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Spaniards: Famous & Historical Trivia

Spaniards: Famous & Historical Trivia Quizzes

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5 quizzes and 50 trivia questions.
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Spaniards: Famous & Historical Trivia Questions

1. The paternal side of Francisco Franco's family included several generations involved in the same field. Which field was it?

From Quiz
Still Dead

Answer: They were officers in the Navy

Six generations of his family had served as officers in the Navy. Several of the men--including Franco's father--had reached the rank of Admiral. Barring certain events, Franco himself also would have likely made a career in the Navy. Following the Spanish-American War (1898), Spain lost several of its colonies. With the needs of the Navy significantly reduced, no officer candidates were recruited in the years 1906-1913. As Franco was born in 1892, the period when he would have been a career in the Navy fell into this time span.

2. Rodrigo Borgia is better known as Pope Alexander the ___?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: VI

When Pope Innocent VIII died in 1492, Rodrigo was one of three contenders to become Supreme Pontiff. After handing out huge bribes he was elected Pope.

3. From 1912 to 1926, Francisco Franco's career saw him spend much of his time in an area within the Spanish Empire. Which area?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: Spanish Morocco

By the 20th century, Spain's empire was far reduced from what it had included in the eighteenth century, or even before 1898, when Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine Islands had been lost. Franco voluntarily accepted a transfer to Spanish Morocco to fight against insurgency there in 1912. The next year he was promoted to First Lieutenant and was assigned to an elite regiment of native Moroccan cavalry. While in Morocco, Franco received a gunshot injury in his abdomen. He also received several merit-based promotions in the army, becoming a general at the young age of 33. By comparison, ten years later, only a relatively few of Franco's classmates at the Toledo Infantry Academy had even reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

4. When Rodrigo was elected Pope he made one of his illegitimate children Archbishop of Valencia. Which one?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: Cesare

A year later he became a cardinal. This was not good enough as he was furious that his older brother had been given command of the Papal army. (In those days the Papacy was also an important temporal power).

5. During the period between the World Wars, Francisco Franco's reputation would grow within his professional circles. Which word would least likely have been used to describe Franco the man?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: Gregarious

Franco was described as a man of relatively few friends and not one to engage in "frivolous" (read fun) pursuits. In my opinion, he seems to have been more respected than liked. Franco's piety was learned from his mother. His commitment to Roman Catholicism was also seen in his later career. He was noted for being honest, and being more concerned than was average for the welfare of his troops. Franco was an effective commander and noted for his dedication to his profession.

6. In 1923, Francisco Franco wed Carmen Polo y Martínez Valdés (1900-1988), to whom he would be married for the rest of his life. How many children would they have together?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: One daughter

Carmen Franco (1926-2017) was the only daughter and only child of Francisco Franco and Carmen Polo. Some have suggested that she secretly may have been daughter of Franco's brother and a prostitute. In 1975, King Juan Carlos named her the 1st Duchess of Franco. She was succeeded in this title by her eldest daughter. Franco's relationship with his daughter was described as close, though his busy career led to his wife being responsible for much of the child-rearing.

7. The Pope sent his son Giovanni to attack the Orsini family, but he returned to Rome in disgrace in 1497. He was found murdered after dining with his mother and his brother, Cesare. How was he murdered?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: He was stabbed

On 14 June he dined with his mother and brother Cesare. The two men left separately on horseback. His body was dragged from the river Tiber the next morning, he had been stabbed nine times.

8. In 1931, the political situation changed when King Alfonso XIII abdicated. What was Franco's position when the abdication occurred?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: He was commander of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza

Alfonso XIII had been King his entire life. His father--Alfonso XII--had died before he was born and a regency ruled Spain during the months before the son's birth. Alfonso went into exile and died in 1941. Franco was appointed commander of the Military Academy in 1928. (Spain had decided to consolidate the military schools into one institution.) Franco had a reputation as a monarchist, and one who held authoritarian beliefs. The Republican government that ruled Spain shut down the Academy not long after the abdication. During the upcoming Civil War, a large majority--over 90%--were on Franco's side.

9. How many times did Lucrezia Borgia marry?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: 3

Her first husband fled in fear of Cesare's jealous rages, her second, with whom she had genuinely fallen in love, was strangled by Cesare.

10. By 1936, Civil War had broken out between the more conservative Nationalists and the more progressive Popular Front. Which side did Franco take in this conflict?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: He was on the side of the Nationalists

Franco was appointed Generalisimo (or Commander-in-Chief) of the Nationalists. Both sides were broad-based coalitions that often had their most extreme elements emphasized by popular perception. The Nationalists included members of the Falange, the Spanish Fascist party. This has led to some debate as to whether the Nationalist government that ruled Spain after the war was Fascist or merely authoritarian. Despite being an civil war, there was international perception, with Germany and Italy supporting the Nationalists and the Soviet Union supporting the Popular Front. The capture of Barcelona in January 1939 and of Madrid in March 1939 concluded the conflict.

11. One of the famous Spanish authors is Miguel de Cervantes. His best known work is "Don Quixote", about a man who wants to revive chivalry under the assumed name Don Quixote. He is accompanied on his journeys by a squire. What was his name?

From Quiz What's Special About Spain?

Answer: Sancho Panza

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born on the 29th of September 1547 in Alcala de Henares (as deduced from available registers). Not much is known about his childhood, but he eventually moved to Naples and joined the Spanish navy there. During his military career he was held captive in Algeria for five years. He held several jobs after returning to Spain, as his writings were not enough to earn a sufficient income. He gained international recognition when his novel "Don Quixote" was published in 1605. The full name of his most famous novel is "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha". In this novel we follow Alonso Quixano, who has set himself the mission to bring chivalry back. He is assisted by a squire, the farmer Sancho Panza, whom he picks up en route. Alonso gives himself the name Don Quixote, his horse is called Rocinante and his love is given the name Dulcinea. In 1615 a second part came out following the adventures of Quixote all over Spain (including the Sierra Morena, a Spanish mountain range). The books were published by Juan de la Cuesta. One of the other characters to appear is Gines de Pasamonte, a thief that is freed by Don Quixote.

12. How did Rodrigo Borgia die?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: Of malaria

In August 1503, both Rodrigo and Cesare caught malaria after attending a party thrown by a cardinal in a vineyard just outside Rome.

13. By 1939, Franco led the government that ruled a united Spain and World War II broke out. What role did Spain play in the war?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: Despite Franco's sympathy to the Axis, Spain remained neutral.

Franco and Adolf Hitler met in October 1940 to discuss the possibility of Spain entering the war on the side of the Axis. Franco included enough conditions to Spain's entry in the war--including Spain receiving many of France's colonies in northern Africa--that negotiations ultimately broke down with Spain remaining neutral. Hitler would later describe the experience of negotiation as being like "pulling teeth". Supporters of Franco suggest that Franco lacked interest in bringing Spain into World War II and used the long list of conditions as a way to save face while keeping Spain out of the war. Franco did provide some support for the Axis side without becoming involved in the fighting. It may be that Franco, as a devout Catholic, was turned off by what he saw as the antipathy to Christianity of the Nazis.

14. One of the well known Spanish explorers is Hernan Cortes. He was one of the leaders of the Spanish attempts to colonize the Americas. Which empire did he conquer, in present-day Mexico?

From Quiz What's Special About Spain?

Answer: Aztec Empire

Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro was born in 1485 in Medellin (precise date is unknown). He studied Latin for two years and also was trained in the notary business. He left for the Island of Hispaniola at age 18 and helped build Spanish colonies, mostly working as a notary on the island. He also helped out in the conquest of Cuba and earned a position as secretary to governor Diego Velazquez. In 1518 Velazquez asked Cortes to lead the conquest of the Aztec Empire. Although Velazquez later revoked his permission, Cortes went on his journey anyway. He soon managed to overthrow the empire, but felt he was not given enough recognition, despite being named 1st Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca. In his later years he returned to Spain and died there in 1547.

15. At what age did Rodrigo Borgia die?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: 72

Within a week of catching malaria the 72-year-old Pope was dead.

16. How did Cesare die?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: He died of thirst

On 12th March 1507, he was wounded while besieging on the town of Viana, during a territorial dispute with Spain. His captors stripped him naked and left him to die of thirst.

17. In 1969, Franco declared that his successor as leader of Spain would be Juan Carlos, grandson of the deposed Alfonso XIII. Why did Franco not instead choose Juan, Count of Barcelona, father of Juan Carlos and son of Alfonso XIII?

From Quiz Still Dead

Answer: He did not particularly like him

Juan lived until 1993 and did not formally renounce his right to the throne, two years after Juan Carlos became King. The simple answer is that Franco and Juan did not like each other. Juan referred to Franco at least once as an "illegitimate usurper", and often pressed Franco to restore the Spanish monarchy. Franco, for his part, was concerned that Juan would undo many of the changes that Franco had made and restore democracy to Spain. Franco felt that Juan Carlos would support and maintain Spain as Franco had shaped it. When Franco died in November 1975, Juan Carlos was proclaimed king. King Juan Carlos, to the surprise of many, strongly supported the idea of constitutional monarchy and establishing Spain as a democracy--exactly what Franco thought Juan would do.

18. Where was Rodrigo Borgia born?

From Quiz The Borgias

Answer: Xativa

In 1431 Rodrigo was born, in April 1455 he was made a bishop and quickly progressed up the catholic hierarchy to cardinal and vice-chancellor.

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