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  7. Brooks, Terry

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When his wife is killed in an automobile accident, Ben Holiday answers an advertisement offering a fairy-tale kingdom for sale, in an effort to find a new sense of meaning in his life.
7 Landover quizzes and 85 Landover trivia questions.
  Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
I noticed that the "Landover" series was very underrepresented, so I figured I would craft a quiz on one of the best books ever: "Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!", which is the first book in the series.
Average, 25 Qns, Dragonkin, Dec 31 16
421 plays
  A Princess of Landover   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
After fourteen years, Terry Brooks led us back inside the gates of "The Magic Kingdom of Landover" with book six, "A Princess of Landover". Princess Mistaya is now a teenager. Uh oh!
Tough, 10 Qns, CmdrK, Dec 31 16
CmdrK gold member
135 plays
  Magic Kingdom for Sale    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
From his first non-Shannar novel. The first book in the Landover series. If you haven't read the book yet, go and get it immediately.
Average, 10 Qns, awkins, Dec 31 16
761 plays
  The Tangle Box    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Tangle Box": book 4 of the Landover series.
Average, 10 Qns, awkins, Jan 01 17
280 plays
  Wizard at Large    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Wizard at Large": book 3 of the Landover series.
Average, 10 Qns, awkins, Jan 01 17
346 plays
  "Witches' Brew"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Book 5, and the last (just for now [hopefully]) of the Landover series.
Average, 10 Qns, awkins, Jan 01 17
311 plays
  The Black Unicorn    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"The Black Unicorn" : the 2nd book in the Landover series.
Tough, 10 Qns, awkins, Jan 01 17
344 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What was the first piece of magic Nightshade had Mistaya perform?

From Quiz ""Witches' Brew""

Landover Trivia Questions

1. Just where is the Kingdom of Landover located, anyway?

From Quiz
A Princess of Landover

Answer: Near Waynesboro, Virginia

To get to the kingdom, head north on Skyline Drive from Waynesboro, Virginia about twenty miles, until you see a small green sign with the number 13 lettered in black, a weather shelter and a telephone. It's right up in the woods at the end of the trail - if you're allowed to find it, that is.

2. How many champions was Rydall going to send against the High Lord?

From Quiz "Witches' Brew"

Answer: 7

Nightshade hoped that he would survive them all so that Mistaya could kill him.

3. Who is Skat Mandu?

From Quiz The Tangle Box

Answer: Spirit Guide

He was created by Horris Kew and Biggar. He was supposed to be a 20,000 year old spirit guide, who had been advising famous people through the ages. Gorse pretended to be Skat Mandu at the end.

4. What did the G'home Gnomes steal from the Trolls at the start of the book?

From Quiz Wizard at Large

Answer: Chickens

As usual, the G'home Gnomes do not consider what they did as stealing. "All we did was borrow a few laying hens." They stole the bottle from the High Lord, after he said he wished he had never seen it.

5. Who did not have a dream at the start of the book?

From Quiz The Black Unicorn

Answer: Abernathy

Willow dreamt of the Black Unicorn, Questor of the books of magic, and Ben of his friend Miles Bennett being in trouble.

6. Who is the main character in the book?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom for Sale

Answer: Ben Holiday

Trial lawyer, nicknamed 'Doc' by his partner, Miles Bennett.

7. "A Princess of Landover" starts with Princess Mistaya being suspended from Carrington Women's Preparatory School for scaring student, Rhonda Masterson, half to death. What did Misty do that was so frightening?

From Quiz A Princess of Landover

Answer: Conjured up an image of Strabo the dragon

Mistaya's parents thought it would be good for her to experience the outside world and be around girls her own age, so they sent her to a New England prep school. Misty, however, wanted to do it on her own terms. The incident with Rhonda Masterson was the third strike against her. She had flaunted school regulations twice previously and didn't seem to be learning from her transgressions, so Ms Appleton suspended her until she could behave in a manner appropriate for Carrington's.

8. Ch 2: Meeks What age does Meeks describe as "a good age"?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!

Answer: Forty

During the interview Meeks asks Ben how old he is. Ben replies that he will be forty in January. Meeks then says: "A good age. ... A man's still got his strength at forty. He knows most of what he's going to learn, and he's got the strength to put it to good use." Even though Meeks is lying through his teeth (and setting Ben up for failure) he turns out to be right!

9. What was the third champion?

From Quiz "Witches' Brew"

Answer: A robot

This really got Ben thinking about who was actually sending the Champions.

10. What was the name of the Mynah bird?

From Quiz The Tangle Box

Answer: Biggar

Originally owned by the wizard Meeks. It was Meeks who gave him the ability to speak.

11. What colour was the bottle?

From Quiz Wizard at Large

Answer: White

It was white with red harlequins. The bottle contained the 'Darkling', a demon who promised the owner of the bottle anything he wanted.

12. When did Ben return to Virginia?

From Quiz The Black Unicorn

Answer: December 10th

He read the previous days paper at the Holiday Inn, it was for Friday December 9th.

13. What was the name of the store that issued the Christmas Wishbook?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom for Sale

Answer: Rosen's Ltd

A 15-storey department store.

14. Upon returning to Landover, Mistaya was immediately accosted by Strabo the dragon. What was his reaction to her return?

From Quiz A Princess of Landover

Answer: He was irate about her behavior

Strabo knew she had conjured an image of him to scare Rhonda Masterson. He lectured her about creating an image of him without his consent. He considered it very bad manners and informed her that "labeling dragons as scary monsters is way out of line." He reaffirmed his affection for her and her mother and informed her that she would do well not to take after her father.

15. Ch 3: Landover What does the entrance into Landover look like in our world?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!

Answer: A tunnel through a tree

When Ben is hiking into Landover, he finally gets to the point where the trail crosses over into the fairy mists - but only for the holder of the medallion. The entrance is described like this: "A wall of towering, rugged oak rose before him, shrouded in layers of shadow. A tunnel had been cut through the center, hollowed out as if by giant's hands. The tunnel was dark and empty, a black hole without end, a burrow that ran on into trailers of mist, stirred by invisible hands. Sounds drifted from out of the black, distant and unidentifiable." Creepy, huh?

16. What did the River Master give Ben as protection?

From Quiz "Witches' Brew"

Answer: An Ardsheal

A creature of pure magic. It was unstoppable and saved Ben from the robot. Willow was afraid of them because one killed her sister.

17. It was mentioned a couple of times in the book. What size shoe does Horris Kew wear?

From Quiz The Tangle Box

Answer: Size 16

He is described as being built like Ichabod Crane.

18. Who found Abernathy in the display case?

From Quiz Wizard at Large

Answer: Elizabeth

The 12-year-old daughter of the Steward of Graum Wythe. I belive she has the possibility of returning in a future book. Much was made of her affection for Abernathy.

19. Where were the books of magic hidden?

From Quiz The Black Unicorn

Answer: Mirwouk

In a hole in the ruined fortress of Mirwouk. Which is in the Melchor mountains.

20. What was unusual about Mr. Meeks?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom for Sale

Answer: He was missing his right arm

He was well over 6 feet tall, and wore a leather glove on his left hand.

21. Who decided to marry Mistaya, even if she didn't want to marry him?

From Quiz A Princess of Landover

Answer: Berwyn Laphroig

Laphroig was the second son of Kallendbor, the Lord of Rhyndweir. After Kallendbor's demise while siding with the evil witch Nightshade, his oldest son became the head of the feudal barony. He died under mysterious circumstances and Laphroig assumed the title. A younger brother disappeared. People didn't seem to last long around Laphroig. When Laphroig told Ben Holiday, the king and Mistaya's father, that he wanted to court her for the purpose of marrying her, Ben was silently aghast, but under the law of the kingdom, it was permissible.

22. Where did Abernathy and Questor Thews appear on Earth?

From Quiz "Witches' Brew"

Answer: Bumbershoot

At a Festival of Arts. They met Elizabeth Marshall again, who helped them to eventually return to Landover.

23. Who was the protagonist in this book?

From Quiz The Tangle Box

Answer: Gorse

An evil sorcerer, he was banished by the Fairy folk. The Tangle Box was created especially to contain him.

24. Where was Abernathy transported to?

From Quiz Wizard at Large

Answer: Washington State

The castle Graum Wythe, located in Woodinville - north of Seattle. The castle was transported brick by brick from Britain to satisfy the whims of Michel Ard Rhi.

25. How many books of magic were there?

From Quiz The Black Unicorn

Answer: 2

One magically contained the bodies of the unicorns. The other contained the unicorns spirits.

26. What was the name of the Court Magician?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom for Sale

Answer: Questor Thews

Mr. Meeks' brother. He was not totally at ease with the use of magic.

27. Mistaya had a magical creature bound to her as long as she spoke its name every day. What kind of magical creature was it?

From Quiz A Princess of Landover

Answer: A mud puppy

The Earth Mother gave a mud puppy, named Haltwhistle, to Mistaya, knowing she would have need of its magical abilities. As long as Misty spoke his name each day, he would be watching over her. If she missed a day, Haltwhistle would go back to the Earth Mother. A mud puppy is an odd looking creature, sort of an amphibian beagle.

28. Ch 5: Sterling Silver Why is Ben's castle, Sterling Silver, dying?

From Quiz Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!

Answer: Because the magic is failing

The magic of the land is failing because there has been no real king for twenty years. Questor calls the discoloration, gloom and disrepair that has affected the castle "the Tarnish" and describes its beginning: "When the last true King of Landover died twenty years ago and no heir ascended to the throne, the discoloration began. It was gradual at first, but quickened as time passed and no King ruled. The life goes out of Sterling Silver and the Tarnish marks her failing. No amount of cleaning or scrubbing or polishing of stone, wood, and metal can restore her. ...She dies, High Lord. She follows her Lord to the grave." Sad, isn't it?

29. Who killed the Wurm?

From Quiz "Witches' Brew"

Answer: Strabo

Nightshade made an error by letting the Wurm loose in Strabo's land. The Wurm was originally a regular worm made carnivorous by magic. Added to water, it became huge.

30. What did Strabo, the Dragon, become in the Labyrinth?

From Quiz The Tangle Box

Answer: A Gargoyle

Strabo feared being unable to fly. The Gargolye's wings were not big enough to allow him to fly. Also, the Gargoyle was ugly enough to seperate him from 'normal' people.

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