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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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Well that was an interesting week /end sarc, Carole didn't wait when I got held up so missed her again (so sorry), went shopping on Thursday, football on TV Friday (and tomorrow) and then got on the road and entered the congestion charge zone on Saturday as it's free, and down into the bottom of Surrey yesterday. I had a nice call to the radio just now (we can pick our topics Tuesday morning) and he actually said I must have been practising as I didn't make many mistakes (correct), and I should try something more complex next so I would. He's the boss if he wants me on again so happy to oblige.

Various plans this week as the clocks just went forward, but won't wreck anything in advance besides my old friend who's popping in tomorrow which will be nice.

Reply #1881. Mar 30 15, 7:48 PM

satguru star

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It's a bit quiet today so will hopefully entertain and inform, assuming anyone reads these any more. My new tablets were prescribed yesterday, ideally to take the edge off the anxiety at the very least, and have passed test one after two have been taken. It'll be weeks to see the benefits but the original ones worked wonders before the reaction that stopped a return to them later on. My friend came today and spent a while here and as I got up according to the new time rather than last week's it was an hour earlier than the clock said and I've felt it the rest of the day and stayed in and futzed around as there was little else I was capable of.

Tomorrow is the first chance to get the road sign in Aylesbury, a medium journey, and as I'm going to my mum can't go late as I can't get back to go there as well, so will have to see. If not it'll probably have to be the following week. But if it gets done I'll be happy regardless. Other than that I'll just keep going and take each new day as it comes, it's usually worked till now.

Reply #1882. Apr 01 15, 3:45 PM

satguru star

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Oh well, just one known side effect, five hour's sleep then I wake up for hours, until last night. That meant nothing extra and just got photos on the way to the gym yesterday followed by some closer new spots on the map today. But sleep was more normal last night and hope the old routine returns in a few days.

It'll be a few weeks before they are meant to work (if they do) but the alternative isn't much use so have to hope for the best. Meanwhile I'll let each day take care of itself, if I get to Aylesbury (and beyond ideally) I'll be happy.

Reply #1883. Apr 05 15, 5:39 PM

satguru star

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Well, it's improving, I went out again Monday as bank holiday and relatively little traffic, and did mum's garden yesterday. Up late taking Louise home and spent today recovering. I can't trust myself yet per day so just hoping the first weekday trip north comes soon and I get back to normal. I've finally started my portrait of Grace from a photo, it's not as easy as I hoped but have to get it looking like her before it goes public.

Reply #1884. Apr 08 15, 5:02 PM

satguru star

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You can't allow for everything, with the clocks going forward and finally able to go north again my new tablets are currently messing up my sleep, so not yet had the energy the couple of possible days yet but have plenty of months ahead. Otherwise I did my mum's gardening, went to the outdoor gym and took photos the 20 miles or so across London from Alexandra Palace after living in the area over 50 years and not getting round to it.

I am just hoping I can get somewhere north next week, even realtively locally, and have a medium one south if I feel like it first. The portrait is improving but much tougher than I thought and can't stop till it looks like Grace and not an anonymous person. I will plough on.

Reply #1885. Apr 11 15, 5:50 PM

satguru star

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So far... My sleep is gradually returning to normal on the new tablets, but some days leaves me tired most of the time so hope that passes as well. But I headed south on Sunday and managed to get most of the way on the planned Kent trip expecting to do about half of it on closer new territory so a good step forward. I'll be happy to do anything north next just to get going, locally or otherwise, and then get to the road sign sooner or later. Other than that the usual routine so far.

Reply #1886. Apr 14 15, 3:08 PM

satguru star

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It was a good week regardless. I'm now catching up the sleep but much longer than usual and leaving me tired, but Grace came over Wednesday and kept me busy and then did a small trip north on Thursday which was a start. It's all about having enough energy now and if I get it all back I'll be back to normal activities. I've got a checkup in just over a week and see what the recommendations are.

Reply #1887. Apr 19 15, 1:03 PM

satguru star

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I suppose if things change it must be a sign something is happening, but when the sleep turns to two hours longer than usual, first catching up and then regardless, and leaves you tired it's still making a loss. I have got south yesterday at least without any problems (it has better days on and off), and really want to do a trip north this week and had to work to keep a day free as various people want me for whatever reasons. Then I need to have the energy to do it when that day comes, otherwise wait for the next. I've waited so long for the clocks to go forward to head north it's a real bugger it coincided with the new tablets, but still did the first little one last week so gradually getting there. In the end I believe it's nearly all out of our hands, the good and bad experiences seem to happen on their own however much we try and plan.

Reply #1888. Apr 21 15, 3:06 PM

satguru star

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Off the blog for a week? I've been on the road one way or another, north on Thursday and south on Sunday after I saw some photos in Ardingly and realised there's a road sign there. So plenty of photo activity and a sign and had the checkup today, and despite no known benefits as it may take longer than a month (I am sceptical) he said the side effects were minor and I'll carry on taking the new tablets. The worst effect was draining my energy, which is gradually coming back and hopefully will fully return or I won't be firing on all cylinders. Next will be the eye test and work through my other little jobs which come round with annual regularity or more.

Reply #1889. Apr 28 15, 6:36 PM

satguru star

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Another day, looking backwards and forwards. Haircut, booked. Next call- absent. Eye test to be arranged. Then I suppose yet again the dentist (they didn't write so have a slight excuse...). I could have had the other end inspected as well but said I had too much anxiety to go through the procedure (I'm at the age for screening, I've got a few years left to take up their offer so put it on the system).

Regardless where I go tomorrow or not I've got an easy one booked for the weekend going west just for new territory nearby. I did two trips in the last week so no requirement to force myself to tomorrow unless I'm feeling like it. I've got till September so no rush. I did my M&S shop today as I was free and up late, and it's free parking if you go after 5.30 and got a nice collection of food and a couple of other things, one which turned out to be about 75% off. Otherwise I'll just let the fairies look after me, last week I saw photos in Ardingly which reminded me of the sign there I got on Sunday, so directed me perfectly, so will hand it over to them for my next trips north as well.

Reply #1890. Apr 29 15, 8:30 PM

satguru star

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Busy again (sometimes). I went west on Sunday and covered plenty of new ground, and visited my aunty round the corner for the last time on Wednesday as she's moved south (100 miles) after 47 years in the same house. Now only my parents are local and I don't have any other close relatives left.

Not a huge amount else, despite not apparently being interested, Grace's sister still wants us to get together, she being the bossy one, but I have no idea what's possible especially as her problems have increased and she may be back in hospital now. It's a mess but I sit and observe and take whatever comes. Yesterday was taken up with a haircut, voting, a little walk, TV and then all night coverage of the election, where UKIP got 3.8 million votes (3rd in total) and one seat. Something's wrong there and no one besides their supporters could care less. But Ed Miliband's gone along with his party so it's not all bad news today.

Reply #1891. May 08 15, 5:40 PM

satguru star

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I got my first long trip done on Sunday, no records broken but got out west about 60 miles so pleased with myself. I'm planning more but can't ever guarantee how things will go. I've taken it easy since and done some gardening, cycled and walked in the park, not made any calls yet as people have called me instead, and generally chilling out till the next trip. I also believe my meditation has finally broken through, and am now aware of being able to experience places at a distance. That must have come from all the effort I've put in and after all these years (24 roughly) about the right time. And oddly lots of animals have recently been coming up to me, cats dogs and horses. Even the cat opposite, who's walked away for about 14 years meowed and wanted me to pet him. They can sense things first and maybe they're picking up whatever I've got now. Maybe Grace will follow? Miracles can happen...

Reply #1892. May 13 15, 7:05 PM

satguru star

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"May you live in interesting times"

Stardate 16-5-2015. I may be getting closer to my goals, but a miss is as good as a mile, and like Tantalus, if you can't pick the fruit you're just as buggered however close it may be. I have made some progress though and don't believe that can be taken away from me as presumably with the work I've been putting in appear to have experienced something beyond my body which my latest book is all about learning. I still haven't phoned Grace as the times between TV programmes the phone hasn't stopped, and she goes to bed early so that's it if it's past midnight for the day. Aylesbury was rained off yesterday and will aim for Tuesday or soon after, and the long long trip is set any Sunday when I feel like it, the sooner the better.

I've heard nothing about my second article, regardless of the enthusiasm from the editor. My work continues, the research ties more ends together the whole time and in fact many are announced in the mainstream news and people don't realise the significance of them where those in the know will immediately. They are so subtle they are basically the wolves in sheep' clothing, acting as our saviours and shafting us no less than our known enemies. They work by deception and my work is to expose it.

The rest is down to the everyday and other events, my aunty is now 100 miles away after living a couple of miles away since she married my uncle in 1962. Eras end and as you get older you realise the only constant is yourself, and the rest, as Buddha said, always changes. Spock out.

Reply #1893. May 15 15, 8:08 PM

satguru star

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I have been busy, after last Thursday's rain Aylesbury took a literal rain check, and covered a small patch of Berkshire on Sunday to keep occupied and productive. Tuesday was free till Louise arrived and managed to get to Aylesbury in time, get the sign and no further as it actually took as long as Andover twice as far away for various reasons (not a weekend and major traffic here and a delay there). But somehow the guidance worked, I didn't bring my bottle with me and was dried out there and there were no suitable shops, so turned off on the way home at the first village and got a drink, and the map said there was an entire country road back to the road home covering new territory instead of the main road I used already, so doubled the coverage as a direct result of not taking my drink with me.

I stayed up late as the presenter's mother was there for his birthday on the radio show I call, he asked me to play the piano for her so I waited an hour but they didn't call me back. Today was spent relaxing and I'm still mapping the photos I took as there were about 80. Just the one very long annual trip left and a few months to do it, the sooner the better. I will sit back and let things unfold.

Reply #1894. May 20 15, 6:27 PM

satguru star

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Nothing to report really, just been relaxing and looking for road signs, and planning a trip during the week. I'm working on my spiritual exercises now I have the new book, and all seems to be fitting together nicely. Grace is away till next week so hopefully will speak to her soon and maybe see her, and after trying the 190lb shoulder press last time when the instructor did it tried 200 today and did another five on that as well. Twelve years of work is paying off.

Reply #1895. May 24 15, 3:16 PM

Anything you get done is an accomplishment no matter how small, and I've learned not to make plans because something always happens to change them. So I'm surprised when anything happens the way I thought it would. And my goal has changed over the years; do whatever calms you, whether anyone takes notice or not. That's how I vthink of my writing these days.

Reply #1896. May 24 15, 3:28 PM
satguru star

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Thanks Jaymee, oddly I just thought this today as I hadn't done anything special for over a week but was perfectly happy so realised that is the priority. A lesson learned and then affirmed from outside always tells you a major message. I did a photo walk yesterday and today locally, which besides providing lots of photos keeps me fit. I plan a drive tomorrow, and if not or also Sunday, it will be nice to get on the road again while it's easier.

Not much besides that, the front garden needs doing again and will follow the photo trip, I'm doing a week long survey recording everything I do each day and am learning quite a lot about myself as a result. Including I do things to please myself and not impress other people, that rarely happens when you try to anyway.

Reply #1897. May 27 15, 6:46 PM

satguru star

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Another week, the system was looking after me. On Friday night when planning to go to Surrey for a sign and then south towards Hampshire another turned up half the distance and far better, so I checked the few spots nearby I hadn't covered and did them all easily, with the next one for Sunday. The woman who asked me out last weekend online (did I mention that?) just told me her boyfriend didn't like it so she couldn't. Every one a loser.

So the following week is free, the front garden needs doing, the eye test booking and then god forbid the dentist now I've finally got their letter. Otherwise there's no obligation for anything else till the weekend unless I feel like it, the system worked last week so will hopefully continue.

Reply #1898. Jun 01 15, 7:17 PM

satguru star

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I've had a deliberate week off. As my father's not able to do the long car journeys now I'm cutting down my own or I'll wear myself and the car out. I'm going at the weekend, and then see when and where next. I also had a load of calls and gardening to do, the calls as usual were half done (the rest cut me off for various reasons), but having my eyes tested on Tuesday anyway. Otherwise I've been writing, walking in the park opposite and calling the radio, although today they called back and after half an hour of saying I'd be on soon cut me off. I've also been meditating and although the results rarely coincide with the effort there have been enough to know something's working.

I now have my fill me in monthly badge, I think only who am I left which will follow eventually (attempted at least). It's a good game as of course it improves the memory greatly which isn't so hard in multiple choice. Now if only I could convert that for my Mensa test...

Reply #1899. Jun 05 15, 6:09 PM

satguru star

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I've been keeping busy, another road sign followed by a trip around the edge of Hampshire, and various acts of gardening and an eye test. No new lenses so the money's going on sunglasses as the old ones aren't strong enough and if they have the frames I want will get new ones as well. No plans as such but being free is a good start. My next trip is ideally going to be a long one, it's mid season, and have a north and south option left for one or both. I will let the system work for me now and see what happens.

Reply #1900. Jun 09 15, 6:47 PM

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