325 Casteel Series trivia questions.
  "Heavenly Shadows"    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
The Casteel series is the favorite of most V.C. Andrews' fans, so I have decided to create a quiz for the first book in this great series.
Average, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Mar 20 08
2643 plays
  Heaven - VC Andrews    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
About the VC Andrews Novel 'Heaven'
Easier, 15 Qns, sax, Nov 14 09
3757 plays
  "Dark Angel" Super Quiz    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
"Dark Angel" is, in my opinion, one of the best of V.C. Andrews' novels. If you enjoy it as much as I do take this quiz to test your knowledge.
Average, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Mar 20 08
1884 plays
  The Casteel Series    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Here is a quiz about V.C. Andrews' Casteel series. Some questions are about the Casteel and Tatterton family tree and others are about contents of the novels. Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, Morrigan716, Mar 20 08
Morrigan716 gold member
3769 plays
  V.C. Andrews' "Web of Dreams"    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
"Web of Dreams" is the last novel in the Casteel series. It tells the story of Heaven's mother Leigh, and the truth behind the lies of Farthingale Manor.
Average, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Mar 20 08
1504 plays
  All About Leigh Van Voreen, Part 1    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
How much do you know about Leigh Van Voreen, Heaven's mother? Take this quiz to find out!(These questions are all from V C Andrews' book "Web of Dreams" and cover chapters 1-15)
Average, 15 Qns, crazycheryl, Feb 18 09
332 plays
  "Fallen Hearts" - V.C. Andrews    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I have just started reading the Casteel series and I decided to make a quiz on the one I really liked so far! Please tell me if I did anything wrong. It's my first quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, emmagirl1116, Mar 20 08
792 plays
  Virginia Andrews' "Dark Angel"- Troy Tatterton!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you have read 'Dark Angel' and are aware of the character Troy Tatterton, then this quiz will be easy for you.
Easier, 10 Qns, ariel101, Mar 20 08
1141 plays
  All About Leigh Van Voreen, Part 2    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
How much do you know about Leigh Van Voreen, Heaven's mother? Take this quiz to find out! (These questions are all from V.C. Andrews' book "Web of Dreams" and cover chapters 15-21).
Average, 15 Qns, crazycheryl, Mar 02 09
326 plays
  "Gates of Paradise"    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
"Gates of Paradise" is the first book in the "Casteel" series that does not have Heaven as the protaganist. It is Heaven's daughter Annie who tells her sad story. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on this fourth book in the "Casteel" series.
Average, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Oct 27 10
844 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was Kitty Dennison's favorite color?

From Quiz ""Heavenly Shadows""

  V.C. Andrews' "Fallen Hearts"    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
"Fallen Hearts" is book three in the Casteel series. This is the last book where Heaven is the protaganist. Take this quiz to test your knowledge of this great book.
Average, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Nov 14 09
1087 plays
  Gates of Paradise    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The Casteel series are by far the best books I have ever read. I hope you enjoy my quiz based on "Gates of Paradise"!
Average, 15 Qns, 8404, Jan 29 20
Jan 29 20
1148 plays
  The Casteel Series Quiz for Experts    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz on the Casteel series; questions will be from all five books of the Casteel series by V.C. Andrews. Enjoy the quiz.
Average, 20 Qns, HeavenLeighAngel, Dec 09 16
899 plays
  Heaven, V.C. Andrews    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is my favorite novel by V.C. Andrews...I hope you all enjoy this quiz!
Average, 10 Qns, disneyfreak01, Jan 19 22
Jan 19 22
2026 plays
  Casteel Series    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
I have just finished re-reading the Casteel series; I had forgotten how great these books were. Take this quiz to see how much you can remember from these five books.
Difficult, 25 Qns, emeraldorb, Mar 20 08
1302 plays
  Virginia Andrews' "Dark Angel"    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This has got to be one of my favourite books from the Virginia Andrews collection..I hope you enjoy.
Average, 20 Qns, kellach21, Mar 21 16
1850 plays
  A quiz on "Heaven" by V.C Andrews!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
If you have read "Heaven", then this quiz should not be too hard for you. Enjoy it!
Easier, 10 Qns, 8404, Mar 20 08
1133 plays
  VC Andrews Book Heaven    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the first book in the Casteel series.
Average, 10 Qns, rodgers, Mar 20 08
1460 plays
  Virginia Andrews "Heaven"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hi!This is my second quiz,and this one is about who bought the Casteel children...Thanx and i hope you enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, kellach21, Mar 20 08
1535 plays

Casteel Series Trivia Questions

2. What relation is Troy to Tony?

From Quiz Virginia Andrews' "Dark Angel"- Troy Tatterton!

Answer: Brother

Tony is almost old enough to be Troy's father.

3. What is Luke's Dad called?

From Quiz A quiz on "Heaven" by V.C Andrews!

Answer: Toby

Heaven's Father is Luke, and I made up the other names.

4. Who is Annie's real father?

From Quiz Gates of Paradise

Answer: Troy Tatterton

Annie has always believed Logan to be her father, not Troy.

5. What was Heaven's favorite flavor of ice cream?

From Quiz Casteel Series

Answer: chocolate

When Miss Deale took the Casteel children out for ice cream after church, Heaven stated that her favorite flavor was chocolate, Tom's was vanilla, Fanny could never decide, and Keith always had what Our Jane was having.

6. Who found Leigh's book?

From Quiz V.C. Andrews' "Web of Dreams"

Answer: Annie

It was Annie who found Leigh VanVoreen's diary. She and Luke Jr. had gone back to Farthy for Troy Tatterton's funeral. She found the diary in Jillian Tatterton's dresser drawer.

7. What color were Luke Jr.'s eyes?

From Quiz "Gates of Paradise"

Answer: blue

Luke Jr. had Aunt Fanny's black hair, but he had his father Logan's deep blue eyes.

8. In what month were Heaven and Logan married?

From Quiz V.C. Andrews' "Fallen Hearts"

Answer: June

Heaven and Logan were married in June; almost all of the inhabitants of Winnerow attended the ceremony.

9. How does Heaven's grandmother wish to be addressed by Heaven?

From Quiz "Dark Angel" Super Quiz

Answer: Jillian

Jillian, who was very obsessed with staying young, wanted Heaven to call her "Jillian" instead of "Grandmother".

10. How many Casteel children were there?

From Quiz "Heavenly Shadows"

Answer: five

There were five Casteel children: Heaven, Tom, Fanny, Keith, and Our Jane.

11. How much did Luke Casteel sell each of his children for?

From Quiz Virginia Andrews "Heaven"

Answer: $500

Heaven's sale was the only one in which no money passed hands or contracts were signed...which makes you assume it was already done before hand.

12. What was the name of the mountain range that the Casteels lived in?

From Quiz VC Andrews Book Heaven

Answer: The Willies

The story begins with Heaven describing the way she lived in the hills known as the Willies.

13. What is the order of publication of the books in the Casteel Series?

From Quiz The Casteel Series

Answer: Heaven, Dark Angel, Fallen Hearts, Gates of Paradise, Web of Dreams

14. Throughout the book Heaven wishes for a certain hair color. What color hair does she wish she had?

From Quiz Heaven, V.C. Andrews

Answer: silvery gold & silvery blonde

Her real mother had silvery gold hair

15. What is Heaven's full name?

From Quiz Heaven - VC Andrews

Answer: Heaven Leigh Casteel

Her dying mother named her that

16. On my birthday I took my boyfriend out to the cottage for some "alone time". We started kissing a bit, but I think it was pretty innocent. Who found us together?

From Quiz All About Leigh Van Voreen, Part 2

Answer: Tony

Tony was outraged when he discovered us. I couldn't understand why. We weren't doing anything bad.

17. Who gets Fanny pregnant the second time?

From Quiz "Fallen Hearts" - V.C. Andrews

Answer: Logan

In the tenth chapter, "Fanny's Game", Heaven hears the whole story from Logan. Also in the ninth chapter she gets a phone call from Fanny.

18. What educational achievement did Troy gain at 18?

From Quiz Virginia Andrews' "Dark Angel"- Troy Tatterton!

Answer: Graduated college

Troy later says "I have done nothing important with my so-called brilliance, so I might as well have been born with an IQ of fifty".

19. What colour eyes does Logan Stonewall have?

From Quiz A quiz on "Heaven" by V.C Andrews!

Answer: Dark blue

It actually only mentiones this once in the whole book, so good job if you got it right!

20. What did Fanny wear to her fortieth birthday party?

From Quiz Gates of Paradise

Answer: A tight black leather dress

Fanny got extremely drunk at the party.

21. What is the nickname Our Jane gave to Heaven?

From Quiz The Casteel Series

Answer: Hev-lee

Heavenly was the name Tom called Heaven.

22. What kind of tea did Tom make for Logan the first time he visited the cabin?

From Quiz Casteel Series

Answer: sassafras tea

Heaven was embarrassed by the condition of the cabin so she told Tom to make Logan some tea or hot cocoa. Of course the Casteels had no tea or cocoa, so Tom began to boil some of Granny's old sassafras.

23. What did Jillian call her sisters?

From Quiz V.C. Andrews' "Web of Dreams"

Answer: ironing boards

Jillian called her unattractive sisters "ironing boards" because they had such similar shapes.

24. What magical power did Annie say that Farthingale Manor probably had?

From Quiz "Gates of Paradise"

Answer: it could change colors

When Drake told her that Farthingale Manor was indeed grey, and not blue as she had painted it, she said that Farthingale Manor might be able to change colors.

25. Who met Heaven and Logan at the airport?

From Quiz V.C. Andrews' "Fallen Hearts"

Answer: Tony

It was Tony who met the newly-wed Heaven and Logan, who were on their way to spend some time at Farthingale Manor, at the airport.

26. What was Tony Tatterton's nickname?

From Quiz "Dark Angel" Super Quiz

Answer: Townie

Jillian told Heaven that, because Tony's real name was Townsend, some of his friends jokingly called him Townie.

27. Who was Heaven's real mother?

From Quiz "Heavenly Shadows"

Answer: Leigh "Angel"

Heaven's real mother was Leigh, Luke's first wife. Leigh was called "Angel", and she died after giving birth to Heaven; she was the one who named her.

28. Who was Heaven sold to?

From Quiz Virginia Andrews "Heaven"

Answer: Kitty & Cal Dennison

She was actually given the choice between two couples, but chose Kitty and Cal because they looked kinder and friendlier.

29. When was "Dark Angel" first published?

From Quiz Virginia Andrews' "Dark Angel"

Answer: 1986

This was also the year that Virginia Andrews passed away.

30. How many hens did the Casteels own?

From Quiz VC Andrews Book Heaven

Answer: 3

Heaven says that they have 3 hens, and only 1 rooster.

This is category 18073
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 ·  All questions, answers, and quiz content on this website is copyright FunTrivia, Inc and may not be reproduced without permission. Any images from TV shows and movies are copyright their studios, and are being used under "fair use" for commentary and education.