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Night of the Demons Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Night of the Demons Quizzes, Trivia

Night of the Demons Trivia

Night of the Demons Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
  Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
Do you remember the "Night of the Demons"? It's one of the best low budget films ever made in the '80s. Good luck and enjoy!
Average, 10 Qns, robinandbrian, Sep 17 07
442 plays
  Night of the Demons   great trivia quiz  
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 10 Qns
This quiz is about an amazing movie, "Night of the Demons".
Average, 10 Qns, nfggirly73, Sep 17 07
411 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Who do Jay and Judy pick up on their way to the party?

From Quiz "Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?"

Night of the Demons Trivia Questions

1. Who is throwing the party on Halloween night?

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Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Angela

Angela is the main character. She's the first one to show that she is possessed. She is definitely the scariest of all the demons. Jay tells Judy over the phone in the beginning that Angela is throwing the party at Hull House. He says, "Who do you know that could throw a better party? It's like Christmas to her!"

2. The party guests find a mirror so that they can what?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: have a past life séance

Helen sees something in the mirror and it gets knocked over. That is the end of the game and the beginning of the horror.

3. Where will the Halloween party be held?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Hull House

Hull House is mentioned in Jay and Judy's phone call. Judy is not very happy that the party is being held there and Jay's reply is, "Pick ya up in 20!" When they first arrive, Hull House is also discussed when they are talking about the legends surrounding it, and how it is built on ancient burial ground. Old man Hull owned it and made it into a funeral parlor. Legend has it that the ground has been haunted for a long time.

4. Who do Jay and Judy pick up on their way to the party?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Max and Frannie

Jay and Judy pick up Max and Frannie in Jay's Mustang. Stooge, Helen and Roger ride together and get a flat tire. Sal comes by himself and Angela and Suzanne come together. They all go to school together but they aren't exactly from the same crowd which makes for a good story.

5. What two people make it out alive?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Judy and Rodger

At the end they climb over the brick wall with a thorny vine. Jay gets his eyes gouged out by Suzanne, who gets possessed first, after they have the past life séance. Stooge gets his tongue bitten off by Angela, who got possessed by Suzanne when they kissed. Helen disappears when she and Rodger are looking for the gate; later her dead body drops onto the car that Rodger was sleeping in. Max gets his arm cut off when Stooge keeps slamming the coffin door on it, then he dies. Frannie gets her neck broken by Stooge when she is in the coffin with Max, and Sal gets pushed off of the roof by Angela onto a stake.

6. What is Max dressed up as for Halloween?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: A doctor

Max is dressed up as a doctor. He wears it the whole movie. Stooge is a pig, Frannie is a fairy, and Judy is Alice from "Alice in Wonderland". Max's role in this movie is somewhat small. He is Frannie's boyfriend. He and Frannie disappear to have a little fun in a coffin. When Stooge comes in, possessed of course, he slams the coffin lid down on Max's arm repeatedly and eventually he bleeds to death.

7. Who is the first person to get possessed?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Suzanne

She is putting on lipstick and the demon, which cannot be seen, goes into her mouth just like air. Once possessed Suzanne basically just acts a little differently; she seems paranoid and her personality changes from ditzy to dark and scary. Her looks also change, but not right when she is possessed. They change twice in the bathroom, her face stretches and seems to get cuts, and bumps, and boils on it.

8. When they get to the house, Max tells them about the legends of the house. What does he say keeps the spirits from escaping?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: The underground stream

The demons cannot pass over the underground stream. A brick wall is built on top of the underground stream so you know where the stream is. Max and Judy listen to the underground stream through Max's stethoscope.

9. "Oh God this one better be it or I'm gonna water the hallway." Who says that while walking down the hallways of the house, after everybody separates into groups of two?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Stooge

He says that when he and Suzanne are looking for the bathroom. Right after he says that, Suzanne tells him to open a door which happens to be the bathroom.

10. Who is the first person in the group to be possessed?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Suzanne

Suzanne seems like a tramp most of the movie, even while she is possessed. She is Angela's best friend. She is applying her lipstick when the demon flies into her but nobody seems to notice. A horrible smell enters the room at the same time, and everyone is talking about the smell, not noticing that Suzanne is possessed. Everyone decides to split up through the house to do some exploring. Right before Suzanne and Stooge go to find the bathroom, she kisses Angela and that's how Angela becomes possessed.

11. Who's daddy was a preacher?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Rodger

He mentions it a number of times throughout the movie, mostly when everybody is talking about evil beings, or when bad things are happening.

12. Who plays the character of Angela?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Amelia Kinkade

Amelia Kinkade plays the great Angela. Allison Barron plays Helen. Cathy Podewell plays Judy and Linnea Quigley plays Suzanne. Angela is the darkest out of everyone in the group and so she makes a good head demon. Her character continues on in "Night of the Demons 2" and "3". Amelia Kinkade plays Angela in all 3.

13. Suzanne asks the employees at the convenient store if they have, what?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: sour balls

She was bending over in one of the aisles to distract the employees so Angela could steal stuff for the party. After Angela gets out with the stolen goods, she goes up to the counter and asks if they have sour balls.

14. Who are the only two people who try to leave because they are so scared?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Roger and Helen

They all sit down and do a past life seance with a full length mirror. Just when the seance begins to work, Helen sees someone in the mirror, dead. She screams and the mirror falls and breaks. Everyone gets mad at her and she wants to go home. Shorty after, Roger comments on how his daddy used to be a preacher and he knows better than to mess with the house. Right after, Suzanne becomes possessed and throws Angela's car keys to them. They don't have a ride because Stooge's car has a flat tire. When they try to leave, they can't find the gate. They are trapped by the brick wall. While they are walking, Helen disappears. Roger later finds her dead when he's hiding in the car and she drops down onto the car out of nowhere.

15. Who purposely burns their hands in the fire?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Angela

Sal comes back to the living room from walking in the hallways, and Angela turns around and her hands are on fire. She says that she was warming them. Sal freaks out and runs away.

16. Who are the only two survivors at the end?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Roger and Judy

Roger and Judy have to climb the wall by using barbed wire to try to escape. Roger gets to the top, the demons grab hold of Judy and Roger falls to the other side of the brick wall. Judy starts to lose her grip when Roger climbs back on top of the wall, grabs her hand and saves her. They fall onto the safe side of the wall together. The sun comes up and they vanish.

17. Which two characters kiss Angela?

From Quiz Night of the Demons

Answer: Stooge and Suzanne

Suzanne kisses her to pass on the demons. Stooge kisses her because she's a girl and she's willing, however, Angela kisses Stooge so she can bite off his tongue so he dies and then becomes possessed.

18. At the end, they show an old man from the very beginning of the movie and his wife. She makes him an apple pie. What happens to him while he's eating the pie?

From Quiz Can You Escape from "Night of the Demons"?

Answer: Razor blades cut through his throat.

In the beginning the old man buys razor blades to put in the apples for trick-or-treaters because he hates kids. In the end, the wife comments on how they don't have as many trick-or-treaters this year. So she makes a pie with the leftover apples. His throat slices open and his head drops into the pie and the wife says, "Happy Halloween, dear."

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