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6 Emma quizzes and 75 Emma trivia questions.
  'Emma' (Gwyneth Paltrow)   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a general quiz about my favorite movie, 'Emma,' starring Gwyneth Paltrow. A lot of my explanations are direct quotes from the movie. If you love the movie, it won't be difficult.
Average, 20 Qns, EmmaW, Aug 23 17
3500 plays
  Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How well do you know the 1996 version of this Jane Austen classic?
Average, 10 Qns, soph22, Jul 05 10
1583 plays
  Emma Plays Cupid    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Emma is a woman who is a self-appointed matchmaker, but she never makes a perfect match. Have fun on this quiz, and I hope you enjoy.
Easier, 10 Qns, Fairy of Light, Jul 03 05
Fairy of Light
1235 plays
  "Emma" Quotes    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is an easy quiz on quotes from the movie "Emma". I hope you enjoy it!
Easier, 10 Qns, Legola12, Jul 05 10
1254 plays
  Do You Know 'Emma' ?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about 'Emma'? Gwyneth Paltrow plays Emma, who tries to set up all her friends. However, she's really bad at it, and messes up everyone's lives, until she finally falls in love, freeing her friends from her bad matchmaking!
Average, 10 Qns, faye5588, May 14 06
1133 plays
  All About "Emma"    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Hey this is a quiz about the brilliant movie "Emma" staring Gwyneth Paltrow.
Average, 15 Qns, Kayles, Aug 22 07
2036 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What day of the week does Ms. Bates get a letter from her niece, Jane Fairfax?

From Quiz "Do You Know 'Emma' ?"

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Emma Trivia Questions

1. In order, who are the two men Emma tries to get Harriet to fall in love with?

From Quiz
Do You Know 'Emma' ?

Answer: Mr. Elton and Frank Churchill

Emma tries to get Harriet to fall in love with Mr. Elton, but he does not love her. Then Emma tries to get Harriet to love Frank Churchill, but there was a misunderstanding, and besides, Harriet really loves Mr. Knightly.

2. In the beginning of the movie, who has just married Mr. Weston?

From Quiz Emma Plays Cupid

Answer: Miss Taylor

The very beginning of the movie is a wedding between Mr. Weston and Miss Taylor. Miss Taylor was Emma's governess.

3. "Oh, Doesn't your hair look like an angel."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Miss Bates

Miss Bates says that to Emma when she arrives at the first party in the movie.

4. Which character said: "I rode through the rain! I'd - I'd ride through worse than that if I could just hear your voice telling me that I might, at least, have some chance to win you."

From Quiz Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?

Answer: Mr. Knightley

Mr. Knightley (played by the perfect Jeremy Northam ) says this to Emma (Academy Award Winning Gwyneth Paltrow) before proposing to her!

5. What was Mrs. Weston's maiden name?

From Quiz All About "Emma"

Answer: Taylor

'Poor Miss Taylor, she so obviously wanted to stay', says Mr Woodhouse.

6. With whom is Harriet Smith in love when she first becomes Emma's friend?

From Quiz 'Emma' (Gwyneth Paltrow)

Answer: Robert Martin

At first she is attracted to Robert Martin, 'that nice farmer', a tenant of Mr. Knightley's whom Emma thinks too beneath her dignity.

7. Finish Harriet's quote, "_________ has been kind enough to let me stay on with her".

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Answer: Mrs. Goddard

This scene is in the beginning of the movie, at Emma's house. When Mr. Knightly meets Harriet for the first time, he asks her where she is going to live.

8. "Your whole personality is a riddle, Mr.Knightly. I felt you were over qualified."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Emma

Harriet was collecting riddles for her book. Remember the riddle was thought for Harriet, but was a proposal to Emma?

9. Finish the quote: "Has an invitation arrived from the _____?"

From Quiz Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?

Answer: Coles

Emma is eager to be invited to a party by Mr. and Mrs. Cole and is very disappointed when the invitation does not arrive.

10. Why did Mr. Knightley think that Mr. Elton was an unsuitable match for Harriet?

From Quiz All About "Emma"

Answer: Because he was Vicar

Emma however thinks differently, and still persists to match Harriet with Mr. Elton.

11. What was the maiden name of Emma's nurse, Mrs. Weston?

From Quiz 'Emma' (Gwyneth Paltrow)

Answer: Miss Taylor

'Dear Miss Taylor' was 'dear Miss Taylor no more!' in the opening scenes because she is 'dear Mrs. Weston now.'

12. Finish Mr. Elton's quote, "You were most obliging to have pointed her out to me, and if I were not an old married man ____________".

From Quiz Do You Know 'Emma' ?

Answer: "I would gladly do the job, but my dancing days are over".

At the ball, Mrs. Weston asked Mr. Elton to dance with Harriet. Unfortunately, because Harriet loved Mr. Elton and he did not love her, he snubbed her by saying this when she could hear him.

13. Mrs. Goddard, mistress of the local boarding school, introduces _____________ to the Woodhouses.

From Quiz Emma Plays Cupid

Answer: Harriet Smith

Harriet Smith is a beautiful young woman of seventeen. Emma sees Harriet as a beautiful young girl who needs someone to make all her decisions for her. She is Emma's next target for matchmaking.

14. "Well, you'll just have to live here then. Bye bye."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Frank Churchill

Frank saw Emma broken down in the middle of the stream and acted like he was riding away from her!

15. Finish the quote: "Mr. Knightley, but you may be sure that men know nothing about their _________, whether they be six-and-twenty, or six-and-eighty."

From Quiz Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?

Answer: hearts

Emma is once again very critical of the opposite sex as she and her good friend Mr. Knightley discuss love.

16. What would Mr. Knightley rather do than dance?

From Quiz All About "Emma"

Answer: Fetch a stick

'Then I'll remember to bring it to the ball' says Emma.

17. What day of the week does Ms. Bates get a letter from her niece, Jane Fairfax?

From Quiz Do You Know 'Emma' ?

Answer: Tuesday

Emma tells Harriet that because it was Tuesday, Ms. Bates would have a letter from her niece, Jane Fairfax, and she would want to read every word about her to them.

18. "Please tell her that I am ill, Mother, and lain down upon the bed."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Miss Bates

After Emma insulted Miss Bates at the party, Miss Bates didn't want to talk to her when Emma came to make amends.

19. To whom does Mr. Knightley say the following? "Try not to kill my dogs."

From Quiz Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?

Answer: Emma

When Emma and Mr. Knightley are doing archery Emma becomes distracted by the conversation and her companion worries for the health of his pets!

20. When Emma and Mr. Knightley are practicing archery, what colour is her dress?

From Quiz All About "Emma"

Answer: Pink

She also has on these funky archery gloves which really don't suit that dress.

21. What are the picnickers picking at Donwell Abbey (Mr. Knightley's home) the day that Emma insults Miss Bates and Mr. Knightley rebukes her?

From Quiz 'Emma' (Gwyneth Paltrow)

Answer: strawberries

They are, of course, picking strawberries! And Emma tells Harriet, 'When you get married, you must eat strawberries at your wedding.' Good advice, Emma!

22. What does Harriet tell Emma that Mrs. Martin has?

From Quiz Do You Know 'Emma' ?

Answer: 2 parlors, an upper maid and 8 cows

When Emma and Harriet are walking in a garden, Harriet is telling Emma about her friends, the Martins. Harriet tells Emma that "Mrs. Martin has 2 parlors, an upper maid and 8 cows".

23. Emma looks forward to meeting Mr. Weston's son, _______________; she hopes to court him.

From Quiz Emma Plays Cupid

Answer: Frank Churchill

Frank Churchill is secretly engaged to Jane Fairfax. He pretends to fancy Emma to cover up the secret.

24. "I rode through the rain."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Mr. Knightly

Mr. Knightly says that to Emma, right before he proposes to her!

25. Who does Emma describe as "vulgar, base, conceited and crass"?

From Quiz Do You Know "Emma" Quotes?

Answer: Mrs. Elton

Emma disapproves of Mrs Elton (played by the wonderful Juliet Stevenson), particularly when she addresses Mr. Knightley simply as 'Knightley'.

26. Who is Frank Churchill to Mr. Weston?

From Quiz All About "Emma"

Answer: His son by a former marriage

He was raised by his former wife's brother and his wife the Churchills. What a confusing family tree.

27. Who proposes to Emma at the Christmas party?

From Quiz 'Emma' (Gwyneth Paltrow)

Answer: Mr. Elton

Mr. Elton siezes 'not so much her hand as the opportunity' to tell her how dearly he loves her, while Emma has only ever seen him as the admirer of her friend.

28. Finish the quote: "The most incomprehensible thing in the world to a man _________".

From Quiz Do You Know 'Emma' ?

Answer: "is a woman who rejects his offer of marriage".

While playing archery, Emma tells Mr. Knightly that Harriet had refused to marry Robert Martin, because of her influence. Mr. Knightly got mad and said, "Then she is a greater simpleton then I believed". This was Emma's reply.

29. Emma falls in love with two men, who are they?

From Quiz Emma Plays Cupid

Answer: Frank Churchill and Mr. Knightley

At first, Emma finds herself in love with Frank Churchill because of his charms, but later when Harriet tells her that she is in love with Mr. Knightley, Emma realizes then that she also is in love with Mr. Knightley.

30. "I can tell you there's a shocking lack of satin."

From Quiz "Emma" Quotes

Answer: Mrs. Elton

Snotty Mrs. Elton says this at Emma's wedding - as if she really knew what she was talking about!

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