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On the Waterfront Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
On the Waterfront Quizzes, Trivia

On the Waterfront Trivia

On the Waterfront Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 25 trivia questions.
  The Movie "On the Waterfront"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is on the movie "On the Waterfront", which won Best Picture in 1955.
Average, 10 Qns, bonanza22, Sep 30 05
668 plays
  On The Waterfront    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. If you haven't seen it, then I suggest going out to rent it tonight.
Average, 15 Qns, doobzz1979, Dec 17 13
705 plays
trivia question Quick Question
Fill in the blanks: 'I could have been a {contender;} I could have been somebody, instead of a ___, which is what I am!'

From Quiz "On The Waterfront"

On the Waterfront Trivia Questions

1. Who played Terry Malloy?

From Quiz
On The Waterfront

Answer: Marlon Brando

He is one of my favorite actors and this was his first of two Oscar awards for Best Actor.

2. In his famous "contender" speech, who did Terry blame for his failure to "be a contender"?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: Charley

Terry had been a great boxer, but he threw a big fight because his brother bet on his opponent. Charley said that it was Terry's manager's fault, but Terry replied that it was Charley's fault for not looking out for him.

3. Karl Malden played what type of character in the movie?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: priest

He did very well in the movie.

4. Why was Charley killed?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: He refused to kill Terry.

Terry considered telling the truth in court, about Johnny Friendly. Johnny asked Charley to offer Terry a job but if he refused, then Charley must kill him. Terry refused the job, but Charley couldn't bring himself to kill his own brother, so he was killed instead.

5. What did Terry do before he started working on the docks?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: He was a boxer

He was only knocked out twice.

6. What was Terry's philosophy of life?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: Do it to him before he does it to you.

When Terry and Edie were at the bar, Edie said that everyone should care about everyone else. Terry then replied that his philosophy was to do it to him before he does it to you, that way you won't get hurt. He knew that helping Edie was dangerous.

7. What happened to Edie's brother?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: He was pushed off a roof

This happened toward the beginning of the movie.

8. Terry "lost" a major fight to whom?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: Wilson

Terry "coulda been a contender", but he threw a fight against a man named Wilson. Charley and his group made bets against Terry, and then told him to throw the fight so they would make the money. Terry, however, is convinced that he could have won the fight against Wilson.

9. What did somebody throw at Karl Malden in the boat after the union members dropped a box of crates on that guy?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: an egg

Mr. Malden gave a great speech on corruption in this scene.

10. "Pop" Doyle gave his son Joey's coat to whom?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: Dugan

When Joey died Mr. Doyle gave his son's coat to his friend Dugan, since his was old. After Dugan was murdered, one of the longshoremen thought Joey's sister Edie might like it, and gave it to her. She saw how worn Terry's coat was, so she gave him the coat.

11. What year was the movie released?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: 1954

It more or less swept the Oscars in 1955.

12. What kind of coop did Terry and a friend have up on the roof?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: pigeon

That was one of his passions in the movie was keeping it well-kept.

13. According to Terry, how are pigeons like people?

From Quiz The Movie "On the Waterfront"

Answer: They get married.

Terry showed Edie all his pigeons before they went to the bar. He told her that pigeons are like people because they "get married" and stay with one partner for life.

14. Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 'On The Waterfront'?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: Marlon Brando

This was one of Marlon Brando's most unforgettable roles of his career.

15. Who won the Oscar for Best Actress?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: nobody

The female roles weren't big enough to merit a nomination for the Best Actress Oscar.

16. Who won the award for Best Director?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: Elia Kazan

This movie kicked some major butt!

17. In the scene of "I could have been a contender, I could have been somebody...", where does it take place at?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: In the back of a taxi cab

A lot of people like to quote that scene when they talk about movies.

18. How many Oscars did the movie win altogether?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: eight

'On The Waterfront' won eight Oscars altogether, including Best Actor, Director, Supporting Actress, amongst many others.

19. Who was originally offered the role of Terry Malloy when Marlon Brando couldn't decide if he wanted to do it?

From Quiz On The Waterfront

Answer: Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra was originally offered the role, but I couldn't picture anybody else but Marlon Brando in that role.

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