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9 Cello quizzes and 90 Cello trivia questions.
  The Ultimate Cello    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
I have been playing the cello for three years and thought that I would share my knowledge with you. I hope you have fun with this quiz about the cello!
Average, 10 Qns, boomerator, May 18 10
493 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is for cello players or those who think they know a little more than the average person about this most beautiful instrument.
Average, 10 Qns, carolinebee999, Jun 09 11
713 plays
  Parts to a Cello    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is meant to teach about the parts on a cello and bow. If you take orchestra, this quiz should be easy.
Average, 10 Qns, Twiced, Jun 23 17
315 plays
  Suzuki Cello Method: Do you know the repertoire?    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Hello fellow cellists and music educators! I created this quiz so we can determine just how much we know about the repertoire that is standard in cello pedagogy.
Average, 10 Qns, VityaFan, Apr 11 11
157 plays
  Cello Trivia    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is for cello players, or people who know a lot about the cello. 15 questions, some fill in the blank, some multiple choice.
Average, 15 Qns, SkiersDream, Jun 05 11
1150 plays
  Cello Chat    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Just some fun facts about celli!
Average, 10 Qns, sophierat, Sep 12 20
Sep 12 20
317 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the Baroque cello, J.S. Bach, and other Baroque instruments.
Tough, 10 Qns, Halcyon91, Dec 02 07
339 plays
  The Awesome Cello!    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
The cello is a must in all orchestras, and this quiz gives some info on the lovely sounding cello!
Average, 5 Qns, BenRusch, Dec 02 07
1233 plays
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How much do you know about this amazing instrument?
Average, 10 Qns, broadwaygal, Sep 06 09
357 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What part of the cello do you put rosin on?

From Quiz "Violoncello"

Cello Trivia Questions

2. What does one call the the stylized top of a cello?

From Quiz Parts to a Cello

Answer: The Scroll

The scroll is usually carved in the shape of a scroll, but may be a head of an animal like a lion. When you go to the cello shop don't be expecting a fancy scroll, though!

3. How many strings are on a cello?

From Quiz The Ultimate Cello

Answer: four

There are four strings on the cello: A, D, G, and C.

4. How many strings does a cello have?

From Quiz Cello Chat

Answer: four

The four strings are usually tuned to A, D, G and C.

5. Name the one part of the cello that must be replaced frequently.

From Quiz Violoncello

Answer: Strings

Strings come in four thicknesses/lengths. They are the A, D, G, and C strings, in order from highest to lowest. They are wound around the tuning pegs in the scroll, and attached to the fine-tuners, which are in turn attached to the tailpiece. Note: Some cellos have metal tuning pegs, which are much easier to tune with, while most have wooden pegs. Fine tuners work by either pulling or loosening the string minuscule amounts, or they press down and retract to tighten it.

6. If I was to play my fourth finger on the A string in the first position (no extensions), what note would I be playing?

From Quiz Cello

Answer: D

First position is the basic position that all players learn first.

7. Which object did the baroque cello lack that is attached to the modern cello?

From Quiz Baroque,Bach,Cello

Answer: End pin

So, a baroque person would grip the cello between his/her legs. The end pin actually transmits some sound to the floor.

8. What are the strings of the cello, in order, starting with the highest, and going down?

From Quiz Cello Trivia

Answer: ADGC

The cello's strings are the same as the viola's. Violins have EADG, and basses have GDAE.

9. What section does the cello belong to?

From Quiz The Awesome Cello!

Answer: Strings

The cello is a stringed instrument!

10. What is the carved-out compartment that houses the strings and tuning pegs just below the Scroll?

From Quiz Parts to a Cello

Answer: The Peg Box

The Peg Box is usually made from the same piece of wood as the scroll. It is hollowed out so the strings may be attached to the tuning pegs.

11. What is the lowest note you can play on a cello? (Assuming standard tuning)

From Quiz Cello Chat

Answer: C

However, you can tune down the C-string to a lower note.

12. What is the bridge on the cello?

From Quiz Violoncello

Answer: It holds the strings at the correct height.

The tailpiece holds the fine-tuners, and there is no way to ensure that your strings won't break. The bridge should be even with the center of the f-holes, and it should be at a right angle to the belly of your cello.

13. How many strings does a cello have?

From Quiz Cello

Answer: 4

The strings are C (lowest), G, D, A (highest). These are the same strings as on a viola but lower. A violin has G, D, A and E.

14. The viola pomposa had an extra string, a fifth string. The modern cello only has four strings. What was the extra string?

From Quiz Baroque,Bach,Cello

Answer: E-string

The viola pomposa was invented by Bach. In Bach's 'Six Suites for Cello', the Sixth Suite was written for the five-stringed viola pomposa, so if you were playing on a modern one, you'd have to play high up. Around 10th positon (estimation).

15. What pitch is a traditional cello?

From Quiz The Awesome Cello!

Answer: Concert pitched

The cello is a concert-pitched instrument!

16. This sonata composed by Antonio Vivaldi gives the student real experience reading in the tenor clef. The key signature contains only one sharp. What key is this sonata in?

From Quiz Suzuki Cello Method: Do you know the repertoire?

Answer: E minor

E minor is the relative minor to G major, and so contains one sharp.

17. What is the wood bar protruding from the neck where one holds down notes called?

From Quiz Parts to a Cello

Answer: The Finger Board

The finger board is usually made from black ebony wood, but can be made from other woods. In some cases, a black finger board may be varnished. After much playing, the varnish will rub off. It is important to wipe clean the strings and finger board after playing because the metal on the strings will corrode. Corrosion is caused by the oils from one's hands.

18. What is the very top part of the cello called?

From Quiz The Ultimate Cello

Answer: Scroll

The scroll is the part at the top of the cello that looks swirly.

19. Who was, probably, the most famous cellist in the early 20th century?

From Quiz Cello Chat

Answer: Pablo Casals

Pablo Casals, 1876 - 1973, was born in Catalonia, Spain. His recordings of the Bach Cello Suites were made in the 1930s.

20. What famous stringed-instrument maker was one of Nicolo Amati's best students?

From Quiz Violoncello

Answer: Stradivari

His instruments-violins and violas as well-are considered the best stringed instruments that you can get. Many modern makers of stringed instruments attempt to imitate his designs. Unfortunately, only 63 of his cellos are still known and played today.

21. Arguably the most famous piece written for cello is a piece by Saint-Saens from his "Carnival of the Animals". What bird is it named after?

From Quiz Cello

Answer: swan

"The swan" is a haunting melody for cello accompanied by piano, and is famous.

22. How is the baroque bow different from the modern bow?

From Quiz Baroque,Bach,Cello

Answer: Baroque bow wood is bent the opposite way

Now you know why it's called a 'bow'. (Bow and arrow...)

23. When you're sitting down and playing the cello, a good guide to see if it's at the right height is that the tuning peg for the C string is. . .?

From Quiz Cello Trivia

Answer: Near your ear

If the tuning peg for the C string is at or right past your ear, you know that the end pin is pulled out to the correct height.

24. How do you pronounce 'cello'?

From Quiz The Awesome Cello!

Answer: chello

Cello is pronounced 'chello'!

25. On the body of the cello are two carved sound holes. In what form are these?

From Quiz Parts to a Cello

Answer: In the form of a letter F

The F shape is arbitrary, but the purpose of sound holes is to help project sound. They can be found on the opposite sides of the bridge.

26. What clef do cellos play?

From Quiz The Ultimate Cello

Answer: Bass Clef

Cello music is most often written in the bass clef, though it can also be written in tenor or treble clefs.

27. Which language does the name cello originate from?

From Quiz Cello Chat

Answer: Italian

The real name for a cello is violoncello.

28. What part of the cello do you put rosin on?

From Quiz Violoncello

Answer: Bow

Rosin helps creates friction, making the strings vibrate.

29. How many cellos are there most often in a string quartet?

From Quiz Cello

Answer: 1

A string quartet usually has a first violin, a second violin, a viola and a cello.

30. Where would you usually hold the baroque bow?

From Quiz Baroque,Bach,Cello

Answer: Just before the balancing point

This is done to put less tension on the strings.

This is category 17564
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