Many famous paintings depict real life locations that can still be visited. This quiz looks at some of these paintings and the places that inspired them.
A quiz containing a small selection of obscure words liberally used by Stephen R. Donaldson in "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" books. No knowledge of this series is required, as these are all real albeit rarely used English words.
Édouard Manet was a bold and innovative painter whose works represent the beginning of modern art and continue to inspire controversy to this day. This quiz takes a quick tour through a selection of his many wonderful paintings.
Norse cosmology divided the universe into many different realms, bound together by the great world-tree Yggdrasil. Various versions of these realms have been suggested; the scheme in this quiz is based on the writings of Snorri Sturluson.
The low countries of Belgium and the Netherlands produced some very high art! This is a glimpse into a few of the extraordinary paintings produced by a small selection of the many old masters of this region.
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Sep 25 22
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