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Hunt for Red October The Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Hunt for Red October The Quizzes, Trivia

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The Hunt for Red October Movie Trivia Quizzes

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  The Hunt for Red October Test   great trivia quiz  
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A great movie. Let's see how much you know about it, should not be too difficult if you have seen the movie.
Easier, 10 Qns, hothinator, Nov 11 15
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  'The Hunt for Red October'    
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General trivia for the movie, 'The Hunt for Red October'.
Easier, 10 Qns, dollyrama, Jun 24 03
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  Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!    
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Based on Tom Clancy's novel of the same name, perhaps one of the best modern submarine movies in recent time.
Difficult, 15 Qns, Stillman, Nov 11 15
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  'The Hunt for Red October' Film    
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A quiz about the FILM, based on one of my favourite books by Tom Clancy.
Average, 15 Qns, jez_mcgad, Jul 26 09
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  The Hunt for Red October Test Your Knowledge   popular trivia quiz  
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A fun quiz to test your knowledge of one of the best movies of all time: 'The Hunt for the Red October'. Enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, weed, Aug 06 09
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trivia question Quick Question
What naval offficer was Jack Ryan's book about?

From Quiz "'The Hunt for Red October'"

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The Hunt for Red October Trivia Questions

1. What is the hull number of the USS Dallas?

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Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: 700

USS Dallas (SSN-700) is the thirteenth Los Angeles class submarine to be built. The class began at hull number 688. After the movie, the crew of the real-life USS Dallas adopted the phrase "The Hunt is On!" as the unofficial motto of the submarine.

2. Who plays Jack Ryan?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin plays a young Ryan, replaced in later films by Harrison Ford, and again, later, by Ben Affleck. Sean Connery plays Marko Ramius in the film.

3. 'The Hunt for Red October' is a movie about a submarine from what country?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: Russia

It is of course about a Russian submarine, or as it was when the movie was released, a Soviet submarine, since the country was still called the Soviet Union.

4. What city does Jack Ryan live in?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: London

He starts out leaving from Heathrow Airport.

5. "It is an ancient Hindu text. Quoted by an American," says Captain Ramius, defending his wife's diary from Political Officer Putin. What was the last name of the American quoted in the diary?

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: Oppenheimer

The man was J. Robert Oppenheimer, the designer of the world's first atomic bomb. The words from the diary are what Oppenheimer said after he realized the destructive power of what he had created... and fit equally well with Ramius's impression of the Red October.

6. What was the nickname for Red October's magnetio hydro-dynamic drive system?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: Caterpillar

On sonar, it sounded like a seismic anomaly.

7. Which actor does NOT appear in 'The Hunt for Red October'?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: Tommy Lee Jones

James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, is of course in this movie, as are Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin. Jones and Baldwin are American, while Connery plays the Russian submarine captain.

8. What military position did James Earl Jones' character hold prior to retirement?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: USN Admiral

9. What musician did Jonesy once listen to, using the sub's BSY-1 sonar processor as a sound system?

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: Paganini

Although Chief Watson continues to mistake it for Pavarotti, Jonesy corrects him several times... "It was Paganini." Incidentally, Chief Watson is played by an actor named Larry Ferguson, and in at least one scene, he wears a name tag that says "Ferguson" instead of "Watson".

10. What is the name of the vessel that first detects Red October?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: USS Dallas

Dallas picks Red October up just before the silent drive system is started up.

11. When does the story in the movie take place?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: 1980s

The movie plot takes place during 1984. Actual release of the film was not done until 1989, but since the movie was based upon a book, written by Tom Clancy, he wrote the story, which took place in 1984 in the book.

12. What is the name of Jack Ryan's daughter's teddy bear?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: Stanley

13. Finish this quote: "And like Beethoven on the computer, you have labored to produce... a ____."

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: biologic

Beaumont: "A what?" Jonesy: "A whale, Seaman Beaumont. A marine mammal that knows a heck of a lot more about sonar than you do."

14. Which carrier is Ryan flown out to?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: USS Enterprise

Although it is 'Kennedy' in the book, 'Enterprise' was used in the film.

15. What about flying does Ryan not like?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: turbulence

16. What does Borodin think he may need two of, after all?

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: Wives

After thinking of all he will do in Montana, Captain 2nd Rank Vasily Borodin jokingly decides that perhaps he will need two wives.

17. Who plays Captain (second rank) Vassily Borodin?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: Sam Neill & Neill

Borodin was shot by the loyal GRU agent.

18. In the movie, there is an area of underwater canyons that the submarine 'Red October' uses to hide in and head across the Atlantic ocean. What do the American's call this route?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: red route one

The Americans aboard the USS 'Dallas' submarine call this passage Red Route One, and they know that the Russians have very accurate maps of this area, so they don't try to follow them in there.

19. What was Captain Raimius's nickname in the USSR?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: The Vilnius Schoolmaster

20. Who does Captain Ramius quote at the end of the movie?

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: Christopher Columbus & Columbus

Ramius: "'And the sea shall grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home.' Christopher Columbus." Ryan: "Welcome to the New World, Captain."

21. What is the name of the Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate that rescues the sailors from the Red October?

From Quiz 'The Hunt for Red October' Film

Answer: Reuben James

USS Reuben James collected the crew, then via helicopter dropped a torpedo on Red October.

22. What is the name of the secret drive aboard the 'Red October' submarine that allows them to run very quiet in the water?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: Caterpillar Drive

It was called a caterpillar drive, and it has no moving parts so it allows the submarine to move very quickly through the water.

23. What state did the second-in-command on the Red October want to see more than anything?

From Quiz The Hunt for Red October

Answer: Montana

24. In reality, who does Tupolev have room for in his heart?

From Quiz Conn, Sonar! Crazy Ivan!

Answer: Tupolev & himself

Although it is rumored that Captain Tupolev has a special place in his heart for Marko Ramius, Ramius himself dispells that idea, saying, "There is little room in Tupolev's heart for anyone but Tupolev."

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