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3 Glory quizzes and 30 Glory trivia questions.
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'Glory' was the 1989 film that told the story of the first African-American regiment raised by the Union Army during the American Civil War. It was a tribute to 180,000 African-Americans who served with the Union Army during the war.
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  Who Played Me in "Glory"?    
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In this quiz, I will describe a character from the movie, "Glory", and you tell me who played him or her. Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, CAGuy0206, Feb 17 11
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  Questions on Glory    
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These are just a few questions, maybe easy, maybe not, for a very under appreciated movie, "Glory".
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Who directed 'Glory'?

From Quiz "Glory"

Glory Trivia Questions

1. John Rawlins asked me at the Battle of Antietam if I was alright. Who played me?

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Who Played Me in "Glory"?

Answer: Matthew Broderick

Broderick, a native of New York City, was cast as Robert Gould Shaw. Robert served in the Union Army and was first seen in the movie fighting with his fellow soldiers at the Battle of Antietam. After the battle ended amidst much gun fighting and dead bodies, he was seen lying down on the ground. When he looked up, John Rawlins was there and he asked Robert if he was okay but Robert did not respond. After the battle, Robert received medical treatment for some of his injuries and the guy treating him said he heard President Lincoln would issue an order freeing the slaves. In one scene, Robert announced to his regiment that President Lincoln sent a message on how the African American soldiers in the regiment would receive less pay than the White soldiers. Robert and the others all agreed it would be best to rip up the paychecks they got that day and not support that type of discrimination. Robert was seen fighting in many battles throughout the movie. Broderick starred in the films "The Producers" (2005), "1918" and "Ladyhawke".

2. What was the name of the regiment on which the story centred?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: 54th Massachussetts

The 54th Massachussetts was the first African-American Regiment formed in the American military. There had been auxiliary units of escaped and freed slaves formed closer to the front line, but the 54th was an official regiment formed of volunteer free men from the northern states, over half of whom were literate and most of whom were in steady employment before they rallied to the cause.

3. Who played Colonel Robert Gould Shaw?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Matthew Broderick

His best acting job to date.

4. The commanding officer of the regiment was Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, played by Matthew Broderick. What city was Shaw from?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Boston, Massachussetts

The Robert Gould Shaw Memorial stands in Boston, Massachussetts today. Shaw was 25 when he died leading his regiment in battle; Broderick was 26 when he played him in the film.

5. One of Shaw's friends from civilian life was a black soldier, Corporal Thomas Searles. Which actor played the character of Searles?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Andre Braugher

Thomas Searles was a highly educated young man who had been a childhood friend of Shaw's. Shaw's family were prominent amongst the Abolitionist movement and had many friends amongst the free African-Americans in the urbanised north. He had a tough time adjusting to the brutal training methods necessary to prepare him for the rigours of combat.

6. Where was the character that Denzel Washington played from?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Tennessee

"Ran away when I was 12 years old and never looked back."

7. What had Denzel Washington's character done since running away?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Said he was going to run for president

"I didn't win, though."

8. At a party, I asked Robert if he had too much punch. Who played me?

From Quiz Who Played Me in "Glory"?

Answer: Cary Elwes

Elwes, born in 1962 in London, England, was cast as Cabot Forbes. At the party seen near the beginning, Cabot was seen going outside to speak to Robert alone and he asked him if he had too much punch and was not feeling well. Robert simply laughed at what he said, and the two of them began to talk about the proposed all African American regiment. Cabot stated how he knew Robert always wanted to be a Colonel but wondered why a Colonel of an all African American regiment. Cabot sarcastically stated Robert being Colonel of such a regiment could make him popular as he would be handing out guns to a bunch of African Americans. Cabot noticed Robert looking sad so he asked him what the matter was. Robert simply looked at him and said he would accept the offer to be the Colonel for the all African American regiment and he wanted Cabot to join him in leading the regiment. Cabot accepted Robert's offer to help him with the regiment. Elwes portrayed characters in the films "Saw", "Liar Liar" and "Robin Hood: Men in Tights".

9. Private Trip was flogged after being charged with deserting the regiment during its arduous training regime. Why had he left the camp?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: To look for a pair of boots

The Quartermaster at the training camp had deliberately withheld essential supplies for the newly formed regiment, and many of them suffered because of the lack of appropriate footwear. His attitude was typical of the mistrust and prejudice initially held by many in the army towards the African-American soldiers. It was a long time before they were equipped with rifles, uniforms and boots.

10. How much did the Army pay the Regiment since they were colored, and how much was standard pay for the white soldiers?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: 10 dollars, 13 dollars

But they ended up tearing their paychecks up anyway.

11. On my first day of training to be a member of the African American regiment, I asked Thomas about the book he was reading. Who played me?

From Quiz Who Played Me in "Glory"?

Answer: Jihmi Kennedy

Kennedy, born in November of 1956 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, played Jupiter Sharts. Jupiter wanted to fight in the Union's all African American regiment so he went to the first day of training and spoke with Thomas Searles. He noticed that Thomas was reading a book so he asked him to tell him about the book. Thomas told Jupiter it was a collection of essays by writers like Fourier, Emerson and others, mainly transcendentalists. Jupiter asked Thomas if the book had pictures and Thomas stated it did not. Jupiter told Thomas that he really wanted to learn how to read so he asked Thomas if he could teach him. Thomas stated he would be happy to teach him reading skills. Kennedy had roles in the movies "The Dream Team", "The Lives of Angels" and "The Rosary Murders".

12. John Rawlins was promoted to Sergeant Major as the regiment journeyed south to the front line. What occupation did he have before he joined the regiment?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Gravedigger

Rawlins was played by Morgan Freeman. Shaw first encountered Rawlins after the battle of Antietam, where he had been digging the graves for the Union dead. It was Rawlins who roused Shaw from his unconscious state, which he had gained from an injury on the battlefield.

13. What was Cary Elwes' character's name?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Cabot

He and Colonel Shaw were good friends.

14. Kevin Jarre had a small acting part in front of the camera as a Union soldier. What major role did he have behind the camera?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Screen-writer

Kevin Jarre had initiated the project after a chance meeting with Lincoln Kirstein, a writer who was an authority on Shaw. Jarre drew heavily on Kirstein's book, 'Lay This Laurel', as well as Peter Burchard's book, 'One Gallant Rush'. He also researched through the hundreds of letters that Shaw wrote home to his family, which are kept in the Houghton Library at Harvard University.

15. What nationality was the man they brought in to help train the regiment?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Irish

"Bonny Prince Charles and his toy bayonet!"

16. When Shaw was invited to take command of the regiment, to which famous African-American was he introduced?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave who became an important member of the Abolitionist movement before and during the Civil War. He was played by Raymond St.Jacques in 'Glory'.

17. Who wrote the score for "Glory"?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: James Horner

The best he has written.

18. In one scene, Robert asked me what I was doing. I told him I was liberating the town in the name of the Republic. Who played me?

From Quiz Who Played Me in "Glory"?

Answer: Cliff De Young

De Young, born on February 12th, 1945 in Los Angeles, California, was cast as James Montgomery. James was a Colonel of a different all African American regiment. In one scene, he and several men looted a nearby town so Robert asked him what he was doing and he responded that he was liberating the town in the name of the Republic. Colonel Montgomery then went ahead with plans to burn the town, which was said to be a town called Darien in Georgia, and he asked Robert to prepare the men to get their torches ready. Robert retorted to James that he would do no such thing. Colonel Montgomery reminded Robert that it was an order but Robert stated it was an immoral order. De Young had guest starring appearances on the TV series "Grey's Anatomy", "Touched by an Angel" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation".

19. Which actor won his first Oscar for his role in 'Glory'?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Denzel Washington

Washington won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of the surly Private Trip, an escaped slave from Tennessee.

20. How many Academy Awards did "Glory" win?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: 3

Should have won for Best Picture that year.

21. Robert approached me one day and told me that perhaps I was being too hard on the men. Who played me?

From Quiz Who Played Me in "Glory"?

Answer: John Finn

Finn, a native of New York City, portrayed Sergeant Mulcahy in "Glory". Sergeant Mulcahy undertook the effort to train the soldiers in the all African American regiment and he had a reputation for being a very tough, aggressive trainer. Robert observed him training the soldiers and decided to have a private talk with Sergeant Mulcahy in one scene. He told Sergeant Mulcahy that he believed him to be a fair man but he also wondered if he thought he was being too hard on the soldiers. Sergeant Mulcahy felt he was training them just fine so Robert decided not to argue with him about it. In another scene, Sergeant Mulcahy saw Thomas Searles and he asked him to try to stab him. When Searles came at Mulcahy in a weak manner, Mulcahy demanded he try it again and with much more force. Searles used more force on his second try but Mulcahy simply knocked him to the ground. Finn guest starred on the TV shows "Dawson's Creek", "Without a Trace" and "NYPD Blue".

22. At the end of the film, the regiment suffered heavy casualties in trying to capture which fort from the Confederate forces?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Fort Wagner

Fort Wagner, which guarded Charleston, South Carolina, was not taken by the Union forces during their investment of it in the summer of 1863. There were 1,515 Union soldiers killed, as opposed to 174 Confederate casualties. The 54th Regiment, which spearheaded the assault, incurred 270 casualties, including Colonel Shaw who was killed close to the parapet's summit.

23. What Award did it NOT win?

From Quiz Glory

Answer: Best Director

Denzel Washington won his first Academy Award with this one.

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