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Subject: Satguru is here

Posted by: satguru
Date: May 02 07

I have not left the building, just moved to another mansion, as they say in the bible. This is the headline, the articles will follow as always.

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satguru star

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I've spent the last few weeks arranging and settling in the new cat, Victor, named after the nurse (Vicky) who rescued him and another cat from a garage. He's like a male version of my last tabby, and 12 which was why I got him as older cats are hard to find homes for. He is now used to being here, is the friendliest cat I have come across.

Otherwise it's been some reasonably long trips including the sign in Oxford, and planning another as soon as possible. I've been working a bit more regularly which helps, and have lined up my first phone in show on internet radio where I'll take two hours of calls on political fraud. Grace is now only a friend, it's always the woman's decision in the end and goodness knows where the next one's coming from. The 29th of February's just finished, and despite massive hints no women have proposed to me, although Fiona's married so cuts her out of the equation in advance. The librarian never got back to me on Facebook which is a shame as she's local and possibly even single. You can only do your best and after being ignored or dropped any more is considered stalking so had to draw a line there. That's all the news I can think of and hope there is a little more next time.

Reply #1941. Feb 29 16, 9:12 PM

I don't get to the 'chats' much, anymore, David...But I'm very happy to hear about Victor. It's always nice to have a cat. :)

Reply #1942. Mar 24 16, 5:56 PM
satguru star

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Where have all the bloggers gone? I like to read what other people are doing and as long as we still can I'll always post here. It's been a regular routine for a few weeks, 50-60 mile trips on Sundays when there's less traffic, a few days getting the photos up, a little work and study and repeat. I was called about another interview and now waiting for the details when he has time to call me back. Now the clocks have gone forward my major trip of the year is beckoning when I get all the correct conditions as soon as I can. Then I'll have the time to tidy the house and garden and anything else that's got neglected while I've been busy with the photos. Still no women around but my conclusion is it's a phase when the same attempts are many times harder than normal, and whatever you do it's like swimming against a very strong current. If it changes the prizes will flow to me instead.

Reply #1943. Apr 06 16, 7:38 PM

satguru star

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Thanks Veronnika, nice to see you around. Victor is officially part of the household now (his decision as it has to be mutual), he comes and goes on a regular routine but still usually needs letting out as he hasn't got used to going through the back cat door on his own yet. He's an incredibly fussy eater, either rejecting some food altogether or alternating between cat food and cat biscuits for a few days at a time. He sleeps on my bed every night and follows me most of the time indoors. It's back to how it should be with another cat in the house, and just the woman is required now, not exactly as easily done though.

Reply #1944. Apr 06 16, 7:56 PM

satguru star

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I've spent the last few weeks catching up on my long photo trips once the clocks went forward, so spent much of my time online mapping over 500 photos rather than any other activities. I've also joined a free online dating site, I set it to 10 miles and got one match from America, not a single reply otherwise. Par for the course and very glad I didn't waste money for an identical result.

Otherwise I've had some regular work this month, and can otherwise relax knowing I've both extended my distance on the map by 7 miles (not so easy as two directions S and E are completed due to the sea), and added my 10th Ordnance Survey 100km square in Wiltshire two weeks later. Now I've only got a north record left to do really I can do next year and spend more time fixing the house and garden. I've got a new county map to look for old signs on as well, so I can still go out with the camera but not nearly as far. But for 2016 my work is now done.

Reply #1945. Apr 28 16, 8:21 PM

satguru star

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Somehow when the space is created the work comes in. Since I no longer needed to make photo trips I've been working a few days a week when I normally would have used one to go out. I will next time I can, but earning money is preferable. Tinder has the same odds as winning the lottery, but as it's free each time I use it I'm buying a ticket, and if I try 54 million times I should eventually win.

The same this week, three days in a row again so being a responsible citizen for a change. Just two words on the subject and I won't mention it again, Go Trump!!!
Otherwise it's business as almost usual, as it's slightly better. I think the two runs a week have made me a lot fitter as I can now drive half a day and not get tired like I used to manage. My instructor was sent from somewhere higher and am now doing stretches designed to reduce my belly among other things as well. I have just replace the cat door to the conservatory (where the back door is) since the old one rotted, and took an hour and 20 minutes, and the out flap is sticking at the moment so will now need to fiddle with it till it's lined up. I'll then cut one in the back fence so Victor can walk through rather than jump over it, and am measuring up for one in the front window as he prefers going to the front garden and keeps asking me to open the door to get there, and then in again. If the frame will fit then it can be made, if not then hopefully he'll use the long route as Lucy always did. But he's now using the outside toilet so saved me emptying the litter tray every day at last. Getting there.

Reply #1946. May 17 16, 8:35 PM

satguru star

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I'm now back to my spiritual work as the main photo trips are now done, followed by slowly doing the housework and gardening. I've been doing the same few days of work as well so no need to go out with the camera during the week as I'm gainfully employed. Not a single match on Tinder, I'm wondering if many of the pictures are even genuine now. I'm also doing spiritual lessons on the phone in radio since they let us choose the topics and got quite a lot of positive feedback. Looking back I was beginning to feel I'd never manage to complete my photo trips so am pretty relieved now I covered both within a couple of weeks and am now no longer obliged (by my own standards) to do any others but have a couple planned as and when I feel like it. I will now wait and see what the system has for me ahead.

Reply #1947. May 24 16, 8:40 PM

satguru star

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Again, I've been too busy to report much, always a good thing. The same work routine for some weeks now so not wasting days and can go north to take photos for an indefinite number of years during the long days when I can. But I'm doing a long trip each Sunday, the latest collecting a few old road signs so adding to both collections.

I've had two matches on Tinder now (that's about one a month) and both stopped replying after I'd said hello and introduced myself so can only assume they had better options as I didn't have a chance to embarrass myself with anything inappropriate. I am also chasing someone too far for convenience but not too far to see, and am about to offer her my phone number. I'll never give up whatever doesn't happen. And it really really doesn't. I am getting a cat door put in the front window this week as Victor will go through the back but prefers the front, and usually goes to the front for me to let him in. Hopefully this will fix everything and save my neighbour having to do it when I'm not here. I also got him a catnip mouse last week and he loves playing with it, throwing it around and chewing it. It is the catnip as I got him one originally without it and he barely takes any notice of it.

I was about to go to bed a while ago but Victor wanted to go out so carried on here for a bit to wait for him to come in again. But I did find a few new stories on Twitter I'd have missed otherwise so all used constructively.

Reply #1948. Jun 13 16, 9:46 PM

satguru star

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Buddha said to observe the world rather than participate, like the lotus that lives on the mud but not in it. Then each time you are given a harder test to take as you will learn from each one and grow. And you have no control over what life throws at you, let alone when, so with a sense of balance and inner peace you take it all without overreacting.

These are observations from my work as a therapist and my own life, and there can be no expectations or assumptions about tomorrow as it can change without notice and we just deal with it as it is, not as we expected it to be. That is the norm more than the exception, the only difference being when your life is disrupted and what. Otherwise I have plans till Monday so have no need to think as far as the diary is concerned, but some things may change as they did today when Question Time was cancelled due to an MP being murdered in the street. The last before the EU referendum with some massive names in it.

I am now officially teaching spiritual work as I have private coaching and feedback, so am neither working alone or from my ego, but under a greater school. Again, I didn't go for it, it came to me when I was a student online and part of the course is teacher training. I am calling the radio as long as they like me to, and have a couple of friends who are learning and doing well, so it does appear to do what it claims. I've got another book on it now which I hope will tie up some more loose ends.

Reply #1949. Jun 16 16, 5:35 PM

satguru star

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I haven't blogged for a while simply because I've been following the same work/Sunday trip routine since then, and still not even spoken to any of the handful of Tinder matches who vanished after a few minutes every time. I didn't swear or make any suggestive comments besides saying hello and telling one where I lived. No wonder they're all still single.

At least Britain has led the world in potentially escaping the criminal system of the EU which is in turn part of the UN Agenda 21 plan to put the world under a single government with very few rights and money which expires after a year. This is all in their documents which are freely available and never mentioned in the media despite being accepted by all its member states in around 2001. If you want to know why certain vehicles are being banned or charged extra for where you live you only have to look to there to find the answer, as banning 'personal transport' (ie cars) is part of their plan to keep everyone tied to a small area of movement. The leave voted expressed the first country on earth to reject this form of totalitarian control, and set an example to everyone else it can and will be done. I am extremely relieved after virtually giving up hope this would happen within my lifetime.

Reply #1950. Jul 24 16, 8:09 PM

satguru star

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Little different routine than before, a little work each week and a long trip every Sunday till late September when it gets too dark. All I can hope is my spiritual work is growing, I am certainly teaching more now I've been trained up, and seem to get better progress from my students than I get myself so far. Of course that means I'm teaching them the right things so if they work they should work for everyone.

It's amazing to see GB do so well in the Olympics, even more so than when they were here. And watching the cycling on TV in Rio reminds me I was there when it was happening here as well. Nothing on Tinder but it's not really a surprise any more.

Reply #1951. Aug 20 16, 10:34 AM

satguru star

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The photo season (long trips anyway) is almost over. I have now begun my first acrylic painting (a vase of flowers) for ages, and bought a synthesiser so I can play the music I actually learned to play properly in the 70s when they cost a bomb and took up the space of a piano. I also played the first tennis for two years (my regular opponents have aged or moved away), played the best I remember, and lost by two points 6-7 (7-5 on tiebreak). But I missed fewer shots than I have before, the running must be helping as I played 1 1/2 hours as we had to finish a previous set stopped half way through first.

I'm on two dating sites, had a few replies but nothing worthwhile. At least they're free so can only waste my time at worst. I am now giving official spiritual teaching for the first time in my life as I've had a little training on top of 25 years study, and learning more myself as I go. Eventually it may come together and I get it all. I think I have all the pieces now and just waiting for them to fit completely.

Otherwise I am learning more in a month than a decade by trawling through random Ask FT questions to repair the links. Who knew blackboard chalk was gypsum? I certainly didn't till a few minutes ago. And it means I learn loads of areas like history I never looked into before.

Reply #1952. Sep 29 16, 8:43 PM

satguru star

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The photo season ends this weekend with the clocks going back. One more trip planned before the long break till the spring. I've done more this year than any other and have a few more big ones planned for the next one. It's two weeks till the US election, one which is unique in being the only one which affects the entire world. I expect anyone who's read here before will know who I support (enough said, rhymes with crump).

Well that was a surprise, not. But Britain now lead the world, who else would stick two fingers up at the Mafia style empire called the Union of European Socialist Republics? Only Britain! I say again we lead the world after showing our unique level of independence to set an example to all others we can and we do. Meanwhile my knowledge has been blowing up like a bubble editing Ask FT links. Every single question is random, and taught me names, word origins, history, basically everything obscure and fascinating I'd never have found otherwise.

Next week I'll have been going to the gym for 14 years. When I began I could lift about 7.5kg dumbells, now 32.5. I bench pressed 40kg, now 80. And the longer I work the more I can lift, it just keeps increasing. And I'm 56 so quite a latecomer to weightlifting. Looking back at both sets of blogs here I should call out a few names to see if you're still reading.

Lesley, veronikka, mehaul, baldricksmum, maggieG, and any other of the old blog crowd. I like to see what people are doing and join in the chat!

Reply #1953. Oct 27 16, 9:43 PM

satguru star

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The winter period (feel it, not the date) is here, and my indoors list has begun. I am going to finish my dahlia painting, start clearing the entire house, and catch up on any loose ends. I'm still liking women on dating sites with the same level of success consistently (zero) but as it's free then no downside n carrying on. I've had the all nighter with a friend watching the US election results (yay!) and then a celebration with two more the following night.

My clothes buying online continues, all the clothes I liked but couldn't get in shops is being worked through, the paisley shirt, check and striped trousers (all from the hippy era) and now a Chinese silk shirt and African dashiki in the post. On shopping detail the pet shop finally got the catnip spray, after Victor loved the mouse so much I got it to see if I could encourage him to use the scratching post. I sprayed it today but no interest so far. They also by pure chance had left a carton of urine absorbing granules by the till, and rather than spray and mop you just scatter and hoover. That's the entire bathroom carpet to be done and then it should be sorted. He stopped after I closed the door and put him off, but need to get rid of what the carpet cleaner couldn't cope with. Too much information? That's how my blog works, I would have named it that at the time had I thought of it.

One curiosity, I have had astigmatism since I was 14, and slightly long sighted till my early 20s as well which became short sighted. Now for the first time I am short sighted in one eye and switched to long sighted in the other. I like weirdness and must be slightly better for my distance vision in that one. And as for weirdness I may become a 'local character' soon walking around the area in eccentric clothes. I could even make the London TV news...

Reply #1954. Nov 11 16, 9:50 PM

satguru star

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I haven't disappeared, as anyone logging in will see. Just a long extended routine of the same as before, plus looking after a sick family member which is using up part of my activity.

My spiritual work is growing, and am now teaching and lecturing on Periscope which has provided me with a new audience. Speaking will always beat writing, and working live will always beat dead recordings few people look at. Victor is doing well after almost a year with me, he sits on my lap at every possible occasion, and is the perfect cat. As were my others of course in case they got upset. Grace is now officially just a friend after many years of me attempting more, and have just finally asked someone new out simply as I don't think she has her boyfriend any more, apparently. Attempt one was a success until she was called away but probably have a rain check. I have also learnt a heck of a lot editing the Ask FT links, well over 2000 done by me now as it's like reading an encyclopedia randomly. I posted my first question there on April the 19th 2001, but changed my name in 2003 when we got an odd message from Terry and I thought the system had crashed. It was just my interpretation it had so had to start again with this one, although Gtho4 repaired the forum account where I did exactly the same thing by mistake.

In a few weeks it'll be my 17th anniversary here, almost a third of my life. Who'd have imagined anything on the internet would have lasted so long, and so many others as long or longer than me who are still around. There are even members who weren't born when I started here. I have just celebrated another birthday, edging closer and closer to the number that begins with a 6 but has another one after it. But whatever happens to the body the mind adds wisdom and that can never end as long as we're here.

Reply #1955. Jan 29 17, 7:53 PM

satguru star

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The regular visiting continues, but happily no longer to a hospital, but it does keep me away from the computer a lot more than usual. Work has also picked up, and with the clocks going forward have now made two new long trips to take photos again, one to the edge of Lincolnshire and one to Frinton to a much needed old road sign. One more to go to extend my greatest distance and I can relax for the year. Victor spends most of the day outside since the temperature crept towards 15C or so, and usually comes in to sleep next to me at night till I go to bed when he stays downstairs. I am also very active broadcasting on Periscope and have a loyal following, lecturing on spirituality, politics and playing music. What I'd love to do on real TV and will continue to in every possible way I can.

Reply #1956. Apr 16 17, 8:05 PM

channe star

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It's so nice to see you still here. I pop in occasionally to read the posts.


Reply #1957. Apr 21 17, 5:13 PM

player avatar
Hi, Satguru!
I just thought I would drop by and say `hello' if I haven't already done so.
Thanks for dropping by my thread in the `welcome' forum,
There is much to read here, I will have to do some more reading later.

Reply #1958. Apr 21 17, 7:22 PM
satguru star

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Thanks for the replies, it's been ages since many people did! And I haven't seen you in ages channe, good to see you around here.

My photo season is well into its stride, first north to the edge of Lincolnshire, then the Essex coast for a vital old road sign (and got an extra one on the way) and then west Suffolk after another road sign on the way there. And I was told about another yesterday right in the middle of London I'd never have found myself which I just posted in the forums. And I also joined a political party (some people should work out which) just before the election was called so have offered my services and waiting to hear what may be required.

Reply #1959. Apr 25 17, 10:16 PM

satguru star

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If I'm not here it means I'm busy. The photo season saw me going around Suffolk, to Lincolnshire and Rutland, and Northants and Warwickshire. One more trip to Northants for more old road signs and the year is complete journey wise.

I got another interview lined up on global warming. I genuinely believe I am performing a service educating people on something I've spent about 15 years researching applying the rules of evidence to, and dismantled totally. People must know this before our rights and money is removed irreversibly by crooked companies and governments. I am always busy on the spiritual side when I have a chance, and am now watching my life for lessons and what every event is for me to learn from. Once you start reading life as a course with a scriptwriter it starts making sense and is clearly not happening randomly but is all happening in a very organised fashion. Disasters and problems are for a reason if you ask what you have to learn from it, I have had no shortage and am still here to tell the tale, it's not a competition and you also find people far worse off than you are often far happier, the outer impression does not always describe the inner, look at Helen Keller for the best example.

I have a charity tea on Friday for the Cat's Protection League where my current cat came from, two friends are coming and have invited various neighbours who may or may not turn up. I'm also quite busy with work so no shortage of activity at the moment.

Reply #1960. May 24 17, 8:12 PM

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