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4 Disturbing Behavior quizzes and 55 Disturbing Behavior trivia questions.
  Disturbing Behavior Test Your Knowledge   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Here is a quiz from a movie I like. It's filled with quotes and just plain trivia. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, bcup14, Apr 24 11
776 plays
  Disturbing Behavior Quiz Challenge    
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 20 Qns
Just some bits and pieces about the movie. Hope you were paying attention! :)
Average, 20 Qns, melissa14, Apr 02 07
1938 plays
  'Disturbing Behavior'    
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 10 Qns
Hard 'Disturbing Behavior' quiz.
Average, 10 Qns, danjen, Jun 13 01
2057 plays
  Disturbing Behavior In Focus    
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 15 Qns
Well, this is my second quiz about this great movie, but this time it isn't only about the music, it's about the movie itself and I think it should be pretty easy for those who saw the movie a few times! Have fun! Good luck!
Average, 15 Qns, nataliejosh, Jan 18 09
1293 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How did Steve break free from being transformed?

From Quiz "'Disturbing Behavior'"

Disturbing Behavior Trivia Questions

1. What does the janitor say when he hits the police officer in the head?

From Quiz
Disturbing Behavior

Answer: That's a big rat.

The Janitor pretends to be mentally retarded and kills the rats at school. That is his MO. This scene happens outside the gas station when Rachel and Steve are on their way back from the mental hospital. The cop just punches Steve in the stomach and is forcing Rachel in the car when the janitor saves them.

2. Who is with Gavin when he witnesses the murders?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: His dog

3. Who's the director of the movie?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: David Nutter

Nobody ever knows that, right?

4. What character did Katie Holmes play in this movie?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: Rachel

5. What does Rachel say when she agrees that something sounds like a good idea?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Razer

Rachel uses this word a lot in the movie. She is known around school as Cookridge trash. Gavin and UV are her good friends.

6. What same item of clothing does UV wear through the entire movie?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: A black hat

Watch closely. He never takes it off!

7. How many people die in the movie?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: You can't really tell

When Mr. Newberry rides off the cliff, he takes a group of the 'Blue Ribbons' with him and you don't really see how many of them were there.

8. What city did the movie take place in?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: Cradle Bay

9. What does Steve say when he kicks Caldicott off the cliff?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Be the ball

Steve says this to Caldicott at the end of the movie right after the janitor kills all of the kids. Steve kicks Caldicott off the cliff in order to save his life and others from being controlled by him.

10. What was the hangout for the Blue Ribbons?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Yogurt shoppe

'Yogurt shoppe? What the hell's a shoppe?'

11. What is the first thing Steve sees when he arrives in Cradle Bay?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: A deserted boat

He sees the boat and that's actually the first clue for what's about to happen in Cradle Bay.

12. Who played Steve in the movie?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: James Marsden

13. What is Laurna tutoring Steve's sister for?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Algebra

She is waiting for Steve when he comes home. When she leaves she says that she has a big physics test tomorrow. This scene happens right after Steve is being chased by the blue ribbons. Laurna also is a blue ribbon and finds Steve attractive.

14. What group were the 'freaks who fix leaks'?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Motorheads

Gavin and UV explain the class system of Cradle Bay High.

15. What do people call Gavin, besides 'Gavin'?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: Strick

That's his last name.

16. What was the nickname of the pale-skinned guy in the movie?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: UV

17. What do Rachel and Steve do to make Caldicott's daughter stop talking?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Rachel hits her.

This happens at the mental institution. Caldicott's daughter is saying a phrase very loudly and it upsets the other patients in the next room. When Rachel hits her she passes out.

18. What was Steve's sister studying for?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Spelling bee

19. What does Mr. Newberry call Steve?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: Lunch-Boy

Because he catches him in the school's basement, when Steve is having lunch.

20. What happened to Dr. Caldicott's daughter?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: Committed to Mental Hospital

21. What was Steve's dead brother's name?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Alan

They mention it a couple of times throughout the movie.

22. What is the name of the guy who tries to make a move on Katie Holmes' character?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: Chug

23. How does Steve's brother die?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: He shoots himself.

He isn't happy with his life so he kills himself. We don't actually see it happen because it happens before the movie, but there are several flashbacks of him that Steve has.

24. Gavin called Rachel 'Bona fide _____'?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Jitterbug

He says this when she's dancing on the back of the pickup truck.

25. How did Steve break free from being transformed?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: He cut his arms free with a knife

26. What does Gavin write on the board while getting ready to teach his students?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Go Forward

This happens at the very end of the movie. He leaves without anyone knowing and goes on to corrupt the world. Gavin used to be a stoner and slacker until he was turned into a blue ribbon.

27. What kind of car does Rachel drive?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Ford pickup truck

28. What is Chug's real name?

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior In Focus

Answer: Charles

Wonder how he got that name? Drink a lot?

29. What does the Janitor say before driving his car off the cliff?

From Quiz 'Disturbing Behavior'

Answer: 'Hey teacher leave them kids alone'

30. Can you finish this quote? "Meet the beautiful little creatures that hide among the _____ "

From Quiz Disturbing Behavior

Answer: Flowers

Caldicott's daughter is saying this when Steve and Rachel go into her room at the mental hospital. Later Steve says it to Caldicott to try and provoke him. They are in the hospital trying to figure out why Caldicott worked there.

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