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4 Miami Vice quizzes and 45 Miami Vice trivia questions.
  Musicians on Miami Vice    
Collection Quiz
 15 Qns
From the premiere episode of "Miami Vice" blasting Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight", the groundbreaking police drama merged TV with music. Can you pick out the 15 music artists who appear in an episode of "Miami Vice"?
Difficult, 15 Qns, GBfan, Jul 09 24
GBfan gold member
Jul 09 24
252 plays
  How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"   top quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz will test your knowledge of the classic TV show. Some questions will be a lot harder than others.
Average, 10 Qns, goofgirl, Jul 19 08
1646 plays
  "Miami Vice" Series Premiere   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Miami Vice" was my all time favorite television series growing up so I've decided to try and make a quiz about it. These questions are all from the pilot episode.
Average, 10 Qns, SirChanceR, Feb 06 07
SirChanceR gold member
1141 plays
  "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".   great trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz covers some of the basics on the second episode of "Miami Vice" titled "Heart of Darkness". I'd like to do more of the episodes in the future.
Tough, 10 Qns, SirChanceR, Feb 14 07
SirChanceR gold member
800 plays
trivia question Quick Question
What numbers are visible on the building that Calderone is exiting?

From Quiz ""Miami Vice" Series Premiere"

Miami Vice Trivia Questions

1. Who guest starred in "Heart of Darkness"?

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"Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: Ed O' Neil

Ed O' Neil did a fantastic job. Most of you probably remember him best as Al Bundy from the sitcom "Married, With Children". Bruce Willis, Sheena Easton, and Phil Collins all guest starred on "Miami Vice", although in different episodes.

2. Where is the opening scene in the pilot episode?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: New York

The opening shot shows a rather intent looking Tubbs keeping an eye on a building. There is no music to start, only sirens wailing in the background, but it doesn't take long for a song to start. The music was as much a part of the "Miami Vice" culture as the clothes and cars.

3. In what year did the show premiere in the U.S.?

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Answer: 1984

The show premiered on September 28, 1984.

4. What was Ed O' Neil's character's name?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: Artie

Artie was an undercover operative trying to bust Kovics.

5. What numbers are visible on the building that Calderone is exiting?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: 4W16ST

The numbers are visible for a brief moment as Calderone pauses to look around before starting down the steps.

6. In the season 2 episode, "Back in the World," how was the heroin smuggled into the US from Vietnam?

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Answer: Bags of it were stuffed inside KIA bags.

This disrespect for the dead made Sonny all the more determined to catch the dealer.

7. In a particularly sarcastic moment at the beginning of the episode, while watching a sleazy movie being filmed, Crockett says, "If all else fails we can pop 'em for felony _______." What?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: bad dialogue

In a further burst of sarcasm, when asked by Crockett if the girl in the movie looked underage, Tubbs replies "No, Sonny. She looks like she's been to preschool and everything."

8. What Season 2 episode was named after a Ted Nugent song?

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Answer: Little Miss Dangerous

"Mama Kin" is an Aerosmith song, "Hotel California" is sung by The Eagles, and "Voodoo Child" is performed by Jimi Hendrix. Later in the season, Ted Nugent guest-starred as an abusive husband in the episode "Definitely Miami."

9. Where did the girl in the movie come from?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: Kansas

There's a line in the movie where she says "I just got off the bus from Nebraska", but when Tubbs kids her a bit saying he heard she just got off the bus from Nebraska, she gives him this look and says it was Kansas.

10. What was the first name of Crockett's partner before he got paired with Tubbs?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: Eddie

Gina was Trudy's partner and potential girlfriend to Crockett. Larry and Stanley were partners, kind of the comic relief to the squad.

11. What was the name of Sonny's pet alligator?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: Elvis

Elvis was the retired mascot of the University of Florida Gators. Sonny took the reptile in after he graduated. In the '90s, another gator by the same name starred in the Nickelodeon series "Clarissa Explains It All."

12. What were Crockett and Tubbs buying in "Heart of Darkness"?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: Pornographic videos

One of the many episodes where they weren't dealing in drugs.

13. What happened to Eddie?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: He got blown up.

Eddie was caught in a car bomb that had been intended solely for a fellow named Corky. Corky was supposed to be Crockett and Eddie's lead in to the "Columbian" only Corky decided to go into business for himself.

14. What was the name of Tubbs and Crockett's speed freak informant?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: Noogie

Noogie's motormouth often irritated Sonny, but he had to put up with him because Noogie was a valuable assistant.

15. Elvis the alligator wrecked havoc while Crockett was away. What didn't he do that day?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: took a dip in the marina

Elvis was a great comic relief. They phased him out until in later seasons he wasn't even mentioned. A toast to Elvis the alligator. That's al-li-gator.

16. What song is Tubbs lip-synching when he meets Scott Wheeler for the first time?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: Somebody's Watching Me

Tubbs was singing and dancing to this tune while watching an exotic dancer perform on stage. Before leaving he slips her some money and says "Keep up the good work, Princess"

17. What did Phil Collins play in an episode?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: a game show host

Phil played the host of a game show called "Rat Race." Stan called in sick to be a contestant on the show, only to be scammed out of his prize money.

18. Tubbs asked Crockett if he had ever considered trading Elvis in on what?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: A nice French poodle

Tubbs didn't get along too well with Elvis, but found it rather humorous when he would test Crockett's patience.

19. What does Crockett use as a search warrant for Leon's apartment?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: A warranty on a set of steel-belted radials

Crockett is supposedly reading the details of the search warrant to the apartment manager where Leon lived, but when the manager has to go answer the phone, Tubbs takes it out of his hand and announces, "Hey, man, this is a two year warranty on a set of steel- belted radials." To which Crockett replies, "No." in mock surprise.

20. Where was Tubbs originally from?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: New York

Tubbs moved out of the Big Apple after his brother was killed and tracked the killer to Miami.

21. Who did Artie shoot that was not in self defense?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: Kovics

After Crockett and Tubbs are made, Kovics decides to execute them. He tells Artie to do it and join the "family". Artie then tosses the gun to Crockett while grabbing his own and a gunfight breaks out. When the bullets are done flying and all the bad guys are dead except Kovics, who is hiding in his limo, Artie takes a machine gun and just rips into the limo.

22. What was Crockett's position and number on the University of Florida football team?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: Wide-receiver number 88

Tubbs realized Crockett was an old football star when Crockett referenced a "fourth down passing situation" in Leon's apartment.

23. What was the first exotic locale that Tubbs and Crockett traveled to on an assignment?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: The Bahamas

They go to the Bahamas to bust a drug lord in the episode "Calderone's Return, Part II."

24. How did Lt. Rodriguez describe Artie?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: On the edge

Crockett seemed to be the only one willing to give Artie a chance to show he hadn't stepped over to the other side. While trying to procure the money for the upcoming meet with Kovics, Rodriguez and Tubbs both question Artie's intentions.

25. What kind of gun did Crockett threaten Tubbs with, when he found out Tubbs was lying about who he was?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: Flare gun

Crockett pulled Tubbs headfirst down the hatch and threatened to light his whole intestinal track up "like Cape Canaveral".

26. What was Elvis's most prized possession?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: a fuzzy pink blanket

We learn this in the episode "Heart of Darkness." Sonny threatens to throw the blanket overboard after Elvis devours his Buddy Holly records.

27. What happened to Artie at the end of "Heart of Darkness"?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" has a "Heart of Darkness".

Answer: He hung himself

Artie had been too far on the other side and couldn't come back again so he hung himself in the bathroom during a break in his interrogation.

28. The scene on Crockett's boat, where he is accusing Tubbs, at gun point, of not being Raphael has a bit of name-calling in it. What does Tubbs call Crockett?

From Quiz "Miami Vice" Series Premiere

Answer: A "Southern Cracker"

It's a rather intense scene with Tubbs admitting that Raphael was his brother and Crockett spouting that he's working with an "Outlaw New York street cop out on a hit mission."

29. What disguised vehicle did Stan often use for surveillance?

From Quiz How Much Do You Know About "Miami Vice?"

Answer: a green pest control van

The vehicle certainly wasn't subtle, but it never drew a lot of attention.

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Last Updated Oct 26 2024 5:48 AM
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