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The First Wives Club Trivia Quizzes

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The First Wives Club

4 quizzes and 45 trivia questions.
  First Wives Club   great trivia quiz  
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 15 Qns
This is one of my favorite movies. It is very women's liberating. Enjoy.
Easier, 15 Qns, cmreis, Jul 23 12
11015 plays
  "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg   popular trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Gunilla Garson-Goldberg, "the queen of New York society," assisted the trio of first wives to exact a version of justice on their husbands. This is a multiple-choice quiz based upon a memorable character from a hilarious film.
Average, 10 Qns, Silver_Knight, Aug 23 07
1641 plays
  ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
The "First Wives Club" will come to order.
Average, 15 Qns, HannahConner88, Mar 11 12
452 plays
  Quotes From 'The First Wives Club'    
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 5 Qns
Just name the character that says the quote.
Average, 5 Qns, rmillar, Apr 05 20
Apr 05 20
4874 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What is Brenda's husband's name?

From Quiz "First Wives Club"

The First Wives Club Trivia Questions

1. Which character narrates the story?

From Quiz
..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: Annie

Annie opens the movie by sharing that she and her three best friends have just graduated from college. That is when we get an idea of each girl's personality. Annie is the agreeable one, who always keeps the peace, even at the expense of her own happiness. Brenda is the funny one, who always keeps the girls on their toes. Elise is the popular one, obsessed with being beautiful and getting attention. Cynthia is the common bond; the glue that holds the girls together.

2. Which Academy Award-winning actress played Gunilla Garson-Goldberg?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Dame Maggie Smith

All four women starred in the 1999 film "Tea with Mussolini". Maggie Smith has won two Academy Awards. In 1969, she won the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie". In 1978, she won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in "California Suite". She was awarded Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1970, and was elevated to Dame Commander (DBE) in 1990. The role of Professor Minerva McGonagall, which she plays in the "Harry Potter" films, has introduced this award-winning actress to a new generation of viewers.

3. What is the character name of the friend who commits suicide?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Cynthia

4. Which friend is said to be valedictorian?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: Cynthia

Annie mentions that Cynthia is valedictorian, when the girls toast with the champagne that Cynthia's parents gave her to celebrate graduation. Cynthia is very impulsive and wholeheartedly devoted; this continues to be the case throughout her life and when her husband, Gill, leaves her for another woman, the loneliness is more than she can take.

5. How many husbands has Gunilla had?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: 4

In a voice-over before Gunilla's luncheon with Shelly, Annie observed: "Indeed, Gunilla was a first, second, third, and fourth wife, which accounted for her very comfortable surroundings." During the luncheon, we see that Gunilla has a lavishly-appointed home with at least two maids in attendance.

6. What is Goldie Hawn's character's profession?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Actress

7. Finish this quote by Elise's plastic surgeon, Dr. Morris Packman. "If I give you one more face-lift __________________."

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: "you're going to be able to blink your lips"

When we first see Elise, years later, she is at her plastic surgeon's for more work. She and the surgeon, Dr. Packman, seem to disagree because Elise thinks she could use more work and Dr. Packman thinks she's had enough.

8. When Gunilla attended Cynthia's funeral, with whom did she sit?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Elise Eliot

In a voice-over as Gunilla and Elise arrive at the funeral, Annie observed: "Elise Eliot arrived with Gunilla Garson-Goldberg, the queen of New York society. Nobody gets anywhere in this town without Gunilla's say-so." Gunilla and Elise exchanged comments about the tragedy of Cynthia's death at the entrance, and then Gunilla made a rather humorous observation about Elise's most recent round of cosmetic surgery.

9. Whom does Gunilla personally invite to attend one of her super social luncheons?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Shelly

Shelly said to Morty about the invitation: "This just feels so right. Me and Gunilla." Shelly is delighted to receive an invitation to Gunilla's home for lunch, and starts exclaiming in French. Morty is rather confused as to why she would have been invited at all.

10. What religion is Bette Midler's character?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Jewish

11. When Annie discusses the possibility of finding a new love, what does her mom say is more likely?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: Being slaughtered by a psychopath

Annie's mom is a little too involved with her life and pushes her to get back together with her husband, Aaron. When Annie mentions finding someone new, her mother tries to discredit the idea right away.

12. According to Gunilla, what is your calling card?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: your house

Gunilla plays to Shelly's insecurities about (and her desire to become part of) New York high society. Gunilla mentions to Shelly that all she needs to take her place in society is a little advice. An example of Gunilla's advice includes: "See, your house is your calling card. It has to be perfected. Photographed. Published." Shelly hangs on her every word.

13. What is unique about Annie's daughter?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: She's a lesbian

14. When Duarto says, "She looks fabulous, do you think she's had any work done?" What does Brenda say?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: "Honey, she's a quilt."

At Cynthia's funeral, when Brenda's designer friend Duarto sees Elise, he asks Brenda if she thinks Elise has had any work done. Brenda answers discreetly by simple saying she's a quilt, meaning Elise is handmade needlework - a patch here, a patch there.

15. Who is Annie's husband cheating on her with?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Their therapist

16. What does Brenda say after Elise says "When women get to be a certain age it's bye, bye love."?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: "Hello, Poptarts."

After the funeral, during lunch, when the ladies are getting caught up, age and love are the topics of discussion. Elise and Brenda's opinions are that once you're old, love is gone and something's got to fill the void. Elise tries to avoid the void by looking young through plastic surgery and Brenda fills the void by over-eating.

17. Gunilla signals to the team inside the penthouse that Morty is on his way back up. Who receives the phone call?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Duarto

The code phrase that she uses to alert the team searching the penthouse is: "Social climbers on the rise." Forewarned that Morty is returning, the team attempts to exit the penthouse before his arrival. They were unsuccessful in escaping unnoticed through the front door, so they headed to the balcony and used the window-washing platform to make their getaway.

18. What gift did each receive at graduation?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Pearls

19. Which item does Gunilla and Duarto have the hardest time convincing Shelly to purchase at the auction?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Yung Ching charger

It looked like Brenda's bid was going to win for the Yung Ching charger, and nothing Gunilla and Duarto were saying was convincing Shelly to raise the bid. It wasn't until the last seconds of the sale that Gunilla came up with the strategy that played best to Shelly's weaknesses, "Jackie O had one just like it."

20. What is Brenda's husband's name?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Morton

21. Which awards has Elise won?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: Oscar and Golden Globe

When Brenda sees Elise's Oscar, she jokingly asks if there is chocolate inside and says that the award reads "I beat Meryl". Later when the first wives get into an argument Brenda throws Elise's Golden Globe at a photo of Elise and then Elise picks it up and throws it past Brenda's head.

22. Whom does Gunilla declare is Euro-trash?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Brenda Cushman

Brenda showed up at the auction in disguise. She wore a blond wig, orange gloves, and large sunglasses. Gunilla tried to get Shelly to outbid Brenda by forbidding her to let the plate leave the country.

23. Where does Elise get her best ideas?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Working Out

24. When the first wives take a trip on the window washer platform, they swing by an apartment where a couple are in bed, the couple immediately notice that it's Elise Elliot! What do the couple say to her?

From Quiz ..."By Friendship, Love, and Jewelry."

Answer: "You look great."

Elise should take it as a major compliment that the two love birds notice her in the midst of their romancing. Elise does manage a "thank you" before she and the first wives fall to the ground.

25. At the grand opening gala for the Cynthia Swann Griffin Crisis Center for Women, who comes up to Gunilla's table and introduces himself/herself?

From Quiz "The First Wives Club" Gunilla Garson-Goldberg

Answer: Brenda's uncle

In an earlier scene, Carmine Morelli, the brother of Brenda's dearly departed father, tells Brenda that Morty is garbage - and that it would be an honor to take him out. It provided a stark and endearing contrast to see the grand dame of New York society finding charming the company of a distinguished gentleman with ties to the criminal underworld.

26. What type of business is Annie involved in?

From Quiz First Wives Club

Answer: Advertising

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